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New Launcher - How to Start forge?


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So, just recently, Minecraft released a new Launcher. The problem is, I can't figure out, for the life of me, how to make it play customized versions of Minecraft (Forge, for example) And it gives no option to do so. This was suddenly, and inconvenient. Is there any way to start forge with the new Launcher, or a way to use an older Launcher to start forge?


If you're thinking Technic and the pre-1.6.1 launcher, I tried that already.


I'm aiming to run Forge for 1.9.4

Edited by MetallicGoat
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For some reason it seems that forge doesn't want to work, even when i run i as an admin. Is it a possibility that windows 10 family monitoring is making me stop this from happening, because im putting the password that i need to in, and after it says it's done downloading there's no profile or version of forge. Also, I download the lastest forge download for minecraft 1.7.10.

2017-03-31 (3).png

Edited by pokepoop1
Wanted to add something
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no one is going to ever stop using 1.7.10 because it is still the most popular version for modding. not everyone likes to move on to new versions and there should still support for it, even from forge them selves. instead forge pulled a microsoft and allows the download of program they will never "support" again.

1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Make sure the installer is pointed at the right .minecraft folder.

And stop using 1.7.10.


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Start paying a service contract with us here and then you can start dictating what we do and don't support.

The version works, the launcher works with the older versions. 

However we will not b e producing any new versions for old MC versions to fix anything that breaks.

So you are on your own for anything that breaks.

Simple as that.


Your unsubstantiated claims of 'most popular version for modding' are hyperbole and not wanted here. Just because you think it doesn't make it true.


Anyways, we do not support older versions on this forum because they are out of our control, don't like it, update.

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I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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