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getOriginal [1.10.2]


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I'm trying to add Tough as Nails support for my mod. Basically I want players to keep their thirst level when they die. How should I do this, for hunger I used getOriginal but how should I get Original's thirst level? I already have the deobfuscated jar file in libs folder and I can access the classes but my problem is how do I get thirst level before death.

Edited by Terrails
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I just made an PlayerEvent class and did this in it:


public class KHPlayerEvent extends LivingEvent
    private final KHEntityPlayer entity;
    public KHPlayerEvent(KHEntityPlayer player)
        entity = player;

    public KHEntityPlayer getKHEntityPlayer()
        return this.entity;

    public static class KHClone extends KHPlayerEvent
        private final KHEntityPlayer original;
        private final boolean wasDeath;

        public KHClone(KHEntityPlayer _new, KHEntityPlayer oldPlayer, boolean wasDeath)
            this.original = oldPlayer;
            this.wasDeath = wasDeath;

        public KHEntityPlayer getKHOriginal()
            return original;

        public boolean isKHWasDeath()
            return wasDeath;


This is my EntityPlayer


public abstract class KHEntityPlayer extends EntityPlayer {

    protected ThirstHandler thirstHandler = new ThirstHandler();

    public KHEntityPlayer(World worldIn, GameProfile gameProfileIn, ThirstHandler thirstHandler) {
        super(worldIn, gameProfileIn);
        this.thirstHandler = thirstHandler;

    public void cloneKHPlayer(KHEntityPlayer oldPlayer, boolean respawnFromEnd)

        if (respawnFromEnd)
            this.thirstHandler = oldPlayer.thirstHandler;

        this.getDataManager().set(PLAYER_MODEL_FLAG, oldPlayer.getDataManager().get(PLAYER_MODEL_FLAG));

        NBTTagCompound old = oldPlayer.getEntityData();
        if (old.hasKey(PERSISTED_NBT_TAG))
            getEntityData().setTag(PERSISTED_NBT_TAG, old.getCompoundTag(PERSISTED_NBT_TAG));
        ForgeEventFactory.onPlayerClone(this, oldPlayer, !respawnFromEnd);

    public ThirstHandler getThirstStats()
        return this.thirstHandler;



and my event (I registered it in CommonProxy)


    public void keepThirst(KHPlayerEvent.KHClone player) {

        ThirstHandler thirstHandler = new ThirstHandler();

        if (ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded(ToughAsNails.MOD_ID) && player.isKHWasDeath()) {
            if (player.getKHEntityPlayer().getThirstStats().getThirst() <= ConfigHandler.thirstAmount && ConfigHandler.amountThirst) {


            } else if (ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded(ToughAsNails.MOD_ID)) {



But it doesn't want to work, I think its something in my EntityPlayer but I'm not sure

Edited by Terrails
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I was such an idiot.... it was so simple... this is all I needed to do:

    public void onClonePlayer(PlayerEvent.Clone player){
    final IThirst oldThirst = getThirst(player.getOriginal());
    final IThirst newThirst = getThirst(player.getEntityPlayer());

        if(oldThirst.getThirst() <= ConfigHandler.thirstAmount && ConfigHandler.amountThirst && Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails")){
        else if(ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails")) {

    public static IThirst getThirst(final EntityLivingBase entity) {
        return entity.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);

I just needed getThirst method from which I get THIRST capability and in my Clone method I just getThirst from original and the entityplayer. Of course I needed to register the event. I used this for tough as nails hydration too.

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I have another problem.... Is there a way to put this into an IF statement so my mod can load without ToughAsNails?

    public static IThirst getThirst(final EntityLivingBase entity) {
        return entity.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);


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24 minutes ago, Terrails said:

How can I do that without creating a special class for that? (Not making my own ThirstHandler)


No, you do not need to make a custom ThirstHandler. From what I can tell, PlayerEvent.Clone only fires on the server-side. That means that when you set your thirst level, you are only setting it on the server-side. In order for you to see the changes visually, you need to update the client-side as well. You can do that via a packet, which you can send to the client after you update the player's thirst level. You can read about networking here.

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I somehow made my game to throw an connection terminated error when I try to join my world.

In my PlayerEvent.Clone it worked fine but sometimes when I login into the world my thirst would have that glitch again, so I wanted to put it into EntityJoinWorldEvent and than it started giving me that error.

Event Class (I have a lot of isModLoaded because I want to my mod to work with 1.9-1.11 and ToughAsNails changed their modid to lowercase in 1.11 and I think I can't add 2 modid's into @Optional.Method("modid")):


public class TANEvent {

    public void onClonePlayer(PlayerEvent.Clone player) {
        final IThirst oldThirst = getThirst(player.getOriginal());
        final IThirst newThirst = getThirst(player.getEntityPlayer());

        if (oldThirst.getThirst() <= ConfigHandler.thirstAmount && ConfigHandler.thirstBoolean && Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
        } else if (oldThirst.getThirst() <= ConfigHandler.thirstAmount && ConfigHandler.thirstBoolean && Loader.isModLoaded("ToughAsNails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
        } else if (ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
        } else if (ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded("ToughAsNails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
     //   MainClass.instance.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(newThirst.getThirst(), newThirst.getHydration()));

    public void onJoin(EntityJoinWorldEvent event)
        if(Loader.isModLoaded("ToughAsNails")) {
            ThirstHandler thirst = new ThirstHandler();
            MainClass.instance.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(thirst.getThirst(), thirst.getHydration()));
        } else if(Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails")){
            ThirstHandler thirst = new ThirstHandler();
            MainClass.instance.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(thirst.getThirst(), thirst.getHydration()));

    public static IThirst getThirst(final EntityLivingBase entity) {
        return entity.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);



ThirstMessage and ThirstMessageHandler:


public class ThirstMessage implements IMessage {

    private String text;
    private int thirst;
    private float hydration;

    public ThirstMessage() {}

    public ThirstMessage(int thirst, float hydration)
        this.thirst = thirst;
        this.hydration = hydration;

    public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf) {
        thirst = buf.readInt();
        hydration = buf.readFloat();

    public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf) {

    public static class ThirstMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler<ThirstMessage, IMessage>{

        public IMessage onMessage(ThirstMessage message, MessageContext ctx) {
            IThreadListener mainThread = (WorldServer) ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.getEntityWorld();
            mainThread.addScheduledTask(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    ThirstHandler thirst = new ThirstHandler();
            return null;



Error: http://pastebin.com/YudBAdz5


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I tried couple of things and I still can't do anything:



public class ThirstMessage implements IMessage, IMessageHandler<ThirstMessage, IMessage> {

    public int thirst;

    public ThirstMessage() {}

    public ThirstMessage(int thirst){
        this.thirst = thirst;

    public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf)
        thirst = buf.readInt();

    public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf)

    public IMessage onMessage(ThirstMessage message, MessageContext ctx) {
        IThreadListener mainThread =  Minecraft.getMinecraft();
        EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player;
        ThirstHandler thirstStats = (ThirstHandler)player.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);
        mainThread.addScheduledTask(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
        return null;




    public static IThirst getThirst(final EntityLivingBase entity) {
        return entity.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);

    public void onClonePlayer(PlayerEvent.Clone player) {
        final IThirst oldThirst = getThirst(player.getOriginal());
        EntityPlayer entityPlayer = player.getEntityPlayer();
        ThirstHandler thirstStats = (ThirstHandler)entityPlayer.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);
        if (oldThirst.getThirst() <= ConfigHandler.thirstAmount && ConfigHandler.thirstBoolean && Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
            MainClass.network.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(thirstStats.getThirst()));

        } else if (oldThirst.getThirst() <= ConfigHandler.thirstAmount && ConfigHandler.thirstBoolean && Loader.isModLoaded("ToughAsNails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
            MainClass.network.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(thirstStats.getThirst()));

        } else if (ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded("toughasnails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
            MainClass.network.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(thirstStats.getThirst()));

        } else if (ConfigHandler.thirst && Loader.isModLoaded("ToughAsNails") && player.isWasDeath()) {
            MainClass.network.sendToAll(new ThirstMessage(thirstStats.getThirst()));




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I did all of that and its still happening:

    public void respawn(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent event)
        EntityPlayer entityPlayer = event.player;
        ThirstHandler thirstStats = (ThirstHandler)entityPlayer.getCapability(TANCapabilities.THIRST, null);
        MainClass.network.sendTo(new ThirstMessage(thirstStats.getThirst()), (EntityPlayerMP) event.player);


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I kinda figured it out. If I die with this Message and this kind of PlayerRespawnEvent my visual thirst gets set to 0

Message(pretty much the same one as tough as nails uses):


public class PacketMessageThirst implements IMessage, IMessageHandler<PacketMessageThirst, IMessage> {

        public String identifier;
        public NBTTagCompound data;

    public PacketMessageThirst() {}

    public PacketMessageThirst(Capability<?> capability, NBTTagCompound data)
            if (data == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data cannot be null!");

            this.identifier = capability.getName();
            this.data = data;

        public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf)
            this.identifier = ByteBufUtils.readUTF8String(buf);
            this.data = ByteBufUtils.readTag(buf);

        public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf)
            ByteBufUtils.writeUTF8String(buf, this.identifier);
            ByteBufUtils.writeTag(buf, this.data);

        public IMessage onMessage(PacketMessageThirst message, MessageContext ctx)
            EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player;

            if (player != null)
                Capability<IPlayerStat> capability = (Capability<IPlayerStat>) PlayerStatRegistry.getCapability(message.identifier);
                StatHandlerBase stat = (StatHandlerBase)player.getCapability(capability, null);

                capability.getStorage().readNBT(capability, stat, null, message.data);

            return null;


Event (class needs to extend their ThirstHandler):


    public void respawn(net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent event)
        NBTTagCompound data = (NBTTagCompound) TANCapabilities.THIRST.getStorage().writeNBT(TANCapabilities.THIRST, this, null);
        new PacketMessageThirst(TANCapabilities.THIRST, data);


What should I do further... I'm getting really confused by these packet's.

Edited by Terrails
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Using Mod File:  [03Jun2024 15:23:44.864] [main/WARN] [net.minecraftforge.jarjar.selection.JarSelector/]: Attempted to select a dependency jar for JarJar which was passed in as source: curios. Using Mod File: C:\Users\London Bunden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\curios-forge-5.9.1+1.20.1.jar [03Jun2024 15:23:44.864] [main/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: Found 75 dependencies adding them to mods collection [03Jun2024 15:23:49.089] [main/INFO] [gg.essential.loader.stage2.util.KFFMerger/]: Found Kotlin-containing mod Jar[union:/C:/Users/London%20Bunden/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/essential/libraries/forge_1.20.1/kotlin-for-forge-4.3.0-slim.jar%23280!/], checking whether we need to upgrade it.. [03Jun2024 15:23:49.091] [main/INFO] [gg.essential.loader.stage2.util.KFFMerger/]: Found outdated Kotlin core libs 0.0.0 (we ship 1.9.23) [03Jun2024 15:23:49.092] [main/INFO] [gg.essential.loader.stage2.util.KFFMerger/]: Found outdated Kotlin Coroutines libs 0.0.0 (we ship 1.8.0) [03Jun2024 15:23:49.092] [main/INFO] [gg.essential.loader.stage2.util.KFFMerger/]: Found outdated Kotlin Serialization libs 0.0.0 (we ship 1.6.3) [03Jun2024 15:23:49.095] [main/INFO] [gg.essential.loader.stage2.util.KFFMerger/]: Generating jar with updated Kotlin at C:\Users\LONDON~1\AppData\Local\Temp\kff-updated-kotlin-14765634657383373807-4.3.0-slim.jar [03Jun2024 15:23:49.974] [main/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.LanguageLoadingProvider/LOADING]: Missing language kotlinforforge version [3,) wanted by Cobblemon-forge-1.5.2+1.20.1.jar [03Jun2024 15:23:49.989] [main/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.ModSorter/LOADING]: Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies:     Mod ID: 'curios', Requested by: 'radiantgear', Expected range: '[7,)', Actual version: '5.9.1+1.20.1'     Mod ID: 'minecraft', Requested by: 'radiantgear', Expected range: '[1.20.5,1.21)', Actual version: '1.20.1'     Mod ID: 'forge', Requested by: 'radiantgear', Expected range: '[50,)', Actual version: '47.2.32' [03Jun2024 15:23:50.434] [main/INFO] [dev.su5ed.sinytra.connector.service.hacks.ModuleLayerMigrator/]: Successfully made module authlib transformable [03Jun2024 15:23:51.112] [main/ERROR] [dev.su5ed.sinytra.connector.loader.ConnectorEarlyLoader/]: Skipping early mod setup due to previous error [03Jun2024 15:23:51.115] [main/INFO] [cpw.mods.modlauncher.LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'forgeclient' with arguments [--version, 1.20.1-forge-47.2.32, --gameDir, C:\Users\London Bunden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft, --assetsDir, C:\Users\London Bunden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\assets, --uuid, da3510f9b4b4427bb78304c88f4c534a, --username, LondonDumbden, --assetIndex, 5, --accessToken, ????????, --clientId, ZTIxMjA2NTctYmIxZS00ZWQzLWFkZDEtMmMxMGQzMjQyNjBj, --xuid, 2535420262661734, --userType, msa, --versionType, release, --quickPlayPath, C:\Users\London Bunden\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\quickPlay\java\1717446216838.json]  
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