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A handler for an entity's initialization


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Hey guys. So, after a lot of thought, I've decided to use Forge for Doggy Talents, and there is one hook that I feel would be extremely useful, not just for me, but for others as well:


An On-Load handler, which would execute script whenever an entity is first loaded, whether that be when you re-load a save game, when it naturally spawns, or when a spawner conjures it, etc.


One of the biggest advantages to this would be the ability to add AI tasks to vanilla entities exactly once with little hassle.


Basically, at the point where the targeting, swimming, attacking, etc. tasks are added to the entity on startup, I'd like to be able to add my own tasks to that list, so that, for example, creepers could be afraid of other entities besides cats, or zombies could be made to hunt down things besides players and villagers, such as allied entities/pets.


This would be extremely useful to modders because AI tasks are ludicrously specific in their scope, and will pretty much ignore non-mod features entirely. Zombies have a task for chasing players, a task for chasing villagers, a task for damaging players on contact, and a task for damaging villagers on contact. Because the AI is so specific, these are literally the only things zombies are capable of attacking, which makes various allied entities overpowered in a non-fun way. Furthermore, unless it extends the entityOcelot class, nothing can scare a creeper, even if it's clearly a domesticated feline.


These are just a few examples, I feel the utility of this hook would certainly be worth the effort to implement.



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What we need is a generic Entity joining world hook, whether by spawning in or being loaded.  Such a hook would cover your use case (with a bit of reflection) *very* well, as well as many many other use cases.  :)


Would also be nice to have an entity removed from world hook too...

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