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1.7.10 API


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Hi. I wanted to download Call to Battle Mod. But it's on 1.7.10 version. I asked a dev. to update it.

Can you update API?


"Forge decided to go ahead and remove extremely vital API, asking questions later.

Sorry, this mod will stay 1.7.10. Most other mods are staying 1.7.10 for these very reasons. If you have any problem with this, go talk to the Forge Devs about it."


Not to mention, with each update Forge API completely changes how it works, and all the function names. So it's basically rewriting a mod. Instead of wasting my time rewriting a mod I so carefully crafted, I'm going to keep adding to the mod to fulfill it's goal: stretch across all the theatres of WW2 that no other games do.


If I already said "I won't change my mind", why do you keep asking?

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1.7.10 is outdated and is not supported by Forge anymore. They won't add/update/remove old versions as it's pointless and unnecessary work. Maintaining 2 versions is enough for work for them.


I don't think there was an "extremely vital API" removed if it was that important. If it was removed, they most likely added a replacement, if didn't exist already. My guess: the author is just lazy.

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Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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lol, they don't think vital api was removed, yet IItemRenderer was removed. That is what is used to render items.


IItemRenderer is a part of forge api. Most people don't make mods with custom 3D models, so for other people like in that forum they aren't affected much by 1.8.


"They probably added a replacement"


Sort of..... they just decided to scrap their nice IItemRenderer code in favor of using Minecraft's new .json system. All of my models use more advanced vertex manipulation that is not supported by minecrafts .json, so transferring to .json would be impossible. It's a valid replacement for other people who make simple block based models, which is not me.


Many people have already ask the forge devs to add it back, but they are too stubborn and refuse to. Don't bother trying to ask anymore, the forge moderators have been known to actually ban people for asking to re-add features from older versions of forge.

Because of this, I beg you please, do not post any more words I have said on the forge forums. I don't want the forge devs to become my enemies.


When I completely finish this mod, I will consider trying to do all sorts of advanced reflection to try to get it working again, so I can update the mod. But until then, it would be ridiculously time consuming and block the goals of my mod. And if I do, I will update in order of versions, not directly to 1.11. First 1.8, then 1.9, then 1.10, then 1.11.


Edited by PopsCat
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Long story short, the guy you're talking about is a lazy idiot and jumping on the "I fear change because I don't understand it!"

IItemRenderer was removed because a better system was implemented, and modders like him used the old system to SCREW UP end users and cause a hell of a lot of issues because they were to dumb to use it correctly.

We're not going to get into another debate on this as its been done to death.

He needs to stop blaming others, do his research, everything {literally, even if not 'proper'} that he did with the old system is still possible in the new.

And there are tons of PROPER ways to do it in the new system.

And on the EXTREMELY RARE chance that it's not able to be done properly {Seriously in the 2 years I have not seen a  SINGLE thing you could do with the old stuff that you can't do with the new} He can talk to us and we can help him figure something out.

People just like to bitch because they are lazy.

End of story.

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I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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What is wrong with you people? Is it not possible to do selective download: IItemRenderer and without. You just do not care about other devs. And can you don't swear and don't insult others, is it impossible to adequately answer the question

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No, its not possible, it's a fundamental break of the entire render engine which was the entire point of the 1.8 update.

I care about other devs, I do not care about lazy people who jump on bandwagons instead of applying a small amount of effort and accepting that the world of Minecraft modding is ever evolving.


I have answered the question adequately, just because it isn't what you wanted to hear doesn't mean it isn't right.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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1 hour ago, LexManos said:

No, its not possible, it's a fundamental break of the entire render engine which was the entire point of the 1.8 update.

I care about other devs, I do not care about lazy people who jump on bandwagons instead of applying a small amount of effort and accepting that the world of Minecraft modding is ever evolving.


I have answered the question adequately, just because it isn't what you wanted to hear doesn't mean it isn't right.

Hey Lex, all the words I have stated against you were a result of a long time of bearing a grudge against you. Now, I would like to make things right.


When IItemRenderer was originally deprecated, I searched up real quick to see if anyone else was having an issue with the code not being called.

I found a thread about it, with you replying to them with something along the lines of it won't be added back since copy-pasters constantly screw it up.

At that moment, a grudge formed against you, from my eyes it looked like this:

 "Because you couldn't tolerate copy-pasters, you made us real programmers suffer too!!!"

Since soon after 1.8's release until now I have had this grudge against you.


But then this guy comes along asking me to update to 1.11.2. I say no, since IItemRenderer was removed by the forge devs.(As you already know, since he doesn't respect privacy and posts everything that I sent to him back here). 


After the discussion of this thread, he comes back to me and says all sorts of rude insults, such as lazy and stupid. I proceed to tell him something along the lines of "I make free content for fun, and you treat me this way? Ha! The only profit I have made from this mod was a couple people who love it so much they wanted to donate. I don't even use adf.ly! I haven't made enough from this mod to pay for a week's worth of groceries, I have an actual job for that! This is just for fun!"


After sending him that, I started brushing my teeth, and then I started thinking. Your a free content maker too, just like me. You put up with ungrateful, rude people all the time, just as I do.

The more I thought about it, the more glad I was that this situation happened. I literally started to smile when I realized I was finally free from my grudge against you, no longer had to carry those negative feelings on me(negative feelings are weighty, I'm sure you can agree.) 


I also started thinking back to that old thread that I read, and how much it would piss me off if I were you and copy-pasters caused tons of reports to come to you about the GL mess that they made. I completely understand your decision now.


Whenever someone has asked me to update my mod, I used "IItemRenderer was removed by the forge devs" as an excuse, due to the grudge I bore against you. The real reason is because my goal is to make a World War 2 mod that stretches across all the theatres of WW2, something that no game has ever done. It is my dream to be able to play such a game, and updating my mod would cause a lot of hindrances to that dream. Of course, the removal of IItemRenderer did add to that a bit, but it was mainly the fact that because 1.7.10 is the currently the most used version by the community due to the wealth of mods for it(like 1.6.4 was for a long time), I would be forced to maintain multiple versions of the mod to satisfy both the majority and the minority, which is time consuming. Time is precious, and with a job having to maintain multiple versions would hinder my dream a ridiculous amount. Once my dream is realized, I will most likely update the mod. 


It was so much easier to just blame everything on you, than type out my complicated, emotional, real reason. Everyone else just accepted my answer. But then today all that changed through one very determined user....


I came here to make things right. I sincerely apologize for all this drama. Though you never knew it all this time, I also apologize for bearing a grudge against you. It was wrong of me. Will you forgive me for feeling that way?


Side Note:

Thank you Pop Cat, for indirectly making me realize the similarities I share with Lex, and how my grudge against him was wrong. If it weren't for you, I might have never let go....

Edited by Beardielover
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I'm the developper of Ratchet & Clank mod, which uses a TON of .obj models for everything (entities, block, items). I used a lot of IItemRenderers, and using the .json is simpler and faster to do than with my old IItemRenderers. Seriously, this is just laziness from the mod's author. I'm in the process of going 1.7.10 -> 1.11.2 and so far it's not very hard, really. If he wants example of how to do things :


Edit: He also said "Block based models", and in case he does ask : 

This doesn't look like block based models ;)



EDIT 2 :
I just saw the big reply from the mod author. While the argument about 1.7.10 being bigger player-wise, I still argue that the reason it's still that big is because people are not letting it die.

Edited by Gugu42
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