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How to assighn current priority level of enitity ai task.


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I have a living entity, i understand how the ai task work they pre-set with their own events and handling. What i am trying to do is have my entity wonder until a certai  condition is met in its class. more specificly my antity eats, and the player feeeds it, once the entity had enough food it stops eating, what i want it to do once it is full i want it to follow the person who fed it the owner but only once it is full

so the condition its stomach value to be at its max before following owner, how could i call the task from onupdate method or is there a different way like, in the add task zone set it to if(stomach==full)add task follow owner?

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Override shouldExecute() and return false when the animal is fed.

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AI priorities are like a hierarchy of survival. They tell the mob what to think about, but not what to do. That's what each AI routine does when those above it have decided that they're not needed at the moment. If you look at vanilla mobs, you'll see emergency survival decisions at the top and aimless random wandering at the bottom. Player interactions fall in the middle, pre-empted by emergencies but more important than aimless wandering.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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