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4096 glitch?


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There seems to be this glitch though I am not sure if it's Forge's problem or mine. That is when I have a block higher than 256 value the block will appear in a weird way in the creative menu.


I have this block that is like a reed and has an item version and a block version for it. I don't want the block version to appear in the inventory but it does. I specified explicitly for it not to be added to the creative menu but it still does and I can't stop it. Is there anyway I can fix this or is this a Forge 4096 bug?


This applies to all the "hidden" blocks (un-placable directly) I have which are not supposed to be shown in creative menu.

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Ah yes, forgot about ContainerCreative, it defaults to adding items unless you specify it not to in it's item class.

I'll add a check in my next push to skip items that are ItemBlock's.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah yes, forgot about ContainerCreative, it defaults to adding items unless you specify it not to in it's item class.

I'll add a check in my next push to skip items that are ItemBlock's.


I think I may have been bitten by this as well -- I changed the ID of one of the blocks in Greg's Lighting to 256 to avoid a conflict, and also to test how well the 4096 id support works at the moment -- and now I'm getting Floodlight Beam blocks showing up in NEI. While it's fun being able to place them, it's not really meant to work that way. :-)


Is there any workaround for this in the meantime?

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Thats for bumping a month of thread just to have me yell at you to update your forge cuz this particular issue has already been fixed .. a month ago..

If you are using the updated version and still getting those items then its the mod makers issue, not ours.

Also, dont bump month old threads -.-

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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