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Black Screen After Mojang Screen.... (Deleted Meta-Inf)


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I have been trying to use a few cool mods, but they all require forge. So delete Meta-Inf, and start up minecraft. However, it didn't even show the Mojang screen. So i go back, and delete the Meta-Inf from the forge zip-file. Then it shows the mojang screen, and shows the opening of minecraft forge. With the small java screen thingy and all. It doesn't load a thing, and then says it does. The window goes black-screen on me, and doesn't change. Any answers? Theres no crash report, because minecraft never opened.

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Did you copy over the .class files and such? (you didnt specify you did. sorry if stupid question.) You need to delete all the mojang meta inf files but keep the forge ones (should be two that say mojang and one that says manifest, those are the mojang ones, they need to be deleted).

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I was just having the same problem. Here's what I did (if it helps).


When I downloaded Forge, I put it into the mods folder, in case I needed it later. As soon as I moved it out of that folder, Minecraft loaded up perfectly. It seems that leaving it in the mods folder causes it to try and load itself as a mod, causing the crash. I'm not sure if you've done the same, but just move it into a new folder somewhere else.


Hope that helps.

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I have the same problem, but it doesn't show the mojang logo at all. If I already deleted the minecraft META INF as well as the forge one, should I drag the forge one back in? The mods I have installed are optifine, forge, and in-game nbt edit.


*Note: Later, I tried putting the forge files back in, and it still crashed. The files in the forge META INF seemed to not have any effect

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how to install forge and optifine


get a fresh minecraft.jar


open minecraft.jar with 7 zip


delete META INF in minecraft.jar


open the forge zip with 7 zip and


put everything in the minecraft.jar


open the optifine zip with 7 zip and


put everything in the minecraft.jar




(we want the log plz)



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