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[1.10.2] Wildly differing performance on comparable machines (possible AMD GPU issue?)


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Hello, I've recently launched a private modded server for myself and a few friends to play on. I've got quite a bit of experience running heavily modded servers for friends, but this is my first foray into 1.10, and one friend is experiencing extremely low FPS; about 2-4 frames in game, which is obviously unplayable. Meanwhile, myself and two others can play at a near constant 60 fps with vsync. It seems improbably that, with his specs, we would see such a huge difference in performance, so I'm wondering if the issue may be that he's on an AMD card, which have been known to have issues with minecraft and/openGL in recent years. If so, I'm hoping there's a fix.


We are in fact playing on a HEAVILY modded server. Forge shows 352 mods loaded, which I know is on the very extreme end of things, but it's very much playable on my end, and with the machines we're all running, there shouldn't be such a massive difference in performance.


My system:


Intel Core i7-4790k @ 4.0 GHz

16.0 GB DDR3 RAM

Nvidia GeForce GTX 970


In-game 60 fps with vsync.


Friend's system:


Intel Core i3-4360 @ 3.70GHz

16.0 GB DDR3 RAM

AMD Radeon RX 470


In-game 2-4 fps with all settings minimum.


It seems likely to me that perhaps the GPU is not properly kicking in for minecraft, in this case. That's kind of a shot in the dark, but I've heard of similar issues. It seems unlikely that him running a same-gen i3 (as opposed to i7) would be the issue, since Minecraft hardly utilizes multiple cores anyway. It also shows his CPU and GPU utilization are extremely low when he runs the game, so something is up. We've checked that he's running 64 bit Java. We've checked his memory allocation. All are what they should be. We've also tried both with an without Optifine and BetterFPS to no avail, so I'm at a loss. He should definitely be able to get a playable 30 fps at the very least, on a system that has and can run Witcher 3 at max settings, 1920x1080 at 60fps.


A few notes:

We're running forge 1.10.2-

We're using MultiMC to run the mod pack, if that's important.

I'd post his latest fml client log, but there's no indication of anything hampering performance from what I can see. The file is 11 MB as well, so it's a pain. I can post it if need be.

I know full well we have more mods than would usually be considered reasonable. If it really is just that his system is running to its fullest potential and that we need to slim down, then I'll do so. I suspect that's not the case.


I've scoured the internet for similar issues, and only seen a few posts on various other forums, all unsolved. Additionally, I've seen "benchmark" type videos of people running the same hardware getting hundreds of frames with shaders, etc. I'm at a bit of a loss what his machine might be doing. I'm just hoping there's someone out there who's solved a similar issue before that might point us in the right direction. Thanks in advance!


List of mods loaded:


ModListGenerator Version1.0
Tue Apr 25 23:36:42 CST 2017
354 mods loaded.
ModID, ModName, Version
mcp, Minecraft Coder Pack, 9.19
FML, Forge Mod Loader,
Forge, Minecraft Forge,
AdvancedRocketryCore, Advanced Rocketry, 1
appliedenergistics2-core, Applied Energistics 2 Core, rv4-alpha-11
creativecoredummy, CreativeCoreDummy, 1.0.0
NotEnoughItems, Not Enough Items,
OpenComputers|Core, OpenComputers (Core),
BetterFonts, BetterFonts, 1.5.2
<CoFH ASM>, CoFH ASM, 000
foamfixcore, FoamFixCore, 7.7.4
ccl-entityhook, ccl-entityhook, 1.0
movillages, Mo' Villages, 1.5.2
JEI, Just Enough Items,
abyssalcraft, AbyssalCraft, 1.9.4-pre-2
cofhcore, CoFH Core, 4.1.1
actuallyadditions, Actually Additions, 1.10.2-r105
additionalbanners, Additional Banners,
IC2, IndustrialCraft 2, 2.6.188-ex110
advanced_machines, Advanced Machines, 60.0.2
advancedcables, Advanced Cables, 2.1.0
aim, Advanced Inventory Managment, 1.2.0
libVulpes, libVulpes, 0.1.18.
advancedRocketry, Advanced Rocketry, 1.0.17
appliedenergistics2, Applied Energistics 2, rv4-alpha-11
bdlib, BD Lib,
ae2stuff, AE2 Stuff,
aether_legacy, Aether Legacy, v1.3.1-1.10.2
infinitylib, InfinityLib, 1.10.2-0.8.0
agricraft, AgriCraft, 2.0.0-0.8.0-a15
Baubles, Baubles, 1.3.8
extrautils2, Extra Utilities 2, 1.0
flyringbaublemod, AngelRing 2 Bauble, 0.2.3_1.10.2-d3100bf
guideapi, Guide-API, @VERSION@
BloodMagic, Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry, 1.10.2-2.1.9-78
Animus, Animus, 1
appleskin, AppleSkin, 1.0.5
aquacreeper, aquacreeper, 1.2.1
architecturecraft, ArchitectureCraft, 1.7.1
mantle, Mantle, 1.10.2-
tconstruct, Tinkers' Construct, 1.10.2-
tesla, TESLA,
thedragonlib, TheDragonLib, 1.10.2-1.3.1
armorplus, ArmorPlus, 1.10.2-
arsmagica2, Ars Magica 2, 1.5.018
AnimationAPI, AnimationAPI, 1.2.4
astralsorcery, Astral Sorcery, 1.3.2-beta
atlcraft, ATLCraft Candles Mod, 1.10.2-Ver1.5
CD4017BE_lib, CD4017BE_lib, 4.4.3
Circuits, Automated Redstone, 4.4.1
Psi, Psi, r1.0-42
Quark, Quark, r1.1-70
AutoRegLib, AutoRegLib, 1.0-2
SimpleAutoRun, SimpleAutoRun, 1.8-1.1
Avaritia, Avaritia, 1.10.2-2.0.7
avaritiaadditions, Avaritia Additions, 1.6
baconators, Baconators, 3.0.6
mcmultipart, MCMultiPart, 2.0.0_88
bagelsmore, Bagelsmore: The Return, 1.0.1
bagginses, Bagginses, 2.4.2d
MineTweaker3, MineTweaker 3, 3.0.17
base, B.A.S.E, 1.10.2-1.3.0
betterbuilderswands, Better Builder's Wands, 0.11.1
betterthanmending, Better Than Mending, @VERSION@
BiblioCraft, BiblioCraft, 2.2.1
malisiscore, MalisisCore, 1.10.2-4.2.10
malisisdoors, MalisisDoors, 1.10.2-5.1.8
bigdoors, Big Doors, 1.10.2-1.3.0
hammercore, Hammer Core, 1.4.8
biomepainttools, Biome Paint Tools, 1.0.3
BiomeTweaker, BiomeTweaker, 2.1.230
BiomesOPlenty, Biomes O' Plenty,
blocklings, WillR27's Blocklings, 4.1.5
blocksplus, Blocks Plus, 1.10.2-3.0.0-rc2
BloodArsenal, Blood Arsenal, 1.10.2-2.0.1-17
bookshelf, Bookshelf,
Botania, Botania, r1.9-341
BotaniaVisualizer, BotaniaVisualizer, 1.10.2-1.0
CodeChickenLib, CodeChicken Lib,
brandonscore, Brandon's Core, 2.1.6
BuildersGuides, Builder's Guides, 1.10.2-1.0.2
sonarcore, SonarCore, 3.2.7
calculator, Calculator, 3.2.2
cannibalism, Cannibalism, 3.1.0
cfm, MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, 4.1.2
Chameleon, Chameleon, 1.10-2.2.2
CharsetLib, ‽, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetAudio, ♫, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetCarts, U, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetDecoration, ⚿, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetDrama, !, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetFarming, ;, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetGates, &, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetPipes, |, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetStorage, #, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetTweaks, *, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetWires, +, 0.3.0-pre15
CharsetWrench, /, 0.3.0-pre15
ChestTransporter, Chest Transporter, 2.5.14
chickens, Chickens, 4.3.2
chisel, Chisel, MC1.10.2-
chiselsandbits, Chisels & Bits, 12.12
ChiselsBytes, Chisels & Bytes, 0.4
clumps, Clumps, 1.0.5
cm2, Compact Machines 2, 1.0
CodeChickenCore, CodeChicken Core,
cyclopscore, Cyclops Core, 0.10.0
colossalchests, Colossal Chests, 1.5.0
compactsolars, Compact Solar Arrays, 1.10.2-
one_point_twelve_concrete, 1.12 Concrete, v 1.0
controlling, Controlling, 1.0.3
cookingforblockheads, Cooking for Blockheads, 4.2.35
coroutil, CoroUtil Library, 1.10.2-1.1.14
extendedrenderer, Extended Renderer, v1.0
configmod, Extended Mod Config, v1.0
cosmeticarmorreworked, CosmeticArmorReworked, 1.10.2-v2a
counter_guns, Counter Guns, 1.0.1
covers, Simple Covers,
ctgui, CT-GUI, 1.0.0
creativecore, CreativeCore, 1.5.0
creeperconfetti, Creeper Confetti, 1.3
ctdcore, CTD Core, 1.0.3
moglowstone, Mo' Glowstone, 1.2.4
ctdpaint, CTD Paint, 1.1.5
cyberware, Cyberware, beta-0.2.7
cyclicmagic, Cyclic, 1.10.20
dailies, Bailey's Dailies, 1.10.2-6
darkutils, Dark Utilities,
debris, Debris, 1.10.2-
PTRModelLib, PTRModelLib, 1.0.0
props, Decocraft, 2.4.1
forestry, Forestry,
eleccore, ElecCore, 1.6.345
EnderStorage, EnderStorage,
OpenComputers, OpenComputers,
deepresonance, DeepResonance, 1.4.6
dirt2path, Dirt2Path, 1.6.1
draconicevolution, Draconic Evolution, 2.0.10
dragonrealm, DragonRealm, 2.0.1
StorageDrawers, Storage Drawers, 1.10.2-3.6.2
bitdrawers, Drawers & Bits, 0.36
dsurround, dzDynamic Surroundings,
earthworks, Earthworks, 1.2.1
endercore, EnderCore, 1.10.2-
EnderIO, Ender IO, 1.10.2-3.1.183
thermalfoundation, Thermal Foundation, 2.0.5
thermalexpansion, Thermal Expansion, 5.0.4
eiorteis, EIORecipesTEInductionSmelter, 1.10.2-2.1
elevatorid, Elevator Mod, 1.3.0
embers, Embers, 0.104
eplus, Enchanting Plus,
enderore, Ender Ore, 1.0
endercompass, Ender Compass,
enderutilities, Ender Utilities, 0.6.7
EnderZoo, Ender Zoo, 1.10-
engineersworkshop, Engineer's Workshop, 1.2.1-1.10.2
valkyrielib, Valkyrie Lib, 1.10.2-0.10.6
environmentaltech, Environmental Tech, 1.10.2-0.10.6b
etlunar, ET Lunar, 1.10.2-0.10.6a
ExtraBitManipulation, Extra Bit Manipulation, 1.10.2-2.3.4
extrablocks, ExtraBlocks, 1.0.2
golems, Extra Golems, 6.02
shadowmc, ShadowMC, 3.6.1
ExtraRails, Extra Rails, 1.1.1
zerocore, Zero CORE, 1.10.2-
bigreactors, Extreme Reactors, 1.10.2-
fairylights, Fairy Lights, 2.1.1
ffs, Fancy Fluid Storage, 1.10.2-2.0.3-b11
fastleafdecay, Fast Leaf Decay, v11
immersiveengineering, Immersive Engineering, 0.10-54
harvestfestival, Harvest Festival, 0.5.27
harvestcraft, Pam's HarvestCraft, 1.9.4-1.10.2g
hfaddon, HF Addon, 0.5.5 Alpha
flatcoloredblocks, Flat Colored Blocks, mc1.10-v4.4
FloodLights, Flood Lights, 1.2.7-145
fluxnetworks, FluxNetworks, 1.2.3
foamfix, FoamFix, @VERSION@
ftbl, FTBLib, 0.0.0
ftbu, FTBUtilities, 0.0.0
limelib, LimeLib, 1.5.3
furnus, Furnus, 1.92
gendustry, GenDustry,
harvestchevsky, Gentle Harvest, b8
geographicraft, GeographiCraft, 0.8.7
gravestone, Gravestone, 1.5.10
ichunutil, iChunUtil, 6.3.2
gravitygun, GravityGun, 6.0.1
refinedstorage, Refined Storage, 1.2.25
growablecells, Growable Cells, 1.0.1
hatchery, Hatchery, 0.2.10
helpertools, HelperTools, v4.1
incense, Incense, 0.1
industrialwires, Industrial Wires, 1.3-7
InventoryPets, Inventory Pets,
inventorytweaks, Inventory Tweaks, 1.61-58-a1fd884
ironbackpacks, Iron Backpacks, 1.10.2-2.2.25
ironchest, Iron Chest, 1.10.2-
itemscroller, Item Scroller, 0.8.0
jeibees, JEI Bees,
journeymap, JourneyMap, 1.10.2-5.4.6
buildingblocks, Just Build It, 1.2
jeresources, Just Enough Resources,
kleeslabs, KleeSlabs, 3.3.5
kc, Knob Control, 2.0.8
koresample, Kore Sample, 1.10.2-L1
livingfish, Living Fish, V3
llibrary, LLibrary, 1.7.4
login_shield, Login Shield, 1.10.2-19-gd16e7e0
boots, Long Fall Boots, 1.0
LunatriusCore, LunatriusCore,
magma_monsters, magma_monsters, 0.1.15
malisisblocks, Malisis Blocks, 1.10.2-4.1.3
materialfoundation, Material Foundation, 1.10.2-2.0.2
Mekanism, Mekanism, 9.2.1
MekanismGenerators, MekanismGenerators, 9.2.1
MekanismTools, MekanismTools, 9.2.1
teslacorelib, Tesla Core Lib, 0.7.0
mekfarm, MekFarm, 0.0.1
minecolonies, MineColonies, 1.10.2-0.6.112
mfs, Minecraft Flight Simulator, 7.1.2
missing_pieces, Missing Pieces, 4.1.1
testdummy, MmmMmmMmmMmm, 1.11
muchmorespiders, Much More Spiders V2, 0.7
natura, Natura, 1.10.2-
railcraft, Railcraft, 10.1.1
randomthings, Random Things,
roots, Roots 2, 0.015
reborncore, RebornCore,
techreborn, TechReborn,
theoneprobe, The One Probe, 1.4.6
moarsigns, MoarSigns,
cancerplants, Mob Farm, dank01
mob_grinding_utils, mob_grinding_utils,
moboptions, MobOptions, 1.0
ModListGenerator, ModListGenerator, 1.0
ModNameTooltip, Mod Name Tooltip, 1.6.0
modularrouters, Modular Routers, 1.10.2-1.3.1
numina, numina, 1.4.0
powersuits, MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits, 1.10.2-1.2.111
morebees, More Bees, 1.10.2-1.3.1
morechickens, More Chickens, 1.0.11
morematerials, More Materials, 1.10.2-1.9.20160723.0
moreoverlays, MoreOverlays, 1.11
Morpheus, Morpheus, 1.10.2-3.1.13
mousetweaks, Mouse Tweaks, 2.6.4
mowziesmobs, Mowzie's Mobs, 1.3.1
multifarmcrops, Multifarm Crops, 1.1.0
shetiphiancore, ShetiPhian-Core, 3.3.8
multistorage, Multi-Storage, 1.2.12
mw, Modern Warfare, 1.9.1
mxtune, mxTune, 0.4.0-dev.23
MysteriousMiscellany, Mysterious Miscellany, 1.10.2-1.5.4
mysticalagriculture, Mystical Agriculture, 1.5.1
mysticalagradditions, Mystical Agradditions, 1.0.1
netheressence, Nether Essence, 7.1.0
netherportalfix, Nether Portal Fix, 1.0
nabb, New Age Bee Breeding, 1.0.0
nice, Nice, 0.1.0
recipehandler, NoMoreRecipeConflict, 0.6
neid, NotEnoughIDs, 1.5.3
notenoughwands, Not Enough Wands, 1.4.0
omlib, OMLib, 1.10.2-3.0.0-61
opframe, OnlinePictureFrame, 0.1
openglider, Open Glider, @VERSION@
openmodularturrets, Open Modular Turrets, 1.10.2-3.0.0-108
orespawn, Ore Spawn, 1.1.0
overlord, Overlord, 2.3.3
p455w0rdslib, p455w0rd's Library, 1.0.12
placeableitems, Placeable Items Mod, 3.0.4
plants, Plants, 0.8.5
platforms, Platforms, 1.2.10
substratum, Substratum,
plustic, PlusTiC,
portalgun, PortalGun, 6.0.1
practicallogistics2, Practical Logistics 2, 2.0.2
progressiveautomation, Progressive Automation, 1.7.4
psionup, PSIonic Upgrades, 15.1
quantumstorage, QuantumStorage, 3.3.2
rccosmetic, Railcraft Cosmetic Additions, 3.0.5
rangedpumps, Ranged Pumps, 0.3
realfilingcabinet, Real Filing Cabinet, 1.3.71
reborncore-mcmultipart, reborncore-MCMultiPart,
rebornstorage, RebornStorage, 1.0.0
redstonearsenal, Redstone Arsenal, 2.0.3
xreliquary, Reliquary, 1.10.2-
rftl, Rotten Flesh to Leather, 1.0
rftools, RFTools, 6.00
rftoolscontrol, RFTools Control, 1.6.6
rftoolsdim, RFTools Dimensions, 4.55
rockhounding_rocks, Rockhounding: Rocks, v1.01
rockhounding_surface, Rockhounding: Surface, v1.10
roguelike, Roguelike Dungeons, 1.5.9
ropebridge, Rope Bridge, 1.10.2-2.1.0
roughMobs, Rough Mobs, 1.0
RTG, Realistic Terrain Generation,
SafeStones, SafeStones, 1.10.2-1.0a
sanguimancy, Sanguimancy, 1.10.2-2.0.2
sanlib, SanAndreasPs Mod Library, 1.0.1
sanplayermodel, SanAndreasPs Player Model, 1.0.0
santasdecor, Santa's Decor, 2.0.0
shearmadness, Shear Madness, 1.10.2
shootit, ShootIt, v0.3
silentboss, SilentBoss, 1.3.0
SimilsaxTranstructors, Similsax Transtructors,
simplebarrels, Simple Barrels, 1.25h
simplecobblegen, Simple Cobble Generator, 1.10.2 : 1.0.1
simplegenerators, Simple Generators, 1.10.2-0.10.6a
simpleretrogen, Simple Retrogen, 4.0.1+8
simplyconveyors, Simply Conveyors & More, 3.0.3
simplyjetpacks, Simply Jetpacks 2,
SleepingBag, Sleeping Bag, 1.4.0
solarfluxreborn, Solar Flux Reborn, 2.16r
soulshardstow, Soul Shards - The Old Ways, 1.10.2-2.6.7-48
soundfilters, Sound Filters, 0.9_for_1.9
Stackie, Stackie,
stevescarts, Steve's Carts 2,
storagedrawersextra, Storage Drawers Extras, 1.10-1.1.0
terrainCrystals, Terrain Crystals, 1.2.3
terrainCrystalsAddons, Terrain Crystals Addons, 1.1.1
TickProfiler, TickProfiler, 1.10.2.jenkins.27
tinker_io, Tinker I/O, release 2.4.3
TinkersAddons, Tinkers' Addons, 1.0.5
golems_tcon, Tinkers' Golems Addon, 6.02.1
tinkertoolleveling, Tinkers Tool Leveling, 1.10.2-1.0.1.DEV.f5def58
toolbelt, Tool Belt, 1.5.0
topaddons, TOP Addons, 1.10.2-0.10.0
torchmaster, TorchMaster, 1.0
totemic, Totemic, 1.10.2-0.8.3
sapturretmod, Turret Mod Rebirth, 4.0.0-beta.1.1
uncrafted, Uncrafted Mod, 2.1.3b
UndergroundOcean, Underground Ocean, ${version}
Unifier, Unifier, 2.0.1
usefulnullifiers, Useful Nullifiers, 1.3.4
VeinMiner, Vein Miner, 0.35.3_1.9-a46c1b0
VeinMinerModSupport, Mod Support, 0.35.3_1.9-a46c1b0
veinminermodintegration, Veinminer Mod Integration, 1.7.10-0.2.0
vc, ViesCraft, 4.27.21
villagebox, Village Box, 0.6.0
VillageNames, Village Names, 1.10.2-1.0
wallpapercraft, WallpaperCraft, 1.10.2
waystones, Waystones, 2.0.11
weaponcaseloot, WeaponCaseLoot, 4.0.3
wearables, Wearables, 1.0.2
weirdinggadget, The Weirding Gadget, 1.0
wired, WIRED: More Augs, 1.6.2
wcg, Wireless Crafting Grid, 1.0.0
wct, Wireless Crafting Terminal 2, 0.1.30
wmatm, WMATM Vehicles, 1.10.X-
Woot, Woot, 1.10.2-1.4.0
xnet, XNet, 1.3.1
xtones, Xtones, 1.10.2-1.0.1-3
fluidity, Fluidity, 6.1.4
moofluids, Moo Fluids, 1.10.2-
BiomeTweakerCore, BiomeTweaker Core, 2.1.230


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There isn't much we can do, with that load of mods it could be anything.He'll have to start tracking down which mod is causing issues.

Create a world that has issues, and start deleting mods till it goes way.

As for AMD, there shouldn't be any issues from Forge on AMDs, as I usually run on AMD.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Turns out it's nothing to do with his GPU. GPU-Z puts usage at 80-90%. I've noticed he's allocated 12GB ram to Minecraft, but Minecraft/java refuses to use more than ~4.5 GB of it, no matter what. His f3 screen is showing Mem: 38% 4180/10923MB, with still a constant 2 fps, and 0 chunk updates in singleplayer. This definitely tells me his ram is bottlenecking, but I have no idea why. His windows resource monitor is also showing the proper allocation, with plenty to spare for system processes, etc.


Before anyone cries out: "DON'T allocate that much to Minecraft! It just bogs down your system!" In this case, with this many mods, it's necessary. And like I said, myself and others can run this setup without an issue, with the same ram in our machines.


Is there anything known to prevent minecraft/java from using the full amount of ram it's been allotted?

Edited by HappyBivouac
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Hm... I had a similiar problem with FTB in 1.7.10. On my side the problem was caused by the Windows 10 Anniversary Update.

I don't know what exaclty went wrong, but after the update I had such problems like you describe above. After a clean install of Windows 10 [again]

(still the same Update etc., as I made the clean install shortly after the update) it worked again.


So it could be that Windows did something wrong there.


A friend of me had also similiar problems: We fixed it with updating his out of date drivers (CPU and GPU drivers).

Developer of Primeval Forest.

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    • Use Temu Coupon Code $100 Off [act965193] if you are living in California USA. Temu doesn't let you use many coupons at once, but you can still save more. New users get an extra 10% off the 30% discount. Also, text alerts give you 20% off. Using these with Temu's 90% off Daily Deals helps you save a lot. How to use Temu Coupon Code $100 Off [act965193] Both new and existing users at Temu can save a lot by using coupon codes and bundles. New users get a $200 discount with the code aci384098 on their first buy. This is a big welcome bonus that helps them save right away. Follow below steps to apply Temu Coupon Code $100 Off [act965193] Choose Your Items: Pick the products you want to buy from TEMU. Go to Checkout: When you are ready to pay, go to the checkout page. Enter the Code: Type (act847220) into the coupon code box. Enjoy Your Savings: Your total will be reduced, and you'll save money on your purchase. Keep an eye on new deals to save more. Check the Temu app, sign up for newsletters, and follow Temu on social media. Sites like RetailMeNot or Coupons.com also list Temu coupon codes, so you won't miss out.   Using these tips, shopping on Temu can be a smart way to save money. Plan your buys with sale cycles in mind, stack coupons wisely, and watch for new deals. This will make your shopping trips more rewarding.   Temu Coupon Codes & Bundles: New Installs and Existing Users For existing customers, the code aci384098 also gives $200 off. The Temu $200 Coupon Bundle is great for both new and current users. It includes $120 worth of coupons. Plus, Temu offers a 40% discount with certain codes for everyone.   Temu also has special app discounts. By signing up with the code aci384098 and spending $200 or more, customers can save $200 plus get 30% off on their purchase. The code aci384098 also gives a $200 discount and an extra 50% off on the next buy. This is a great way to thank users for their engagement.   Shopping at Temu can lead to big savings. The average discount is an impressive 59%, with 84% of orders getting free shipping or gifts. About 48% of discounts have a time limit, encouraging shoppers to act fast. With deals like a $100 coupon bundle for new users and savings from the code aci384098, Temu offers many ways to save.   Existing customers also have many ways to save, like app alerts, website coupons, and referral programs. There are also games, seasonal sales, and discounts on certain items. This means both new and current users have lots of options to save, showing Temu's dedication to rewarding users.   Comparing Temu Coupon Codes with Other Retailers   Looking at the world of online shopping, comparing Temu coupon codes with others shows Temu's big competitive advantages.   Advantages of Temu Coupons   Temu's coupons offer big discounts, often more than other stores. This means customers save a lot of money. Temu also throws in freebies, making their coupons even more valuable.   Temu's coupons work on many products, not just a few. This makes it easy for customers to save on what they buy.   How Temu Stands Out in the Market   When we look at Temu vs. other retailers, Temu's deals are made with the customer in mind. They focus on what shoppers want and need. This makes Temu's coupons not just competitive but also very attractive to many buyers.   Our benchmarking deals show Temu leading in coupon offers. They offer big discounts and special perks. This makes Temu stand out in the online shopping world.   Conclusion Using Temu coupon codes and bundles helps save money and make shopping better. For new and returning customers, codes like "acr880792" and "aci384098" offer big discounts. New users get £20 off their first order and up to 50% off on various deals. Temu offers many coupons for smart shoppers to save more. Whether it's standalone discounts, special deals, or loyalty rewards, using these codes can cut down costs. This way, shoppers get quality products at great prices, from $1 phone cases to discounted electronics. It's important to keep up with new discounts and promotions. By watching daily deals and signing up for alerts, shoppers won't miss out on great offers. Temu connects manufacturers directly with consumers, leading to lower costs. This unique approach, along with big savings from coupons, makes Temu a top choice for budget-friendly shopping. Start your Temu shopping today for unmatched savings and satisfaction.  
    • Obtén hasta 90% de descuento en Temu utilizando el código [act892435]. Además, disfruta de $100 de descuento (aproximadamente 1,750 MXN) en tu primer pedido. Disponible para nuevos y clientes existentes en México. En Temu encontrarás una amplia gama de productos, desde ropa hasta tecnología, todos a precios increíbles. Aprovecha este código hoy mismo y comienza a ahorrar en tus compras. Temu hace que tus compras sean fáciles y accesibles, asegurando que obtengas la mejor calidad al mejor precio. Looking for the best deals and discounts? The Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] offers fantastic savings for both new and existing customers. Whether you're placing your first order or restocking your favorites, these coupon codes unlock discounts of up to 90% and an additional $100 off on selected items. Plus, enjoy the added benefit of free shipping on select orders. This guide will show you how to make the most of these deals and maximize your savings on Temu. How to Use the Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] Applying the Temu coupon code is quick and easy. Here’s how to redeem it for maximum savings: 1. Visit the Temu Website: Explore Temu’s wide range of products, including fashion, electronics, and home goods. 2. Add Items to Your Cart: Choose the products you want and add them to your shopping cart. 3. Proceed to Checkout: Click on your cart and proceed to checkout when you're ready. 4. Enter the Coupon Code: In the "Coupon Code" field at checkout, enter [act892435] or [acq943609] and click "Apply." 5. Enjoy Your Savings: You’ll instantly see the $100 discount along with additional savings of up to 90%, depending on the items selected. Benefits of Temu Coupon Codes [act892435] or [acq943609] for First-Time Users and Existing Customers Whether you're a new customer or a regular shopper, the Temu coupon code offers unbeatable discounts. Here's how both new and existing users can benefit: • First-Time Users: New customers using the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] on their first order get $100 off, along with discounts ranging from 30% to 90% on selected products. It’s the perfect opportunity to try out Temu’s product range without overspending. • Existing Customers: Loyal shoppers can continue to enjoy significant savings by applying the same coupon code on subsequent orders. Restock your favorites or discover new items at discounted prices. • Free Shipping: Using the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] can also qualify you for free shipping on selected items, further increasing your overall savings. Breakdown of Discounts with Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] With the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609], you’re not limited to just $100 off. You can also enjoy varying levels of discounts on a wide range of products. Here’s how it works: • 30% Discount: Perfect for budget-friendly products and everyday essentials. Shop clothing, beauty products, and home goods at 30% off. • 40% Discount: Ideal for mid-range purchases such as electronics, gadgets, and household items. • 50% Discount: Save big on high-end gadgets, designer apparel, and premium beauty products with 50% off. • 70% Discount: Excellent for those looking for luxury items like branded accessories and upscale electronics. • 90% Discount: The ultimate deal for savvy shoppers. Enjoy top-tier products like tech and home goods at a fraction of the price. Maximize Your Savings on First Orders, Free Shipping, and More with Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] Here are some top tips to get the most value from the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609]: 1. First Order Savings: For first-time users, using the code [act892435] or [acq943609] on your first order guarantees $100 off, making it the perfect way to kickstart your shopping experience at Temu. 2. Look for Free Shipping: Check if your items qualify for free shipping by applying the coupon code at checkout. It’s a great way to save even more on your total purchase. 3. Shop During Major Sales: Combine the coupon code with major sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday for even greater savings. 4. Buy in Bulk: Bulk purchases allow you to maximize the value of the $100 discount, especially if you’re buying items across various categories. 5. Check Product Eligibility: Make sure the products you’re adding to your cart qualify for higher percentage discounts. Some items may only offer 30%-50% off, while others can go up to 90%. FAQs About Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] 1. Is the Temu coupon code verified and working?  Yes, the Temu coupon codes [act892435] and [acq943609] are verified and currently active. Both codes offer up to $100 off, along with percentage discounts of up to 90%. 2. How much can I save with the Temu coupon code?  Using the coupon codes [act892435] or [acq943609], you can get $100 off plus additional percentage-based discounts ranging from 30% to 90%, depending on the products you choose. 3. Can both first-time users and existing customers use these coupon codes?  Absolutely! Both new and existing customers can take advantage of the Temu coupon codes [act892435] or [acq943609]. First-time users can apply the code for their first order, while loyal customers can continue saving on subsequent purchases. 4. Does the coupon code apply to free shipping?  In many cases, using the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] may qualify you for free shipping, depending on the items and promotions available at the time of purchase. Conclusion: Don’t Miss Out on These Massive Savings with Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] The Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] provides an excellent opportunity to save big on a wide variety of products. Whether you're a first-time user placing your first order or an existing customer looking to restock, these coupon codes guarantee substantial savings. Take advantage of discounts up to 90%, free shipping on select orders, and $100 off when you shop at Temu. Don’t wait—start shopping today and use the coupon codes [act892435] or [acq943609] to unlock the best possible deals! Happy shopping!
    • Get up to 90% off at Temu using coupon code [act892435]. Receive $100 off (5,650 PHP) on your first order. Available for both new and existing customers in the Philippines. Get up to 90% off at Temu using the coupon code [act892435]. Receive $100 off on your first order, available for both new and existing customers in all country. Temu offers a diverse range of products from clothing to gadgets, all at unbeatable prices. Start saving today and enjoy a seamless shopping experience. Whether you're a first-time buyer or a regular customer, Temu helps you get more for less. Use the code now and turn your shopping into a rewarding experience filled with savings. Looking for the best deals and discounts? The Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] offers fantastic savings for both new and existing customers. Whether you're placing your first order or restocking your favorites, these coupon codes unlock discounts of up to 90% and an additional $100 off on selected items. Plus, enjoy the added benefit of free shipping on select orders. This guide will show you how to make the most of these deals and maximize your savings on Temu. How to Use the Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] Applying the Temu coupon code is quick and easy. Here’s how to redeem it for maximum savings: 1. Visit the Temu Website: Explore Temu’s wide range of products, including fashion, electronics, and home goods. 2. Add Items to Your Cart: Choose the products you want and add them to your shopping cart. 3. Proceed to Checkout: Click on your cart and proceed to checkout when you're ready. 4. Enter the Coupon Code: In the "Coupon Code" field at checkout, enter [act892435] or [acq943609] and click "Apply." 5. Enjoy Your Savings: You’ll instantly see the $100 discount along with additional savings of up to 90%, depending on the items selected. Benefits of Temu Coupon Codes [act892435] or [acq943609] for First-Time Users and Existing Customers Whether you're a new customer or a regular shopper, the Temu coupon code offers unbeatable discounts. Here's how both new and existing users can benefit: • First-Time Users: New customers using the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] on their first order get $100 off, along with discounts ranging from 30% to 90% on selected products. It’s the perfect opportunity to try out Temu’s product range without overspending. • Existing Customers: Loyal shoppers can continue to enjoy significant savings by applying the same coupon code on subsequent orders. Restock your favorites or discover new items at discounted prices. • Free Shipping: Using the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] can also qualify you for free shipping on selected items, further increasing your overall savings. Breakdown of Discounts with Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] With the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609], you’re not limited to just $100 off. You can also enjoy varying levels of discounts on a wide range of products. Here’s how it works: • 30% Discount: Perfect for budget-friendly products and everyday essentials. Shop clothing, beauty products, and home goods at 30% off. • 40% Discount: Ideal for mid-range purchases such as electronics, gadgets, and household items. • 50% Discount: Save big on high-end gadgets, designer apparel, and premium beauty products with 50% off. • 70% Discount: Excellent for those looking for luxury items like branded accessories and upscale electronics. • 90% Discount: The ultimate deal for savvy shoppers. Enjoy top-tier products like tech and home goods at a fraction of the price. Maximize Your Savings on First Orders, Free Shipping, and More with Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] Here are some top tips to get the most value from the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609]: 1. First Order Savings: For first-time users, using the code [act892435] or [acq943609] on your first order guarantees $100 off, making it the perfect way to kickstart your shopping experience at Temu. 2. Look for Free Shipping: Check if your items qualify for free shipping by applying the coupon code at checkout. It’s a great way to save even more on your total purchase. 3. Shop During Major Sales: Combine the coupon code with major sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday for even greater savings. 4. Buy in Bulk: Bulk purchases allow you to maximize the value of the $100 discount, especially if you’re buying items across various categories. 5. Check Product Eligibility: Make sure the products you’re adding to your cart qualify for higher percentage discounts. Some items may only offer 30%-50% off, while others can go up to 90%. FAQs About Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] 1. Is the Temu coupon code verified and working? Yes, the Temu coupon codes [act892435] and [acq943609] are verified and currently active. Both codes offer up to $100 off, along with percentage discounts of up to 90%. 2. How much can I save with the Temu coupon code? Using the coupon codes [act892435] or [acq943609], you can get $100 off plus additional percentage-based discounts ranging from 30% to 90%, depending on the products you choose. 3. Can both first-time users and existing customers use these coupon codes? Absolutely! Both new and existing customers can take advantage of the Temu coupon codes [act892435] or [acq943609]. First-time users can apply the code for their first order, while loyal customers can continue saving on subsequent purchases. 4. Does the coupon code apply to free shipping? In many cases, using the Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] may qualify you for free shipping, depending on the items and promotions available at the time of purchase. 5. Are there any exclusions with these coupon codes? While these coupon codes offer excellent discounts, some high-percentage offers may not apply to every item. Be sure to check product eligibility before completing your purchase. Conclusion: Don’t Miss Out on These Massive Savings with Temu Coupon Code [act892435] or [acq943609] The Temu coupon code [act892435] or [acq943609] provides an excellent opportunity to save big on a wide variety of products. Whether you're a first-time user placing your first order or an existing customer looking to restock, these coupon codes guarantee substantial savings. Take advantage of discounts up to 90%, free shipping on select orders, and $100 off when you shop at Temu. Don’t wait—start shopping today and use the coupon codes [act892435] or [acq943609] to unlock the best possible deals! Happy shopping!
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