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Posted (edited)

I am creating a mod that destroys blocks between two points, but when I use it in game, the blocks that get destroyed aren't actually disappearing until I log out and back in again. I am pretty new to modding but I believe it is caused by some disconnect between server and client. Anyone know how to fix this? I attached the whole file but here is the snippet where I am doing the destruction:

                int sX = 1, sY = 1, sZ = 1;

                if (((int)(posA[1].getX()) - (int)(posA[0].getX())) > 0)
                    sX = -1;
                if (((int)(posA[1].getY()) - (int)(posA[0].getY())) > 0)
                    sY = -1;
                if (((int)(posA[1].getZ()) - (int)(posA[0].getZ())) > 0)
                    sZ = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i <= Math.abs((int)(posA[1].getX()) - (int)(posA[0].getX())); i++ ){    
                    for (int j = 0; j <= Math.abs((int)(posA[1].getY()) - (int)(posA[0].getY())); j++ ){
                        for (int k = 0; k <= Math.abs((int)(posA[1].getZ()) - (int)(posA[0].getZ())); k++ ){
                                //somehow need to refresh client from server side for each block being destroyed

                                worldIn.destroyBlock(new BlockPos(i * sX + posA[1].getX(), j * sY + posA[1].getY(), k * sZ + posA[1].getZ()), true);
                                worldIn.scheduleBlockUpdate(new BlockPos(i * sX + posA[1].getX(), j * sY + posA[1].getY(), k * sZ + posA[1].getZ()), Blocks.AIR, Blocks.AIR.tickRate(worldIn), 0);
                                player.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("rm block " + (i * sX + posA[1].getX()) + " " + (j * sY + posA[1].getY()) + " " + (k * sZ + posA[1].getZ())));



Edited by fitty_spenc

For starters, just to make your code more readable, try assigning your new BlockPos just once and then using it in each function call where needed.


Try setting a breakpoint on destroyBlock and then step through, both when you use your stick and when some vanilla action (such as an explosion) destroys a block. Does your usage look like the vanilla usage? Try to trace vanilla to where the server sends packets or marks chunks as needing to be updated to the client. When you see how vanilla handles things, your design should become clear.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

Posted (edited)


Got it to work, I needed to have it happen on both the server and client side so I removed the if(!world.isRemote) that surrounds the entire thing and adjusted my counter because the function gets called twice for every individual click.


Edited by fitty_spenc

Uh. Your counter exists in two logical sides, too...

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