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Forge 1.12- fails to launch


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I understand that this is a dev version. Just wanted to let you know.

I installed 2321 successfully (had to uncheck the Mercurius option first)

When I try to launch, it fails to download file asm-all-5.1.jar
I see this message in the launcher: 

Couldn't get hash for org/ow2/asm/asm-all/5.1/asm-all-5.1.jar from https://libraries.minecraft.net/org/ow2/asm/asm-all/5.1/asm-all-5.1.jar.sha1: HTTP 404: Not Found

I have tried this in the Mojang launcher, and also in MultiMC.

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go to: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.ow2.asm/asm-all/5.1

Get the file.

go to your ".minecraft\libraries\org\asm\asm-all"   Folder

create a new folder and name it 5.1

paste the .jar file


remove all current mods from the mods folder.


Launch minecraft forge beta


Worked for me.

Edited by Poncho Longshank
fixed filepath
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Tried that, and unfortunately game still tries to download that.

When I close the launcher and run it again, it shows the following message:


"The version you are trying to play inherits properties from an unknown version".


Any way I can fix that?


>Also, I tried deleting the forge profile, even installed 2320 version to check if problem persists. Sadly, it's still here. I've also launched 1.12 vanilla before.

Edited by MercuryOne
added things
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1 hour ago, DrZell said:

Solved, put that jar in the folder


Absolutely! Thank you. I didn't think it was going to be that simple. I imagined this was the first of many files that could not be downloaded, but you are quite correct, and now I have it running.

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4 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Please don't hijack other people's threads. Make your own thread and post the complete log.

Also, you still owe me money.

There was no context on the previous person's post, I got the exact same log message when I tried:


6 hours ago, DrZell said:

Solved, put that jar in the folder


It doesn't seem that that solution works, but it's still on the same topic as OP's issue.

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