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Set Item Meta Data From NBT


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How would i go about setting the meta data of an item based on a custom nbt tag.  For example i have an nbt tag that ranges from 0-100 how can i convert that to a meta data of lets say 0-4 without having to manually change the itemstack.  Is there an automated way to achieve this?

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Are you trying to display the damage indicator bar?

(To answer the question asked: no, because NBTdata is data, not code: you would have to either set the metadata when you change the NBTdata or ask the right question, because this sounds like an XY Problem).

Edited by Draco18s

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No Im sorry i guess i didnt explain very well.  What i want is the value that controls for example the color of the dye in vanilla to be driven by the nbt data that i set.  So i guess what i am really asking is where should i put check to change it because i'd like it to update on its own rather than whenever i set the nbt.

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Alright! It sounds like the easiest solution might be to use durability/damage to store your 0-100 sharpness. (If you don't want the durability bar to show then override showDurabilityBar in your item class). Then you could use a property override to give the item a different texture for different ranges of damage. Take a look at ItemElytra and its models to see a vanilla example of using addPropertyOverride.

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1 minute ago, drok0920 said:

Thank you i suppose that would be much easier than what i though.  I dont know why i thought my method was a good idea.

Classic XY Problem. You had a problem X and you thought you could maybe solve it by doing Y, but you encountered another problem you couldn't solve, so you asked how to solve Y when what you really needed was to solve X.

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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


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