[1.12] Crafting Recipe Search Not Working
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I did exactly like in the instruction , i even copied the build.gradle from alex mobs like he told in the instruction for citadel 1.7.0 and above, and i got 100 different error no matter what i changed in the build.gradle, i once managed to make a build succesfull but then the run client wasnt working I did exactly like in the instruction , i even copied the build.gradle from alex mobs like he told in the instruction for citadel 1.7.0 and above, and i got 100 different error no matter what i changed in the build.gradle, i once managed to make a build succesfull but then the run client wasnt working
By Paint_Ninja · Posted
Please share a link to your crash report on https://paste.ee, as explained in the FAQ -
Hello, I have never put together a mod pack before. I tried doing so and in the console I get these error messages. [User dumped their log directly into the thread, triggering the anti-spam]
Hey, i'm starting to create mods, for training I made an item that shoots a chicken when used, the behavior is ok, but the moment the chicken spawns it is frozen for a small noticeable fraction of time before being launched, the same behavior does not happen with an arrow, is it possible to avoid this? @Override public InteractionResultHolder<ItemStack> use( Level pLevel, Player pPlayer, InteractionHand pUsedHand ) { if(!pLevel.isClientSide()) { double ACCELERATION = 2; double[] sines = getSines(pPlayer.getYRot()); double[] xzAccelerations = {sines[0] * ACCELERATION, sines[1] * ACCELERATION}; double[] xzSpawn = {sines[0] * 0.75 + pPlayer.getX(), sines[1] * 0.75 + pPlayer.getZ()}; Chicken chicken = new Chicken(EntityType.CHICKEN, pLevel); chicken.setPos(xzSpawn[0], pPlayer.getY() + 1, xzSpawn[1]); chicken.setDeltaMovement(xzAccelerations[0], 1, xzAccelerations[1]); pLevel.addFreshEntity(chicken); } return super.use(pLevel, pPlayer, pUsedHand); }
https://pastebin.com/uY5z5pEA This Only happens in the Nether, and only on this modpack. I tested it with an unmodified except for Replay pack, and And I Tested the Silurian Dimension And Aether dimension on the modpack where this crash came from, and I can record perfectly fine there.
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