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I want to replace the onEntityWalk method  of blocks listed in a config file with one made by me which gives living entities a movement speed boost.

The problem is I don't want to create a new block but do it for already existing vanilla blocks like stone bricks.


After checking the available events I didn't find one that seemed reasonable.

Creating new implementations and removing the vanilla ones from the registry seems like a bad idea.

Using reflection also doesn't feel right.


Are there any good ways of solving this problem ?


You can't.

You would need to use an event handler and check which block the entity is standing on.

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What Draco means is that there is no specific event related to that method, but there are several tick and update events that you could use to have your own code to check the block the entity is on. For example, you can using the living entity update event and check which block is under the entity.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks got the event stuff working.

I am now trying to figure out how to apply motion to the player and other livingEntities.

Sprint jumping currently gives me an Insane speed boost even after I press any buttons

but the rest of the time all motion values are 0 therefore no boost.(except falling)

Why are they mostly 0 and should I use something else to effect entity movement speed ?


I am currently using isSprinting and reduced the mechanic to just players for easier testing.

//have to figure out a way to stop the speedboost when players aren't moving later.


The RoadHandler is registered in my CommonProxy in the init Event. 

MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new RoadHandler());

Hope you can help.

public class RoadHandler {
    public void livingEntityOnRoad(LivingEvent.LivingUpdateEvent event)
        //System.out.printf("in livingEntityOnRoad\n");
        Entity entity = event.getEntity();
        if (!entity.getEntityWorld().isRemote) {

            if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
                //System.out.println("entity is a player");
                BlockPos position = ((EntityPlayer) event.getEntity()).getPosition().down();
                    final double boost = 0.99;
                    final double minSpeed = 1e-9;

                    //System.out.println("on a road block");
                    if ((Math.abs(entity.motionX) > minSpeed || Math.abs(entity.motionZ) > minSpeed)&& entity.isSprinting())
                        //System.out.println("in boost mode");
                        entity.motionX += entity.motionX * boost;
                        entity.motionZ += entity.motionZ * boost;
                    System.out.println("MotionX:"+Math.abs(entity.motionX)+" MotionZ:"+Math.abs(entity.motionZ));
Edited by Thretcha

Do not try to modify entity motion. If you want to make it move faster/slower, apply attribute modifier to it's movement speed attribute.


entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).applyModifier(new AttributeModifier((UUID idIn, String nameIn, double amountIn, int operationIn)));

to apply attribute modifier and

entity.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).removeModifier(UUID idIn)

to remove the modifier, when you don't need it.

If you don't understand, look at https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Attribute to see how attributes and modifiers work.

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