InterdimensionalCat Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 (edited) So far I have been extending ItemTool whenever I wanted to create an Item with a nonstandard attack speed (other than axes). However while creating the item copperhoe I found a better way to adjust the attack speed while still importing the class ItemHoe. However after overriding the getItemAttributeModifiers method in ItemHoe and replacing the attack speed value with my desired attack speed, the Item still has the speed of a normal hoe. Here is my class CopperHoe: package com.benthom123.test.items; import java.util.Collections; import com.benthom123.test.ModItems; import com.benthom123.test.modClass; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents; import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.Item.ToolMaterial; import net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe; import net.minecraft.item.ItemPickaxe; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.ItemTool; import net.minecraft.util.EnumActionResult; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.SoundCategory; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class CopperHoe extends ItemHoe { public Item repairItem; public CopperHoe(String registryName, ToolMaterial material) { super(material); this.repairItem = ModItems.copperingot; setRegistryName(registryName); setUnlocalizedName(modClass.MODID + "." + registryName); this.setCreativeTab(ModItems.extraTools); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void initModel() { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(this, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } @Override public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack toRepair, ItemStack repair) { return repair.getItem() == ModItems.copperingot ? true : super.getIsRepairable(toRepair, repair); } @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getItemAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) { Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot); if (equipmentSlot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", 0.0D, 0)); multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", -3.8D, 0)); } return multimap; } } If it is necessary to look at other classes here is my project on github: Edited November 6, 2017 by InterdimensionalCat Quote
The_Wabbit Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 Maybe try using "Tool modifier" instead of "Weapon modifier" (a hoe is not a weapon...) Quote
The_Wabbit Posted November 2, 2017 Posted November 2, 2017 2 hours ago, diesieben07 said: No. No "Tool modifier" won't work (I actually have not tried)? Or no because of the method he's trying (from the code, I'm assuming the deprecated method is being called via the newer forge method for now...)? Quote
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 2, 2017 Author Posted November 2, 2017 (edited) 10 hours ago, diesieben07 said: The method you are using is deprecated. The comment on it explains what to use instead. Why does your IDE not warn you about using deprecated methods? Or, if it does, why do you ignore these warnings? Hi, thanks for the info. I am using eclipse and yes it is flagging that method as depreciated. I have no idea how I missed that before, or I wouldn't have tried to use it. So from what I understand I need to use an ItemStack sensitive version of the method that looks like this: public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slot, ItemStack stack) { return this.getItemAttributeModifiers(slot); } However I am having trouble figuring out how to modify the original line of code I have that uses the depreciated method, when i used this getattributemodifiers method in place of the old one It will not accept the parameters. Sorry if this is kind of a dumb question but I am still a little new to modding Minecraft. Also would this way work similarly for the other tools? (Other than Axes, I already know how to change the attack speed for those). Edited November 2, 2017 by InterdimensionalCat Quote
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 3 hours ago, diesieben07 said: You need to override the non-deprecated version. You know how to override a method, right? I do know how to override a method, but I am still having trouble. I'm not sure why I can't figure this out since I should know how to do this. Is it possible you could send me an example of what I am supposed to do? Sorry to bother you so much. Quote
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 4 minutes ago, diesieben07 said: Please show what you have tried. i have tried this: @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slot, ItemStack stack) { Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getAttributeModifiers(slot, stack); if (slot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", 0.0D, 0)); multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.speed), 0)); } return multimap; } } as well as this: @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slot, ItemStack stack) { return this.getItemAttributeModifiers(slot); } @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getItemAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slot) { Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers(slot); if (slot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", 0.0D, 0)); multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.speed), 0)); } return multimap; } } I am sure the answer is obvious and I am just being dumb. Quote
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 (edited) 2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said: The first one is what you want. The 2nd one makes no sense. When I tried the first way It still did not work and the logs didn't give me any errors, do you have any idea what else might be causing the issue? I am trying to set the attack speed of the hoe at -3.8F if that is any help Edited November 3, 2017 by InterdimensionalCat Quote
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 2 hours ago, diesieben07 said: Ok, for a start, that attack damage modifier does nothing, since you are adding 0. The speed one should work, provided you set this.speed properly. So far this is what I have, and after trying for a long time I still cannot figure out what is wrong. My Item loads properly but has the default material attack speed and damage. Is there anything I need to do in other classes to make this work right (outside of the normal Item registering)? CopperHoe: package com.benthom123.test.items; import java.util.Collections; import com.benthom123.test.ModItems; import com.benthom123.test.modClass; import; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockDirt; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; import; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents; import net.minecraft.inventory.EntityEquipmentSlot; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.Item.ToolMaterial; import net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.ItemTool; import net.minecraft.util.EnumActionResult; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.SoundCategory; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.ModelLoader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes; public class CopperHoe extends ItemHoe { private final float speed; private final float attackDamage; public Item repairItem; public CopperHoe(String registryName, ToolMaterial material) { super(material); this.repairItem = ModItems.copperingot; setRegistryName(registryName); setUnlocalizedName(modClass.MODID + "." + registryName); this.setCreativeTab(ModItems.extraTools); this.speed = material.getAttackDamage() + 2.0F; this.attackDamage = 3.0F + material.getAttackDamage(); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void initModel() { ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(this, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } @Override public boolean getIsRepairable(ItemStack toRepair, ItemStack repair) { return repair.getItem() == ModItems.copperingot ? true : super.getIsRepairable(toRepair, repair); } @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slot, ItemStack stack) { Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getAttributeModifiers(slot, stack); if (slot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.attackDamage), 0)); multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.speed) , 0)); } return multimap; } } Quote
Draco18s Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 The attack damage field isn't used by hoes: public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getItemAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) { Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot); if (equipmentSlot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", 0.0D, 0)); multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.speed - 4.0F), 0)); } return multimap; } Quote Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable. If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME. Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice. Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked. DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 6 minutes ago, Draco18s said: The attack damage field isn't used by hoes: public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getItemAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) { Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers(equipmentSlot); if (equipmentSlot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_DAMAGE_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", 0.0D, 0)); multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.speed - 4.0F), 0)); } return multimap; } Ok, that's fine, I am more concerned about changing the attack speed. So far I have tried giving this.speed a finite float value and converted it to a double like this: public CopperHoe(String registryName, ToolMaterial material) { super(material); this.repairItem = ModItems.copperingot; setRegistryName(registryName); setUnlocalizedName(modClass.MODID + "." + registryName); this.setCreativeTab(ModItems.extraTools); this.speed = -3.8F; ... multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", (double)(this.speed) , 0)); I have also tried just putting in a double value like so: multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED.getName(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", -3.8D , 0)); For both of these the Item will load, but the attack speed is not modified. Quote
Draco18s Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 Use the debugger, figure out why (when getItemAttributeModifiers() is called) that the speed value you want isn't being used. Quote Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable. If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME. Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice. Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked. DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 30 minutes ago, Draco18s said: Use the debugger, figure out why (when getItemAttributeModifiers() is called) that the speed value you want isn't being used. after looking through the debugging logs after running in debug mode, I didn't find anything about getItemAttributeModifiers, the closest thing I found was this line of text: [23:44:32] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Unable to lookup btm:copperhoe for public static com.benthom123.test.items.CopperHoe com.benthom123.test.ModItems.copperhoe. This means the object wasn't registered. It's likely just mod options. this same line occurred for all of my items. Other than that I did not see anything pertaining to the item. Quote
Draco18s Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 You know how to use the debugger, right? It has nothing to do with the console... Quote Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable. If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME. Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice. Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked. DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 3, 2017 Author Posted November 3, 2017 13 minutes ago, Draco18s said: You know how to use the debugger, right? It has nothing to do with the console... I am not very familiar with using the debugger, as I have never had to use it. I am confident in my ability to trace the issue through a debugger but I have not used it before. Quote
Draco18s Posted November 3, 2017 Posted November 3, 2017 You need to set a breakpoint, then run in debug mode. And that breakpoint should be inside getItemAttributeModifiers() in ItemHoe Quote Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable. If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME. Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice. Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked. DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 4, 2017 Author Posted November 4, 2017 Ok I set a breakpoint inside getItemAttributeModifiers() in the ItemHoe class. After running the code in debug mode I determined that the problem was that the method was not returning anything, and the debugger gave me this error: Quote Detail formatter error: The method getItemAttributeModifiers() is undefined for the type EntityEquipmentSlot I also checked to see if the getItemAttributeModifiers in Item was giving this error and it was. I understand what the error means, however I do not know how to fix this issue. Quote
Differentiation Posted November 4, 2017 Posted November 4, 2017 (edited) 3 hours ago, InterdimensionalCat said: Ok I set a breakpoint inside getItemAttributeModifiers() in the ItemHoe class. After running the code in debug mode I determined that the problem was that the method was not returning anything, and the debugger gave me this error: Quote @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn, ItemStack stack) { final Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifiers = super.getAttributeModifiers(slotIn, stack); if (slot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { replaceModifier(modifiers, SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED /* or whatever attribute you want to modify */, ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER /* ... */, int... amount); } return modifiers; } private void replaceModifier(Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifierMultimap, IAttribute attribute, UUID id, double multiplier) { // Get the modifiers for the specified attribute final Collection<AttributeModifier> modifiers = modifierMultimap.get(attribute.getAttributeUnlocalizedName()); // Find the modifier with the specified ID, if any final Optional<AttributeModifier> modifierOptional = -> attributeModifier.getID().equals(id)).findFirst(); if (modifierOptional.isPresent()) { final AttributeModifier modifier = modifierOptional.get(); modifiers.remove(modifier); // Remove it modifiers.add(new AttributeModifier(modifier.getID(), modifier.getName(), modifier.getAmount() * multiplier, modifier.getOperation())); // Might wanna change the formula a bit because it's funky... } } } I use this in 1.10.2, I'm not sure if it works in 1.12.2 though On 11/2/2017 at 10:52 PM, Draco18s said: The attack damage field IS NOT USED BY HOES. Edited November 4, 2017 by Differentiation Quote
InterdimensionalCat Posted November 5, 2017 Author Posted November 5, 2017 On 11/3/2017 at 11:35 PM, Differentiation said: @Override public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slotIn, ItemStack stack) { final Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifiers = super.getAttributeModifiers(slotIn, stack); if (slot == EntityEquipmentSlot.MAINHAND) { replaceModifier(modifiers, SharedMonsterAttributes.ATTACK_SPEED /* or whatever attribute you want to modify */, ATTACK_SPEED_MODIFIER /* ... */, int... amount); } return modifiers; } private void replaceModifier(Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifierMultimap, IAttribute attribute, UUID id, double multiplier) { // Get the modifiers for the specified attribute final Collection<AttributeModifier> modifiers = modifierMultimap.get(attribute.getAttributeUnlocalizedName()); // Find the modifier with the specified ID, if any final Optional<AttributeModifier> modifierOptional = -> attributeModifier.getID().equals(id)).findFirst(); if (modifierOptional.isPresent()) { final AttributeModifier modifier = modifierOptional.get(); modifiers.remove(modifier); // Remove it modifiers.add(new AttributeModifier(modifier.getID(), modifier.getName(), modifier.getAmount() * multiplier, modifier.getOperation())); // Might wanna change the formula a bit because it's funky... } } } I use this in 1.10.2, I'm not sure if it works in 1.12.2 though I had to make some slight modifications to this to make it work, but ultimately this did work for me. Thank you so much to all of you guys who helped me with this 1 Quote
Differentiation Posted November 5, 2017 Posted November 5, 2017 (edited) 9 hours ago, InterdimensionalCat said: I had to make some slight modifications to this to make it work, but ultimately this did work for me. Thank you so much to all of you guys who helped me with this No problem, always a pleasure to help If you could please insert a "[SOLVED]" on the title to know it is solved Thanks! Edited November 5, 2017 by Differentiation Quote
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