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Crash on Startup


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So when I tried to make a custom server for 1.7.10 earlier and, in short, it crashes as soon as I launch it.




Contents of server window.


As you can probably guess from the location this is a clean install. Open the .exe, select install server, select destination, run mc_server.jar, run start.bat with the args: java -Xmx4G -jar <forge.jar_fileName>.jar. 

I'm getting this issue on my desktop and laptop with the current 1.7.10 forge and the recommended one.


As I said the install is clean with the contents of the folder just being the basic vanilla server stuff as I can't launch the forge one as I get this error before anything can happen, even log creation hence the lack of those. I'm thinking java version as I doubt both the installers and all the random old servers I found lying around on my desktop PC have suddenly developed the same issue. (and yes they did used to work)




Gif of error happening as you can see there is nothing forge related except the libraries folder and the forge.jar and no log folder with anything in it. :(


Thanks in advance for any help going to sleep now as it's midnight my time but will check responses tomorrow.

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