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TextComponentTranslation retunring original string without translating


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The whole class is annotated with @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) as whole mod is meant to be client only and compatible with vanilla.


I have very simple code trying to figure out how translation works:

EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player;
TextComponentTranslation message = new TextComponentTranslation("chat.banana.deathInfo.death.location", player.getPosition())

translation en_us.lang (extract)

chat.banana.deathInfo.death.location=You have died at (%1)

I am sure that translation file is located correctly as @LangKey annotation translated config correctly.


Link to whole codebase (https://github.com/Akxe/Banana)

Edited by Akxe
added sideness
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3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Why are you using the UUID instead of just comparing the player then?

Strangely enough I got EntityPlayerMP from the event, but EntityPlayerSP from Minecraft.getMinecraft().player. 


4 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

 And why are you not using LivingDeathEvent?

I wanted the items doped, therefor this seemed as most appropriate event.

1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

Also, just found out your issue:
Do not append siblings to a TextComponentTranslation.

I was doing that before and it wasn't working either. Tested once more still no avail. (even updated git)

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44 minutes ago, Akxe said:

I was really trying not to cross the logical sides... what else should have I done? Also any recommendation, on what should I do next? I’ll probably rewrite the code from scratch. 


1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

LivingDropsEvent, the event fires on the server side.


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45 minutes ago, Akxe said:

I was really trying not to cross the logical sides... what else should have I done? Also any recommendation, on what should I do next? I’ll probably rewrite the code from scratch. 

You need to get the player based on the event (since the code is for the event if fired on the side it is running on so it is side-safe, in this case on the server). So instead of doing your weird UUID comparison, you first take the entity from the event and check if it is instanceof EntityPlayer. If that is true then you know that the entity was a player (in fact should be an EntityPlayerMP) which you can then do the rest of the stuff like send a message to them.

Edited by jabelar

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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7 minutes ago, jabelar said:

You need to get the player based on the event (since the code is for the event if fired on the side it is running on so it is side-safe, in this case on the server). So instead of doing your weird UUID comparison, you first take the entity from the event and check if it is instanceof EntityPlayer. If that is true then you know that the entity was a player (in fact should be an EntityPlayerMP) which you can then do the rest of the stuff like send a message to them.

I was actually doing all of this, but I wanted this mode to be client only (working on vanilla servers). What event is client only, or both sides (so I can use @SideOnly on it)? I actually have annotated the class and event, but it obviously haven’t solved logical sideness. 

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It will only work if the event is actually even fired client side.

Not all events are.

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4 minutes ago, Akxe said:

Is there a list of them? And their sideness? I was able to pinpoint, I guess most of them, using the tree hierarchy tool in eclipse, but I don’t remember seeing any note on side. 

Very rarely. You have to subscribe to them, have the console log which side it thinks its on, and run the code in single player. If you get 2 loggings you'll know it runs on both sides. If you get one, it'll tell you which side its on.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


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