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New to modding and want to make pvp mods like powns


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1. Learn Java until the point where you can comfortably program with it. Also learn how to use your IDE.

2. Start with a basic mod. Add a basic Item. Add a new Block. Search the forums when you run into an issue, before making a new thread. Read the docs for explanations and how to get started.

3. Get comfortable with the Minecraft and Forge codebase, to the point where you don't have to ask a question for every thing you want to add.

4. Start writing your mod. When you have any questions and they haven't been answered yet, don't hesitate to ask here.


Don't expect to be writing full mods tomorrow. Or next week. It takes time to get comfortable to with Java and with the Minecraft+Forge codebase.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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40 minutes ago, justthatfish said:

where could i learn this stuff for free



40 minutes ago, justthatfish said:

is a mod allowing you to seee your cords w/o pressing f3 a complex mod to code

That would mostly be event handling you'd be dealing with, which is described pretty well in the docs.

Edited by larsgerrits

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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I started learning Java with Codecademy and reading through Oracle's Java tutorials. There are also a bajillion websites and blogs that will teach just about anything you need to know. 


While larsgerrits's advice on learning and getting comfortable with Java first is good, I think the amount of time you need to spend getting comfortable varies from person to person. I started modding almost immediately, with the philosophy of "learn by doing." I'm not a programmer, but I had some coding experience to rely on that let me get up to speed pretty fast. I still did more copy-pasta than I'm proud of in the beginning. And I'm still learning a lot as I go. You should probably spend more time learning Java than you feel like you will need.


There are also a bajillion tutorials on modding with Forge. I started with Bedrock Miner. His tutorials are pretty comprehensive and great for beginners, but they are for 1.8.9 so a little out of date. Shadowfacts has great tutorials for beginners. Also check out Jabelar's website, Mcjty, Choonster's TestMod3 on Github, and The Grey Ghost's Minecraft by Example.

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3 hours ago, Daeruin said:

 I started modding almost immediately, with the philosophy of "learn by doing."

The only problem with this, is when people come here trying to make a mod with little to no java experience, to the point of not understanding classes, methods, properties, inheritance, overrides, etc, it all goes back to "learn java".


I do agree that the amount of "java training" needed will vary from person to person, but unless they do not plan on coming here to ask questions and instead seeking the answers themselves, they should probably learn a decent amount of java first before attempting to mod.

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16 hours ago, justthatfish said:

what type of mods did he make? 


If you're talking about me, I haven't released any mods yet. The one I'm working on is a really big idea that's taking me a long time. I only have a few hours a week to dedicate to this hobby.

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powns made mods like toggle sprint, glintcolorizer which changes the enchant colors, etc.

would you know specifically how those would be made so i can work on those pieces of code first?

toggle sprint im guessing would be a ton of *if* and *then* statements

Edited by justthatfish
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On 3.2.2018 at 6:46 PM, justthatfish said:

powns made mods like toggle sprint, glintcolorizer which changes the enchant colors, etc.

would you know specifically how those would be made so i can work on those pieces of code first?

toggle sprint im guessing would be a ton of *if* and *then* statements

First of all, yes, there would probably be a ton of if statements, as its probably one of the most used statements in Java. I don't think it will have a lot of "then" statements

though. If(hehe if statement) you are making a PvP-Mod (what is totally fine to want to make) you should already know that their are tons of fancy PvP-Mods out there. And it sounds to me as if you

are only trying to implement things that aren't new, like Toggle Sprint. The reason why you need to understand java is because otherwise you won't understand Minecraft(and Forge) nor be able to modify it to your liking. Finally, when modding, I would suggest not simply asking how to do everything before trying it out yourself. But as for ToggleSprint, there is a field in EntityPlayer called "isSprinting", so everything you would need to do would be use reflect... Wait actually no, that wouldn't work on a Server! What I am trying to say here is that you should remember always only modifying code that doesn't affect Client-Server-Side relations if you are making a pvp-mod.

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