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I have what appears to be a simple question but it turns out to be way not simple if actually attempted. I am trying to spawn a jukebox, with a record in it and get the jukebox to play that record.


So far I can spawn the actual jukebox. That's simple. I can assign it to a TileEntityJukebox variable and get it to put a record in it but I can't get it to actually play the stupid record for anything. I've lost track of all the different things I've tried but here's what I have right now:


 this.world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(this.posX - 1, this.posY, this.posZ), Blocks.JUKEBOX.getDefaultState()); //spawn the jukebox block
            TileEntityJukebox jukebox1 = (TileEntityJukebox)this.world.getTileEntity(new BlockPos(this.posX - 1, this.posY, this.posZ));//assign it to a TileEntityJukebox
            ItemStack recordWhatever = new ItemStack(com.xeraster.supertnt.init.Items.RECORDSONG, 1);//create the item stack with the record to go into the jukebox
            jukebox1.setRecord(recordWhatever.copy());//Put the record in the jukebox. Doesn't matter if I do it with or without that ".copy()" part at the end. It won't play the record either way.
            this.world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(this.posX - 1, this.posY, this.posZ), Blocks.JUKEBOX.getDefaultState().withProperty(PropertyBool.create("has_record"), Boolean.valueOf(true)));//I saw this in the BlockJukebox class so I tried slapping it in but lo and behold it still doesn't work. Shocker. /s
this.world.playRecord(new BlockPos(this.posX - 1, this.posY, this.posZ), SoundHandler.RECORDSONG);//tried this too because I saw it on line 86 of BlockJukebox. Doesn't work either. Yeah yeah yeah ik it was in the "dropRecord" function but I'm out of things to try at this point


It must be noted that my custom record DOES work when I insert it manually. If I right-click on the spawned jukebox, it spits out the record that it's not playing and if I manually put it back in, it will play.

So what am I missing? How to I spawn a Jukebox with a record in it and make it play it?


What record is inserted is handled by the Jukebox TileEntity.

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DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


The one called "RECORDSONG". It's a custom added record, not a base game one. It gets inserted when I execute jukebox1.setrecord.(recordWhatever.copy()). I can observe that the record does in fact insert because after the jukebox spawns, I can right-click on it or destroy it and the record pops out.

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