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I found the code to make wool blocks break faster with shears in the ItemShears class:

public float getDestroySpeed(ItemStack stack, IBlockState state) {
	Block block = state.getBlock();
	if (block != Blocks.WEB && state.getMaterial() != Material.LEAVES) {
		return block == Blocks.WOOL ? 5.0F : super.getDestroySpeed(stack, state);
	} else {
		return 15.0F;

It checks specifically against wool, and the superclass method in Item just returns a constant. (As far as I'm aware, I can't override this item method of shears from my mod block class, since the shears handle the speed, not the block.)

Is there a way to get a custom block to break faster with shears, like wool?


You can override the vanilla shears item and change the getDestroySpeed method.

Just create a class that extends the minecraft shears class, set the registry name to "minecraft:shears" and register it.

But be aware that this will cause issues when another mod also overrides vanilla shears.


You can override Block#getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(IBlockState state, EntityPlayer player, World worldIn, BlockPos pos), check if the item in player's main hand is shears and return a lower value.

  • Thanks 1

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