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Every server after 1.12.2_14.22.3.2655 crashes


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Hello, and first - thanks a million for the service you're doing to us Minecraft players!  :)

Now... I've been running a modded Minecraft server on my for the purpose dedicated HP Proliant machine. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS with OpenJDK 1.8.0_171 and Forge 1.12.2_14.22.3.2655

Ok, so everything has been running just great, have updated Forge every time there was a new Recommended version with absolutely no problem.


Then the Twilight Forest got an update that needed a Forge version higher then the one I am using (I think it needed 2668, but I'm not really sure). So, ok I thought, let's go get the latest version instead of the recommended. So I got 2691. And it crashed. I tried a few other versions between 2655 and 2691. All crashed in the same manner. And now I just tried the latest, 2698, with the same result.


So it crashes directly; it dont even seem to start loading. I can't find any logs at all so I made a copy of the screen output on Pastebin

Even though I am content with using the 2655 version, I'm really curious on why this happens, and yeah, can it be fixed than it would be great.


Thanx again so very much!



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11 hours ago, LexManos said:

Use the installer


Ok, never done that, but of course willing to try. 

But first, please explain to me how running forge-1.12.2- would differ from using forge-1.12.2- 


Kind regards



Edited by garrim
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9 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

The installer installs the libraries necessary to run a Forge server.

Ok, I see.

So now I'm curious. 


I have been upgrading by simply copying the universal.jar file to the game folder on the server and then edit the SH file so it points at the new jar.

I've been upgrading like this since 1.2555 with no problems. 


So I guess my question here is - why do I suddenly need to run an installer? Does the universal not download the needed files on startup? And if the installer is the only way, why is there a universal version available for download? 


Also... I'm really thankful for you guys taking the time to respond to my questions. Thanks!

Kind regards


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Well... using the installer did NOT work, it stopped complaining over the fact that there already were files in the folder I wanted to install it in.

So I solved it all by doing this:


I ran the installer and make a temp folder for it to install into.

Manually copied the Libraries folder to my live game folder (after making a backup first).

Manually copied the universal.jar to the game folder. 

In the shell script I use to start the server i then put:

java -d64 -Xmx4096M -Xms1024M -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui

Aad taa-daa! Everything started perfectly.


So - problem solved.


But my original questions are still valid:

How did you expect me to run the installer in an existing gamefolder on the server?

Why aren't the files in libraries/net and libraries/org updated when I use the universal.jar?

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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

You just... run it. The message you see is a warning. If you run the installer again it will update the libraries as needed.

Aah, I didn't notice that it was a warning.

Good to know for the next time this happens. :)


1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

How would they? When you "use the universal.jar" you just copying a jar to a folder. There is no where for Forge to intercept this and go "hang on, you need these libraries, too", you are just using your OS to copy files. Hence the installer exists.

Ok, so all the times I've copied the universal.jar I've just been lucky that it worked?

Again good to know and thank you for the time and patience.


Kind regards


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