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[Solved]Item load incorrectly


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I am a new moder and just making a very simple mod which add an food item and the recipe to make it. The problem is as I open minecraft in mcp and use my recipe to craft the item, I get an Leather Cape.... It could not be eaten, but the name of the item is right what I set.  :(


I started my code with helfull's tutorial and also checked forge wiki and many posts here but still can't figure out the problem. The iconindex of Leather Cape is 0, I think the problem might have relation to this.


Can anyone tell me where is the problem?





PS: Sorry for my bad English. I am Chinese.





Problem solved.

Using the "new" method in mod class incorrectly.












package net.minecraft.src;



import net.minecraft.src.forge.*;



public class mod_JBGZ extends BaseMod



public static Item itemJBGZ;




        public void load()     










private void addNames()





private void registerRecipes()


ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(itemJBGZ, 1),new Object[]












itemJBGZ = (new ItemFood(Props.itemJBGZID,8,1F,false)).setPotionEffect(Potion.damageBoost.id,15*20,1,1F).setIconIndex(0).setItemName("JBGZ");






        public String getVersion() 


                return "0.1";       










package net.minecraft.src;



import net.minecraft.src.forge.*;

import net.minecraft.src.ItemFood;



public class itemJBGZ extends ItemFood implements ITextureProvider



public itemJBGZ(int i,int j,float k,boolean m)


super(i, j, k, m);

maxStackSize = 64;



public String getTextureFile()













package net.minecraft.src;


import java.io.File;

import java.io.IOException;


import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;

import net.minecraft.src.forge.Configuration;



public class Props


public static Configuration config;


public static int itemJBGZID;


public static void initProps()


config = new Configuration(new File(Minecraft.getMinecraftDir(),"config/JBGZ.cfg"));



itemJBGZID = Integer.parseInt(config.getOrCreateIntProperty("JBGZ",Configuration.CATEGORY_ITEM,300).value);








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1) Your names are horrible, use better naming scheme.

2) How the hell do you expect the item to use your code if you never tell it to use your code?

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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