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Bows D:


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[from skype conversation of modding team]


2013-03-15 19:56:00 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] getIconFromDamage

[1:56:57 AM] *username: that is the only call i get when drawing the bow

[1:57:04 AM] *username: and obviously i cannot use that

[1:57:51 AM]*username*: that doesnt even work

[1:57:54 AM] *username: look:

[1:58:26 AM] *username: if (this.itemInUse != null && par1ItemStack.itemID == Item.bow.itemID)


                int j = par1ItemStack.getMaxItemUseDuration() - this.itemInUseCount;


                if (j >= 18)


                    return Item.bow.func_94599_c(2);



                if (j > 13)


                    return Item.bow.func_94599_c(1);



                if (j > 0)


                    return Item.bow.func_94599_c(0);



[1:58:35 AM]*username: its fucking hard coded into entityplayer


[end of record]





thanks  :)

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I'll relook at this if you actually understand what code you're reading and do as it says.

And then also post without the condescending dick boss from office space.


{Protip: That's not broken}

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