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1.12: FMLNetworkEvent.ServerDisconnectionFromClientEvent only seen when the server initiates the disconnect?!


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I must be doing something wrong:-( I see the "User connected" as expected when a new player connects/logs in. But the "User disconnected" seems to show up only when the server disconnects the player (during a shut down for instance). I don't see the "User disconnected" when the player logs out/disconnects. Any idea, what's wrong?



-- Marco

public class UserStatsMod {
  	private static Logger logger;
    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
      	logger = event.getModLog();

    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {
        MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new ConnectionEvents());

    public class ConnectionEvents {
        public void userConnect(FMLNetworkEvent.ServerConnectionFromClientEvent event) {
            logger.info("User connected");            

        public void userDisconnect(FMLNetworkEvent.ServerDisconnectionFromClientEvent event) {
            logger.info("User disconnected");


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That's the event, I'm trying to subscribe to, yes. And my handler is called as expected, when the server shuts down and disconnects the clients. But the handler is not called, when the client disconnects on it's own.

Edited by mw46d
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2 hours ago, mw46d said:


I must be doing something wrong:-( I see the "User connected" as expected when a new player connects/logs in. But the "User disconnected" seems to show up only when the server disconnects the player (during a shut down for instance). I don't see the "User disconnected" when the player logs out/disconnects. Any idea, what's wrong?

There is both a PlayerLoggedInEvent and a PlayerLoggedOutEvent please use those instead. ServerDisconnectionFromClientEvent is only called when the server disconnects a player, and ClientDisconnectionFromServerEvent is only called when the Client disconnects from the server. It is a little bit of a play on words, which one is doing the disconnecting.


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