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[1.12.2] Problems with ToolAxe Class


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Hello. I'm making few tool sets.

It is my ToolAxe class:

package com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.items.tools;

import com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.Main;
import com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.init.ModItems;
import com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.util.IHasModel;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe;

public class ToolAxe extends ItemAxe implements IHasModel{

	public ToolAxe(String name, ToolMaterial material)
		super(material, 6.0F, -3.0F);
	public void registerModels() 
		Main.proxy.registerItemRenderer(this, 0, "inventory");


In the line:

		super(material, 6.0F, -3.0F);

We need to use 2 float value. But I don't want to use values because these values sets all of my axes. I don't want it. I want this system:

Sword: n+3

Axe: n+2

Pickaxe: n+1

Spade(Shovel): n

How can I do it?

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More Strenghtened Tools Mod:


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3 hours ago, H_SerhatY said:

Hello. I'm making few tool sets.

It is my ToolAxe class:

package com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.items.tools;

import com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.Main;
import com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.init.ModItems;
import com.H_SerhatY.MoreStrenghtenedToolsMod.util.IHasModel;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe;

public class ToolAxe extends ItemAxe implements IHasModel{

	public ToolAxe(String name, ToolMaterial material)
		super(material, 6.0F, -3.0F);
	public void registerModels() 
		Main.proxy.registerItemRenderer(this, 0, "inventory");


In the line:

		super(material, 6.0F, -3.0F);

We need to use 2 float value. But I don't want to use values because these values sets all of my axes. I don't want it. I want this system:

Sword: n+3

Axe: n+2

Pickaxe: n+1

Spade(Shovel): n

How can I do it?

Pass different values into ththe constructor?

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public class BasicToolPrefabAxe extends ItemAxe implements IHasModel

    public BasicToolPrefabAxe(String name,ToolMaterial material,String tool,int level,float AttackDamage,float AttackSpeed,int SetMaxStackSize)
        super(material, AttackDamage, AttackSpeed);

    public void registerModels(){UTOMod.proxy.registerItemRenderer(this, 0, "inventory");}

in the first set of values, your setting the values that can be changed in other classes,

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9 hours ago, H_SerhatY said:

In the line:

		super(material, 6.0F, -3.0F);

We need to use 2 float value. But I don't want to use values because these values sets all of my axes. I don't want it. I want this system:

Sword: n+3

Axe: n+2

Pickaxe: n+1

Spade(Shovel): n

How can I do it?

In this, what is n?

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1 minute ago, H_SerhatY said:

Any value(in numbers).

So a random number?

Edited by Cadiboo

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11 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

So a random number?

No. For example, if I set n to 12, my tools' attack damage going to set like this;

Sword: 15

Axe: 14(in previous versions, it's going to set like this.)

Pickaxe: 13

Shovel: 12

I want to say this. 

Edited by H_SerhatY

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19 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

So a random number?

I want to say this...

public static final ToolMaterial MATERIAL_REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4 = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("material_reinforced_emerald_mk4", 219, 127544, 751.0F, 425.0F, 961);

This is my tool material. In second FLOAT value, we're set an attack damage.

It's set to 425.0F so my sword's attack damage is set to 429.

And I want my axe's attack damage is set to 428.

And another example:

public static final ToolMaterial MATERIAL_REINFORCED_IRON_INGOT_MK4 = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("material_reinforced_iron_ingot_mk4", 29, 3269, 76.0F, 72.0F, 184);

This is my other tool material(I have a lot of this.). In second FLOAT value, we're set an attack damage.

It's set to 72.0F so my sword's attack damage is set to 76.

And I want my axe's attack damage is set to 75.

Do you understand?


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More Strenghtened Tools Mod:


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1 minute ago, H_SerhatY said:

I want to say this...

public static final ToolMaterial MATERIAL_REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4 = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("material_reinforced_emerald_mk4", 219, 127544, 751.0F, 425.0F, 961);

This is my tool material. In second FLOAT value, we're set an attack damage.

It's set to 425.0F so my sword's attack damage is set to 429.

And I want my axe's attack damage is set to 428.

And another example:

public static final ToolMaterial MATERIAL_REINFORCED_IRON_INGOT_MK4 = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("material_reinforced_iron_ingot_mk4", 29, 3269, 76.0F, 72.0F, 184);

This is my other tool material(I have a lot of this.). In second FLOAT value, we're set an attack damage.

It's set to 72.0F so my sword's attack damage is set to 76.

And I want my axe's attack damage is set to 75.

Do you understand?


I think so, whats wrong with that code?

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why not just pass n in the constructor?


public ToolAxe(String name, ToolMaterial material, int n)
		super(material, 6.0F + n, -3.0F + n);


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1 minute ago, Cadiboo said:

why not just pass n in the constructor?


public ToolAxe(String name, ToolMaterial material, int n)
		super(material, 6.0F + n, -3.0F + n);


I will try it.

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More Strenghtened Tools Mod:


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2 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

why not just pass n in the constructor?


public ToolAxe(String name, ToolMaterial material, int n)
		super(material, 6.0F + n, -3.0F + n);


It's caused an error in ModItems class. And it's want to delete the n parameter.

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This is my axe item:

public static final ItemAxe REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4_AXE = new ToolAxe("reinforced_emerald_mk4_axe", MATERIAL_REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4);

In there:

new ToolAxe("reinforced_emerald_mk4_axe", MATERIAL_REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4);

It wants to add the n parameter to there or delete it from ToolAxe class.

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More Strenghtened Tools Mod:


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8 minutes ago, H_SerhatY said:

This is my axe item:

public static final ItemAxe REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4_AXE = new ToolAxe("reinforced_emerald_mk4_axe", MATERIAL_REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4);

In there:

new ToolAxe("reinforced_emerald_mk4_axe", MATERIAL_REINFORCED_EMERALD_MK4);

It wants to add the n parameter to there or delete it from ToolAxe class.

then add the n parameter?

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