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Entity randomness


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I have a simple non living entity, but it randomly goes up or down making the player standing on it fall

Does anyone know a fix for this?

I have the same issue with an entity which is just a copy of the Painting.


Can I see the code of your Entity registration with the EntityRegistry?

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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Im registering it with

EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(DerpEntity.class, "EntityDerp", 1, this, 128, 1, true);


public DerpEntity(World par1World) {
	this.setSize(1.0F, 1.0F);
        this.entityCollisionReduction = 1.0F;
        this.renderDistanceWeight = (double)(1);
        this.texture = "textures/blocks/dirt";
    public float getShadowSize()
        return 1.0F;
public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox(){
	return this.boundingBox;
 public boolean canBePushed()
        return false;
 public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBox(Entity var1){
	return this.getBoundingBox();
public void onUpdate()
public boolean canBeCollidedWith()
        return true;
protected void entityInit() {
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(27, this.entityId);

"you seem to be THE best modder I've seen imo."




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Anyone have a solution?


You can either heighten the 2nd last parameter or set the last one to false in your registerModEntity and see if that works.

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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I have implemented custom painting, but it's kinda old code. I think I fixed same issue as you're describing. My registration code:

registerEntity(EntityJaffaPainting.class, "jaffaPainting", 160, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, JaffaPaintingEntityID);

    private void registerEntity(Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int trackingRange, int updateFrequency, boolean sendsVelocityUpdates, int id) {
        EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(entityClass, entityName, id);
        EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, entityName, id, this, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendsVelocityUpdates);


Not sure if it helps, but it's better than nothing :D.

mnn.getNativeLang() != English

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