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Problem with knockback


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I have made a code to change the knockback of the player but when I set to like 86.1 % in 1.11 version it made like 10% knockback but in 1.9.4 it work well

public class VL extends MDL
	private NumberValue HM;
	private NumberValue VM;
	private BooleanValue LE;
	private Random random;
    public VL() {
    	super("VL", 0, a.b.c.MDL.Category.C);
        this.HM = new NumberValue("X", 100.0, 0.0, 100.0);
        this.VM = new NumberValue("Y", 100.0, 0.0, 100.0);
        this.LE = new BooleanValue("Target Only", false);
    public void onTick(final TickEvent event) {
        	if (Wrapper.getPlayer() == null) {
            if (Wrapper.getWorld() == null) {
            final double vM = this.VM.getValue() / 100.0;
            final double hM = this.HM.getValue() / 100.0;
            if (Wrapper.getPlayer().hurtTime == Wrapper.getPlayer().maxHurtTime && Wrapper.getPlayer().maxHurtTime > 0) {
                final EntityPlayerSP player4;
                final EntityPlayerSP player = player4 = Wrapper.getPlayer();
                player4.motionX *= hM;
                final EntityPlayerSP player5;
                final EntityPlayerSP player2 = player5 = Wrapper.getPlayer();
                player5.motionZ *= hM;
                final EntityPlayerSP player6;
                final EntityPlayerSP player3 = player6 = Wrapper.getPlayer();
                player6.motionY *= vM;
    private boolean canTarget(final EntityLivingBase entity) {
        if (!(entity instanceof EntityPlayer) || !(entity instanceof EntityMob) || !(entity instanceof EntityAnimal)) {
            return false;
        if (entity.getHealth() <= 0.0f) {
            return false;
        if (Wrapper.getPlayer().isSneaking()) {
        	return false;
        if (MovementUtils.isMoving()) {
        	return false;
        if (Wrapper.getPlayer().jumpMovementFactor != 0.0F) {
        	return false;
        final float yaw = AngleUtil.getAngle((Entity)entity)[1];
        final double yawDistance = MathUtil.getAngleDifference(yaw, this.mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw);
        if (yawDistance > 40.0) {
            return false;
        if (entity.isInvisible() && entity instanceof EntityPlayer) {
            final EntityPlayer entityPlayer = (EntityPlayer)entity;
            for (final ItemStack item : entityPlayer.inventory.armorInventory.clone()) {
                if (item != null) {
                    return true;
            return entityPlayer.getHeldItemMainhand() != null;
        return true;
    private Entity getTargetEntity() {
        double maxDistance = 360.0;
        Entity target = null;
        for (final Object object : this.mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) {
            if (!(object instanceof EntityLivingBase)) {
            final EntityLivingBase entity = (EntityLivingBase)object;
            if (!this.canTarget(entity)) {
            final float yaw = AngleUtil.getAngle((Entity)entity)[1];
            final double yawDistance = MathUtil.getAngleDifference(yaw, this.mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw);
            if (maxDistance <= yawDistance) {
            target = (Entity)entity;
            maxDistance = yawDistance;
        return target;
    public void onDisable()
    	final EntityPlayerSP player4;
        final EntityPlayerSP player = player4 = Wrapper.getPlayer();
        player4.motionX *= 1.0f;
        final EntityPlayerSP player5;
        final EntityPlayerSP player2 = player5 = Wrapper.getPlayer();
        player5.motionZ *= 1.0f;
        final EntityPlayerSP player6;
        final EntityPlayerSP player3 = player6 = Wrapper.getPlayer();
        player6.motionY *= 1.0f;


Edited by NqwSqw
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I don't know if you're coding your mod that way or that your obfuscating it (for us), but please, don't! It makes it practically impossible for us to help you. What is MDL? What is a.b.c.MDL.Category.C?

Edited by larsgerrits

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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1 hour ago, larsgerrits said:

I don't know if you're coding your mod that way or that your obfuscating it (for us), but please, don't! It makes it practically impossible for us to help you. What is MDL? What is a.b.c.MDL.Category.C?

I'm almost certain he's modding without using Forge (i.e. jar modding).

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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1 hour ago, NqwSqw said:



a.b.c is the package name

Ok, but why are you calling your package that? 

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1 hour ago, NqwSqw said:

To bypass Process Hacker String detection

Are you trying to make a hack? What is Process Hacker String detection and who is using it?

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2 hours ago, Cadiboo said:

Are you trying to make a hack? What is Process Hacker String detection and who is using it?

Yes I try make a hack with selfdestruct to hide the hack and injection into javaw.exe process.

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Just now, NqwSqw said:

Yes I try make a hack with selfdestruct to hide the hack and injection into javaw.exe process.

I’m pretty (very) sure that trying to make a hack isn’t allowed on these forums. What do you mean by self destruct and why are you trying to hide it?

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Versions below 1.14.4 are no longer supported on this forum. Use the latest version to receive support.

When asking support remember to include all relevant log files (logs are found in .minecraft/logs/), code if applicable and screenshots if possible.

Only download mods from trusted sites like CurseForge (minecraft.curseforge.com). A list of bad sites can be found here, with more information available at stopmodreposts.org

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