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Custom Hit box of Block 1.12


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25 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

 It seems to me that this means you subscribed to the drawBox event properly

the event is working, you said it yourself


27 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

please post your code as a GitHub repository

have to create account ...


29 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

        } catch (final Exception e) {

this it came from the code that you sent me, I have removed it, but it continues in the same way as the previous print

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2 hours ago, Ragnar said:

have to create account ...

It’s free and allows you to do version control (if u accidentally delete something/ mess something up you can restore it) and it allows us to view and help you with your code.


2 hours ago, Ragnar said:

this it came from the code that you sent me, I have removed it, but it continues in the same way as the previous print

I wanted you to remove it so any errors that happen are silently caught and discarded (the code that it came from wanted all the errors to disappear).

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Just now, Ragnar said:

but my code still does not work, what's wrong?

I have absolutely no clue why it isn’t working (or what your code even is) because of the reasons I mentioned before. Please make a GitHub repository. Every Programmer/Coder/Modder I’ve ever seen/heard of/met before has one (Here’s mine).

Its free and it allows us to help you. Without it we honestly pretty much can’t help. (We can help a very very very tiny bit without it)

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12 minutes ago, Ragnar said:

Thanks! Though that’s not quite what I meant, can you download GitHub Desktop (or something) and put your entire code up there? Your repository should be from your mods root directory (the place that the src, build, run and gradle folders are). This allows syntax highlighting, viewing where methods get called in other files and some other stuff.


From what you’ve posted I can see that

- You need to annotate your Pedestal Class with @Mod.EventBusSubscriber

- put you List “all” RIGHT BELOW “event.setCancelled(true);”

- remove the try/catch block completely

- remove “blockstate.addCollisionBoxToList” from your event subscriber. You’ve mutilated the code enough that it doesn’t even start to do what it should with that call.


I can’t read Spanish at all well, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post your entire repository. Honestly WTF, your code is half Spanish half English, and some of the variable names switch between languages as the code goes on. Does this even compile?????? It shouldn’t. It really really really shouldn’t.

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4 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

. Eu não sei ler bem o espanhol, POR FAVOR, POR FAVOR, poste seu repositório inteiro. Honestamente WTF, seu código é metade do inglês meio espanhol, e alguns dos nomes de variáveis alternam entre os idiomas conforme o código continua. Isso ainda compila ?????? Não deveria. Realmente realmente não deveria.

I'm sorry, I'm Brazilian, my code is all in English but as my google is activated the translator, when I put the code he translated and did not see and sent translated, sorry

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2 minutes ago, Ragnar said:

I'm sorry, I'm Brazilian, my code is all in English but as my google is activated the translator, when I put the code he translated and did not see and sent translated, sorry

All good, I was pretty confused aha. Thanks for what you’ve done so far, but can you please

8 minutes ago, Cadiboo said:

download GitHub Desktop (or something) and put your entire code up there? Your repository should be from your mods root directory (the place that the src, build, run and gradle folders are). This allows syntax highlighting, viewing where methods get called in other files and some other stuff.


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1 minute ago, Ragnar said:

I'm going to do it, and I did not sleep, I'm still too sleepy to sue hahaha, and I'm sorry I judged you before, I sincerely apologize

All good, sorry for being a bit condescending, I didn’t realise there was a language barrier

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1 hour ago, Ragnar said:

this is code but there is something very wrong that I am doing the format does not work out what I want and when I put the block and shot and I look at one that is on the floor, the box continues

Remove this line.


blockState.addCollisionBoxToList(world, pos, new AxisAlignedBB(pos), all, player, false);


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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