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Custom block not dropping when broken by hand


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First of all this is not how you setup a repository to your minecraft mod. Your root repository directory must be your root workspace folder, the folder with the gradle batch files and such.



implements ITileEntityProvider

Don't. ITileEntityProvider is legacy code. Just override Block#createTileEntity and Block#hasTileEntity.



extends BlockBase

BlockBase is an antipattern. You do not need it. 


You do not need to set the state in Block#onBlockAdded. Just return the state you want in Block#getStateForPlacement.


You do not need your TileEntity manipulations in your setState method. Just override TileEntity#shouldRefresh and return false if it is simply a change of a property.


There is no need to override Block#getItemDropped, Block#getItem and Block#getRenderType in your case since you just default to a base implementation.


Your Burning property isn't saved nor loaded into/from metadata.



implements IInventory

No. No no no no. Never implement IInventory ever. Use capabilities.


There is no need to copy the TileEntityFurnace.getItemBurnTime method. It is static. Just call it.


This is not the first time I am seeing all these issues. Are you using a tutorial of some kind? If you are could you link it so I could go complain to the author that it is a horrible one?


As for the issue you've posted:

Your block's material is ROCK. Blocks with this material(and a couple of other ones) will not drop anything unless broken with a propper tool. Either change the material or override Block#canHarvestBlock.

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40 minutes ago, ParanormalRyno said:

Well, don't follow it. You don't always find the correct answer on YouTube. Instead do what V0idWa1k3r said.


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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