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(Solved) How to render a banner tileentity into my dragon entity


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So my idea is to render a banner into the side of the dragon if there is a banner in the dragon's inventory, I already made the inventory but i dont know how to render a tile entity on the side of the dragon entity, I know its possiblee because if yooru replace a banner in the helmet slot on the payer via commands the banner would render on the player and follow with it, my guess is world.addTileEntity()? best regards

Edited by TheRPGAdventurer
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21 minutes ago, TheRPGAdventurer said:

my guess is world.addTileEntity()

You have a wrong concept of TileEntities. TEs are attached to blocks. World#addTileEntity puts the given TE into a BlockPos <-> TE map. A TileEntity can't really be detached from a block and still function/render correctly unless it's coded to do so.


21 minutes ago, TheRPGAdventurer said:

if yooru replace a banner in the helmet slot on the payer via commands the banner would render on the player and follow with it

That has nothing to do with TileEntities, the banner is rendered as an item on the player's head much like a pumpkin is.


21 minutes ago, TheRPGAdventurer said:

i dont know how to render a tile entity on the side of the dragon entity

There are two ways to do this. Either copy what TileEntityBannerRenderer does but without an actual banner tileentity present(pull the data from the ItemStack) or simply render the banner in the same way the items are rendered on the player's head - you can see how the game does that in LayerCustomHead. Really the only method you actually need is ItemRenderer#renderItem. And you would need to adjust the GL matrix to your dragon of course. The second option is preferred in my opinion.

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2 hours ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

You have a wrong concept of TileEntities. TEs are attached to blocks. World#addTileEntity puts the given TE into a BlockPos <-> TE map. A TileEntity can't really be detached from a block and still function/render correctly unless it's coded to do so.

so in other words tile entities are like block models?

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5 hours ago, TheRPGAdventurer said:

so in other words tile entities are like block models?

No, not at all.  Tile Entities are objects which a) store some extended state for blocks, where the 4 bits of metadata isn't enough (e.g. vanilla signs, banners, chests...), and b) possibly having some ticking behaviour (e.g. vanilla furnaces).  There's a many-to-one relationship for Tile Entities to Blocks (there's only one vanilla Chest block, but every chest in the world has its own distinct Tile Entity).  Tile Entities are present on both the client and server, and don't have any knowledge of how to render themselves.


What you seem to be referring to is rendering, which is done (at least for rendering not handled by the block model) by subclasses of TileEntitySpecialRenderer (aka TESR).  This is distinct from Tile Entities themselves; there's at most one TESR for each type of Tile Entity (most TE's don't have a TESR at all), and when its render() method is called - which is every frame on the client while the TE is in view of the player - it's passed the Tile Entity instance that it's rendering.


So, as @V0idWa1k3rsuggested, you could examine the code for TileEntityBannerRenderer, specifically the render() method to see what it does.  Hint: it contains a ModelBanner instance, which is rendered by the TESR with bannerModel.renderBanner().  What you need to do is to determine the texture to bind from the banner in ItemStack form, and call bannerModel.renderBanner() with the appropriate OpenGL transformations etc. when the dragon is rendered.  You should be able to hook RenderLivingEvent.Post to do your extra model drawing, but doing all the setup to render it correctly is up to you...

Edited by desht
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23 minutes ago, desht said:

No, not at all.  Tile Entities are objects which a) store some extended state for blocks, where the 4 bits of metadata isn't enough (e.g. vanilla signs, banners, chests...), and b) possibly having some ticking behaviour (e.g. vanilla furnaces).  There's a many-to-one relationship for Tile Entities to Blocks (there's only one vanilla Chest block, but every chest in the world has its own distinct Tile Entity).  Tile Entities are present on both the client and server, and don't have any knowledge of how to render themselves.


What you seem to be referring to is rendering, which is done (at least for rendering not handled by the block model) by subclasses of TileEntitySpecialRenderer (aka TESR).  This is distinct from Tile Entities themselves; there's at most one TESR for each type of Tile Entity (most TE's don't have a TESR at all), and when its render() method is called - which is every frame on the client while the TE is in view of the player - it's passed the Tile Entity instance that it's rendering.


So, as @V0idWa1k3rsuggested, you could examine the code for TileEntityBannerRenderer, specifically the render() method to see what it does.  Hint: it contains a ModelBanner instance, which is rendered by the TESR with bannerModel.renderBanner().  What you need to do is to determine the texture to bind from the banner in ItemStack form, and call bannerModel.renderBanner() with the appropriate OpenGL transformations etc. when the dragon is rendered.  You should be able to hook RenderLivingEvent.Post to do your extra model drawing, but doing all the setup to render it correctly is up to you...

A+ for the effort thanks man!

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Well, you are popping the matrix twice thus completely screwing it up.


if(!itemstack.isEmpty()) {


            if (dragon.isBannered()) {

               GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

               GlStateManager.translate(0.0F, 0F, 0.0F);

               GlStateManager.rotate(180.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);

               GlStateManager.scale(0.625F * 4, 0.625F * 4, 0.625F * 4);                

               mc.getItemRenderer().renderItem(dragon, itemstack, ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType.NONE);




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  • 6 months later...

Ok sorry for necroing this post. Using the render by item method works for me. but the problem is that it shows the bannerstand model which is the brown stick below i want it gone now, its there because I rendered it by the item model entity. now i want to render the banner model in the render instead of calling in the item model, with it can finally set

bannerModel.bannerStand.showModel = true;

to false removing the stick beloww. but how do i call in the item tileentity straight from the inventory data for the textures to render, the texture is automatically called in by the item?


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On 11/1/2018 at 1:17 PM, V0idWa1k3r said:

Either copy what TileEntityBannerRenderer does but without an actual banner tileentity present(pull the data from the ItemStack) 

@V0idWa1k3r I used your second option to render it as an item but now i want the  stick to be gone from the item, i will render it from the model so i can set bannerModel.bannerStand.showModel = false; now you gave me this advice how do i pull out the data from the item?

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29 minutes ago, V0idWa1k3r said:

The banner model is stored in TileEntityBannerRenderer but it's private.

You can copy what that renderer does but with your banner model.

@V0idWa1k3r i already done that but how do i get the textures for it? you said puling out the data from the itemstack but i see no methods of getting the tileentity from Item.class. what do i need to call the the banner tile entity since it the only one that tores the data not the blockbanner nor the itembanner

    private ResourceLocation getBannerResourceLocation(TileEntityBanner bannerObj)
        return BannerTextures.BANNER_DESIGNS.getResourceLocation(bannerObj.getPatternResourceLocation(), bannerObj.getPatternList(), bannerObj.getColorList());


Edited by TheRPGAdventurer
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