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No Block Textures Since 1.5.1


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Hey guys,


I haven't got any textures since 1.5.1 but I have item textures


Main Class:

@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired= true,
clientPacketHandlerSpec = @cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod.SidedPacketHandler(channels = {"ParallelWorlds"} , packetHandler = ParallelWorldsClientPacketHandler.class),
serverPacketHandlerSpec = @cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod.SidedPacketHandler(channels = {"ParallelWorlds"} , packetHandler = ParallelWorldsServerPacketHandler.class))

@Mod(modid="Parallel Worlds", name = "ParallelWorlds",version = "1.0.0")

public class ParallelWorlds {

public static ParallelWorlds Instance = new ParallelWorlds();

@SidedProxy(clientSide = "assassinhero.parallelworlds.client.ParallelWorldsClientProxy", serverSide = "assassinhero.parallelworlds.common.ParallelWorldsCommonProxy")
public static ParallelWorldsCommonProxy proxy;

public static Item EnderShard;
public static Item SapphireAxe;
public static Item SapphireSword;
public static Item IceStone;
public static Item IceShard;
public static Item HeavenlyPickaxe;
public static Item SapphirePickaxe;
public static Item Sapphire;
public static Item TimePickaxe;
public static Item TimeShovel;
public static Item TimeAxe;
public static Item TimeSword;
public static Block TimeOre;
public static Item AscariteHelmet;
public static Item AscariteChestplate;
public static Item AscariteLeggings;
public static Item AscariteBoots;
public static Block HeavenlyOre;
public static Item HeavenlyIngot;
public static Block Ascarite;
public static Block Hellite;
public static Block Arcticite;
public static Block NightOre;
public static Item TimeGem;
public static Block TimeStone;
public static Block NightStone;
public static Item NightGem;
public void PreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
	NightOre = new BlockNightOre(3657).setUnlocalizedName("Night Ore");
	NightStone = new BlockNightStoneBlock(3658).setUnlocalizedName("Night Stone");
	TimeStone = new BlockTimeStoneBlock(3659).setUnlocalizedName("Time Stone");
	Arcticite = new BlockArcticiteBlock(3660).setUnlocalizedName("Arcticite");
	Hellite = new BlockHelliteBlock(3661).setUnlocalizedName("Hellite");
	Ascarite = new BlockAscariteBlock(3662).setUnlocalizedName("Ascarite");
	HeavenlyOre = new BlockHeavenlyOre(3663).setUnlocalizedName("Heavenly Ore");
	TimeOre = new BlockTimeOre(3664).setUnlocalizedName("Time Ore");
	TimeSword = new ItemTimeSword(8000, EnumToolMaterial.TIME).setUnlocalizedName("Time Sword");
	TimePickaxe = new ItemTimePickaxe(8001, EnumToolMaterial.TIME).setUnlocalizedName("Time Pickaxe");
	TimeAxe = new ItemTimeAxe(8002, EnumToolMaterial.TIME).setUnlocalizedName("Time Axe");
	TimeShovel = new ItemTimeShovel(8003, EnumToolMaterial.TIME).setUnlocalizedName("Time Shovel");
	SapphirePickaxe = new ItemSapphirePickaxe(8004, EnumToolMaterial.SAPPHIRE).setUnlocalizedName("Sapphire Pickaxe");
	SapphireSword = new ItemSapphireSword(8005, EnumToolMaterial.SAPPHIRE).setUnlocalizedName("Sapphire Sword");
	SapphireAxe = new ItemSapphireAxe(8006, EnumToolMaterial.SAPPHIRE).setUnlocalizedName("Sapphire Axe");
	HeavenlyPickaxe = new ItemHeavenlyPickaxe(8009, EnumToolMaterial.HEAVENLY).setUnlocalizedName("Heavenly Pickaxe");
	NightGem = new ItemNightGemItem(5000).setUnlocalizedName("Night Gem");
	TimeGem = new ItemTimeGemItem(5001).setUnlocalizedName("Time Gem");
	HeavenlyIngot = new ItemHeavenlyIngotItem(5002).setUnlocalizedName("Heavenly Ingot");
	Sapphire = new ItemSapphireItem(5003).setUnlocalizedName("Sapphire");
	IceShard = new ItemIceShardItem(5004).setUnlocalizedName("Ice Shard");
	IceStone = new ItemIceStoneItem(5005).setUnlocalizedName("Ice Stone");
	EnderShard = new ItemEnderShardItem(5006).setUnlocalizedName("Ender Shard");


public void InitParallelWorlds(FMLInitializationEvent event){
	NetworkRegistry.instance().registerGuiHandler(this, proxy);
	GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new WorldGenerator());
	GameRegistry.addSmelting(ParallelWorlds.NightOre.blockID, new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.NightGem, 1), 0.5F);


public void craftingRecipes(){
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.NightStone, 1), "XX", "XX", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.NightGem);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.TimeStone, 1 ), "XX", "XX", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.TimeGem); 
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.Arcticite, 1), "XX", "XX", Character.valueOf('X'), Block.blockSnow);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.Ascarite, 1), "XX", "XX", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.HeavenlyIngot);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.TimePickaxe, 1), "XXX", " A ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.TimeGem, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.TimeSword, 1), " X ", " X ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.TimeGem, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.SapphirePickaxe, 1), "XXX", " A ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.Sapphire, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.TimeAxe, 1), "XX ", "XA ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.TimeGem, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.HeavenlyPickaxe, 1), "XXX", " A ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.HeavenlyIngot, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.IceStone, 1), "XXX", "XXX", "XXX", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.IceShard);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.TimeShovel, 1), " X ", " A ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.TimeGem, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.SapphireSword, 1), " X ", " X ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.Sapphire, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);
	GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ParallelWorlds.SapphireAxe, 1), "XX ", "XA ", " A ", Character.valueOf('X'), ParallelWorlds.Sapphire, Character.valueOf('A'), Item.stick);

public static void EnumToolMaterial(){
	EnumToolMaterial toolTime = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Time", 3, 2000, 10.F, 5, 20);
	EnumToolMaterial toolSapphire = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Sapphire", 3, 1500, 9.0F, 10, 10);
	EnumToolMaterial toolHeavenly = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Heavenly", 2, 300, 5.0F, 15, 5);





Block Class

public class BlockTimeStoneBlock extends Block{
public BlockTimeStoneBlock(int ID){


public void RegisterIcons(IconRegister par1iconregister){
	this.blockIcon = par1iconregister.registerIcon("ParallelWorlds:TimeStone");




All my blocks follow the same code.




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Where is the TimeStone.png file located on your computer? :)


Also you could try to override the three getTexture related methods and make them return the texture you want, i.e: the blockIcon :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Where is the TimeStone.png file located on your computer? :)


Also you could try to override the three getTexture related methods and make them return the texture you want, i.e: the blockIcon :)


My textures are located at




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Not the source of this problem I guess, but still:

public static ParallelWorlds Instance = new ParallelWorlds();

You shouldn't instansiate it to something, Forge will fix that part internally :)


I assume the register Icon part for your item is the same before the ":" conatining "ParallelWorlds" spelled the same way etc.

so then the only difference I see is the lack of overriding the getTexture methods, although I doubt it would change something since it should by default return the blockIcon anyways.. Edit: Yeah they do all return blockIcon by default.

Your block seems similar to mine inn code, so bleh I dunno, Time for bed when I can't compare two classes anymore, lolz :)


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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I might be insane, but it's worth posting anyway.


When you overrode the registerIcons method, you capitalized the first R in registerIcons. The method as it is written is uncapitalized (standard camelCase). I'm not sure if this will cause a problem though.


Best of luck!

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No, it is not. This is the code net.minecraft.block.Block:



     * When this method is called, your block should register all the icons it needs with the given IconRegister. This
     * is the only chance you get to register icons.
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1IconRegister)
        this.blockIcon = par1IconRegister.registerIcon(this.unlocalizedName);


So, why is he not getting compile-time errors?

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Come'on mate, bump doesn't tell us shit. And as for your signature, do you really feel that we been crucifying you so far?

except this bump thing we haven't even said one rough word... And be so kind to remember that all of us here is doing this to HELP you and others.. We been trying our best with the information given.




Also is the block code you posted the whole code for you block class, or did you leave out some lines?



Vogner, he did above:



My textures are located at






If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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There is one block with it's texture file


here is the code for it:

public class BlockHelliteBlock extends Block{
public BlockHelliteBlock(int ID){


public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1iconregister){
	this.blockIcon = par1iconregister.registerIcon("ParallelWorlds:Hellite");




Here is some code for a block without textures

public class BlockTimeStoneBlock extends Block{
public BlockTimeStoneBlock(int ID){


public void registerIcons(IconRegister par1iconregister){
	this.blockIcon = par1iconregister.registerIcon("ParallelWorlds:TimeStone");




I cannot spot any differences


there might be someone here worth looking at I'm not sure if this will help


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Should I be so prudent as to ask whether 'mods.ParallelWorlds.textures.blocks.TimeStone.png' exists? In your eclipse 'src' directory that is.





Taken from my workspace would correspond to this:


public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) {
this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("alchcraft:alchtable");

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Should I be so prudent as to ask whether 'mods.ParallelWorlds.textures.blocks.TimeStone.png' exists? In your eclipse 'src' directory that is.





Taken from my workspace would correspond to this:


public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) {
this.blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("alchcraft:alchtable");


Yes, It does exist, The textures once worked and now they do not. I have checked the folders prior to making this thread and all textures are there :)


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Hmm just for the heck of it, what happends if you make timestone register it's icon to the same as the working one? (ParallelWorlds:Hellite)





How many blocks and items do you have inn your project at the moment, how big is the mod in terms of files?

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Hmm just for the heck of it, what happends if you make timestone register it's icon to the same as the working one? (ParallelWorlds:Hellite)





How many blocks and items do you have inn your project at the moment, how big is the mod in terms of files?


For some strange reason they are here now O_o


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