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[1.14.4] Spawn an Entity onItemRightClick


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I can't seem to find a way to do this.

I wanted to spawn a zombie when you right click the item, but I don't know how can I get an instance of a ZombieEntity to spawn in world


I tried this:

ZombieEntity zombie = new ZombieEntity(worldIn);

But my IDE won't let me use this. I checked the ZombieEntity class and all it takes in its constructor is the world, so I am not quite sure why I can't do this.

Thank you.

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Hello Cerandior,


What exactly is your IDE complaining about?

This is what you should have to do (At least for 1.12)

  -> Override Item#onItemRightClick this will give you access to the World
  -> Use World#isRemote to check if you are on Server Side
  -> Create a new Instance of ZombieEntity
  -> Call ZombieEntity#setPosition

  -> Call World#spawnEntity(Entity)


Nice Greetings


Edited by TechMage_DE
EntityZombie -> ZombieEntity
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1 hour ago, TechMage_DE said:

Hello Cerandior,


What exactly is your IDE complaining about?

This is what you should have to do (At least for 1.12)

  -> Override Item#onItemRightClick this will give you access to the World
  -> Use World#isRemote to check if you are on Server Side
  -> Create a new Instance of ZombieEntity
  -> Call ZombieEntity#setPosition

  -> Call World#spawnEntity(Entity)


Nice Greetings



That is what I tried as well, but I get an "unreachable statement" error. Never happened to me before. No idea what is going on.

Screenshot of the error: https://prnt.sc/oxrq57

Edited by Cerandior
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Take a look at the first line in your method:

return super.onItemRightClick(worldIn, playerIn, handIn);

This is a return statement, which means that the method is ended here and all statements after can't be reached (Exactly what your IDE is telling you)

You have to remove this statement and add your return statement at the end of the method.

There you want to return a new ActionResult using ActionResult#newResult


Nice Greetings


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10 minutes ago, TechMage_DE said:

Take a look at the first line in your method:

return super.onItemRightClick(worldIn, playerIn, handIn);

This is a return statement, which means that the method is ended here and all statements after can't be reached (Exactly what your IDE is telling you)

You have to remove this statement and add your return statement at the end of the method.

There you want to return a new ActionResult using ActionResult#newResult


Nice Greetings


That's a big oof from me. Been in front of the screen for a while now, maybe that's a sign I should back off.
Thought onItemRightClick was void and didn't even look at the return right in my face.

Sorry for wasting your time.

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