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I am looking to save a json for use in my mod. And since it will contain information realting to the specific game/server I would need to save the file in different locations for each, or change my json to have different trees for each save. I think the easiest way would just be to change the file location, but if I cant, then I would want to get the name of the singleplayer worlds, to seperate the json files.

Any help is appreciated.

2 minutes ago, Elrol_Arrowsend said:

Basically what I am making is a config file that is world dependent so that wouldn't work I dont think.

Ok that's a little more troubling. Also sounds a little inconvenient for the user. What configurations are you proposing? Maybe you should just put them in the Forge specified configs. Maybe a little thought to be put into this. Anyways new File(".") will give you the working directory, so new File(./saves) will give you the saves directory in SinglePlayer. And the World's name would be in World#getWorldInfo()


I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.


Alright, well thanks for the help, but the file itself would be more to store configurations made while ingame. So this should work perfectly well, I may change how it works later on, but for now its more of a personal project for a server im hosting for like 2 people. XD


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