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Posted (edited)

Hi. I need custom block model that can pick textures dynamically (because json will generate 2^6 * 6^6 (3M) models in this case), but this system (I looked through ModelDynBucket) seemed unreasonably complicated for me. Is it possible to bake the model using json model and only change retexturing? Or I'll have to deal with all this transforms and builders stuff for such a small change?

Edited by Evi1Casul
Posted (edited)

Hey, is there any help other than answers for "how do I create an item" on this forum?

I'm trying to solve this problem for two weeks and have already tried json, forge json multimodes and TESR. It seems IModel is finally what I need, but how can I change the texture of a BakedQuad or how do I create a textured and tinted BQ?

Edited by Evi1Casul
2 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

IModel#bake gives you a Function<ResourceLocation, TextureAtlasSprite> (bakedTextureGetter) which turns sprite locations (for registered sprites, see TextureStitchEvent) into TextureAtlasSprite instances, which you can then use for the U/V coordinates of your baked quad.


I still don't get where can I apply my texture. For example, here:

IModel subComponent = ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(MODELS[5]);
TextureAtlasSprite sprite = bakedTextureGetter.apply(TEXTURES[texIndex]); // Where do I use it?
IBakedModel bakedModelWest = subComponent.bake(state, format, bakedTextureGetter);


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

You can use IModel#retexture to override an existing model's textures.

I get IModel from ModelLoaderRegistry, it's parsed from untextured json file determined in IModel#getDependencies, I can't retexture it... 

UPD: Or can I?.. What map do I pass as a param? 

Edited by Evi1Casul
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Map keys will be the name of the texture in the model json (e.g. "all" for a "cube_all" model). Map values will be either "#othertexture" to refer to some other texture in the same model, or a resource location to specify a freely chosen texture.

Thanks, it's working, but I'm facing another problem now: I need data from extended blockstate in order to retexture the model, but it's only available in IBakedModel#getQuads. If I retexture cached model here I won't be able to bake it to IBakedModel and get its quads...

Edited by Evi1Casul
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

If you can at all do it: Prepare all your models in IModel#bake (yes, you can create multiple models there!). Then return one IBakedModel that contains all of them and makes a quick decision about which one to use in IBakedModel#getQuads. IBakedModel#getQuads should be very fast. If you have a potentially infinite number of models based on the extended state though you need to have a complex caching system in your IBakedModel, where you cache recently used baked models and re-use them.

I also considered this option, but I thought that there might be a more efficient way to do it. Well, I'll try it now.

Edited by Evi1Casul

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