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[UNSOLVED] [1.12.2] Making onItemRightClick(...) fire every tick?


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7 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

If you change the item stack at all during usage, you need to override canContinueUsing.

Okay, now the server gets notified. However, the only thing that's bothering me is this error I get when using the item continuously.

[14:24:19] [Thread-6/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error in class 'ChannelLWJGL OpenAL'
[14:24:19] [Thread-6/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Invalid enumerated parameter value.
[14:24:19] [Thread-6/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error in class 'ChannelLWJGL OpenAL'
[14:24:19] [Thread-6/ERROR] [minecraft/SoundManager]: Error creating buffers in method 'preLoadBuffers'

It doesn't, however, affect my game or anything...

Is there a reason why this is happening? Maybe it's the fact that I'm playing a sound every 2 ticks (too frequently)? :/

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1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

Show where you are playing your sound.

if (!world.isRemote)
					EntityRayBullet ball = new EntityRayBullet(player, 0.001F);
					Vec3d vector = player.getLookVec();
					double x = vector.x;
					double y = vector.y;
			       	double z = vector.z;
					ball.shoot(player, player.rotationPitch, player.rotationYaw, 0.0F, 3.33F, 0.5F);
			       	ball.setPositionAndUpdate(player.posX - (x * 0.75D), player.posY + player.eyeHeight, player.posZ - (z * 0.75D));
			       	//if (entityliving.ticksExisted % 3 == 0)
			       		world.playSound(null, player.getPosition(), DinocraftSoundEvents.RAY_GUN_SHOT, SoundCategory.NEUTRAL, 3.0F, world.rand.nextFloat() + 0.5F);
			       //	}

in onUsingTick method

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3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Looks fine. Not sure, does it happen with different sound files?

It only happens if the sound is played too frequently. Apparently, if the method fires every 4 ticks the errors don't occur, but 3 and below the errors start occurring frequently.

This never happened before for any sound.

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3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Sounds like a bug in the sound system? You also did not answer my question though.

Just tried with BLOCK_ENDERCHEST_CLOSE (Minecraft) and BOUNCE (Modded) and RAY_GUN_SHOT (Modded). The modded ones give errors; Minecraft doesn't. Must be something with my mod then ;/

I have no idea what it is though. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the sounds are streamed?

Edited by Differentiation
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2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

How are you creating your sound files? Can you post one?
Also post your sounds.json.

Sounds are .ogg files.



public class DinocraftSoundEvents 
	public static final SoundEvent GRAB;
	public static final SoundEvent CHARM;
	public static final SoundEvent HARP;
	public static final SoundEvent CRUNCH;
	public static final SoundEvent SHOT;
	public static final SoundEvent GUN_SHOT;
	public static final SoundEvent SHOTGUN_SHOT;
	public static final SoundEvent RAY_GUN_SHOT;
	public static final SoundEvent SEED_SHOT;
	public static final SoundEvent HIT;
	public static final SoundEvent CRACK;
	public static final SoundEvent BOUNCE;
		GRAB = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "grab")).setRegistryName("grab");
		CHARM = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "charm")).setRegistryName("charm");
		HARP = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "harp")).setRegistryName("harp");
		CRUNCH = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "crunch")).setRegistryName("crunch");
		SHOT = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "shot")).setRegistryName("shot");
		GUN_SHOT = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "gun_shot")).setRegistryName("gun_shot");
		SHOTGUN_SHOT = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "shotgun_shot")).setRegistryName("shotgun_shot");
		RAY_GUN_SHOT = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "ray_gun_shot")).setRegistryName("ray_gun_shot");
		SEED_SHOT = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "seed_shot")).setRegistryName("seed_shot");
		HIT = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "hit")).setRegistryName("hit");
		CRACK = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "crack")).setRegistryName("crack");
		BOUNCE = new SoundEvent(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MODID, "bounce")).setRegistryName("bounce");
	public static class RegistrationHandler
		public static void register(Register<SoundEvent> event)
          		Utils.getLogger().info("Registered all sounds");



	"grab": {
		"category": "entity",
		"subtitle": "item.grab",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:grab", "stream": true } ]
	"charm": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "charm",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:charm", "stream": true } ]
	"harp": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "harp",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:harp", "stream": true } ]
	"crunch": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "crunch",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:crunch", "stream": true } ]
	"shot": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "shot",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:shot", "stream": true } ]
	"shotgun_shot": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "shotgun_shot",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:shotgun_shot", "stream": true } ]
	"ray_gun_shot": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "ray_gun_shot",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:ray_gun_shot", "stream": true } ]
	"gun_shot": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "gun_shot",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:gun_shot", "stream": true } ]
	"hit": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "hit",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:hit", "stream": true } ]
	"crack": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "crack",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:crack", "stream": true } ]
	"bounce": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "bounce",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:bounce", "stream": true } ]
	"seed_shot": {
		"category": "random",
		"subtitle": "seed_shot",
		"sounds": [ { "name": "dinocraft:seed_shot", "stream": true } ]


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5 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Yes, that problem would not cause that error.

Again: Please post one of your sound files or describe the process in which you are creating them.

"Ogg file" is about as descriptive as "text file".







I guess this is one of the sound files..

I don't really understand which files you're talking about

Edited by Differentiation
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Just now, diesieben07 said:

Online converters are notoriously terrible.

Use ffmpeg.

I already have Audacity installed. Does it serve the same benefits?


Also, it'd be a pain for me to find the original sound files I used now.


2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

And again, your file should be in mono.

I'll just have to go to the file and delete one stereo for that

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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

It shouldn't matter.

Okay, that's solved.


However, I don't understand why the bullets fired don't hit the entity I'm shooting at if I'm like 0 or 1 block away from it... This also happened before I got it to fire every tick.


I tried setting the position of the bullet a little bit behind the player when it spawns in an attempt to avoid this, but then if the player has a block behind him, the bullet just ends up hitting the block. :/


Is there any way to resolve this?

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9 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

I assume you just copied the arrow code? The arrow does not start hitting entities before having flown for 5 ticks, probably a crude workaround for it otherwise hitting the shooter itself.

There's no code in my class that describes that. I didn't copy the code for EntityArrow, but I am extending EntityThrowable.

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3 minutes ago, Differentiation said:

So you're telling me I can just modify those to 0 and null, respectively, in the constructor?

No, I don't think so, because those variables were declared in the onUpdate method, and I don't have enough knowledge about projectile because my bullet doesn't extend EntityThrowable so I can't explain clearly. Sorry.

But I still recommend you to read the code in fireball instead of other projectiles.

Edited by poopoodice
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1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

I assume you just copied the arrow code? The arrow does not start hitting entities before having flown for 5 ticks, probably a crude workaround for it otherwise hitting the shooter itself.

No, the arrow doesn't do anything if the hit entity is the shooter. I didn't find anything with flown ticks affecting hit entities.

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