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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone, I'm really new to forge and everything  and am trying to make a new enchantment that can be applied to boots called "Jump".


As the name may imply, I want it to make a player jump higher. For testing purposes at least, this is twice as high as normal. The enchantment book appears in game and applies to boots just fine, but nothing happens.


This is the EnchantmentJump class (everything is imported above this):

public class EnchantmentJump extends Enchantment {
    public EnchantmentJump() {
        super(Enchantment.Rarity.RARE, EnumEnchantmentType.ARMOR_FEET, new EntityEquipmentSlot[] {EntityEquipmentSlot.FEET});

    public int getMaxLevel() {
        return 1;

    public void jumpBoost(LivingEvent.LivingJumpEvent event){
        int level = EnchantmentHelper.getMaxEnchantmentLevel(ModEnchantments.JUMP, event.getEntityLiving());

        if (level > 0) {
            EntityLivingBase player = event.getEntityLiving();
            player.motionY *= 2;



Here is my ModEnchantments class (again, everything is imported above this):

public class ModEnchantments {

    public static final Enchantment JUMP = new EnchantmentJump();

    public static void registerEnchantments(RegistryEvent.Register<Enchantment> event) {


I realise that the reason this isn't working is likely a misunderstanding of how Forge works or something incredibly obvious, but I have been having trouble nonetheless.



Edited by Danieldrd
5 minutes ago, Danieldrd said:

player.motionY *= 2;

this here seems kinda weird. i think this would probably make gravity 2 times as big. you might not be seeing the higher jump because the gravity is stronger and pulling the player to the ground faster. this is just speculation. i think giving the player a jump boost effect (like, the potion one) may be a better idea. Also im pretty sure you can check if the player is jumping using the LivingJumpEvent if that's useful. I hope this helps at least a little


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