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Minecraft 1.12.2 Forge Server Crash?

CrypTic Deadman

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7 minutes ago, Ugdhar said:

1.12 is no longer supported due to age.

Please update to a modern version to receive support.

More information on supported versions can be found at the LTS link at the top of every page.

Are 1.12.2 Servers no longer supported? Or can you not provide help for 1.12.2? 

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Essentially support on these forums will only be given for the last 2 versions (1.14/1.15 currently) of Minecraft, everything else is unsupported, and the moderators will close threads opened for them. It doesn't mean you can't use them or seek support on other websites, just not here.

There are just too many versions to make it feasible to support old versions on here, plus most of the developers on here use current stuff, not old stuff.


The LTS link at the top of the page has more information.

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14 minutes ago, Ugdhar said:

Essentially support on these forums will only be given for the last 2 versions (1.14/1.15 currently) of Minecraft, everything else is unsupported, and the moderators will close threads opened for them. It doesn't mean you can't use them or seek support on other websites, just not here.

There are just too many versions to make it feasible to support old versions on here, plus most of the developers on here use current stuff, not old stuff.


The LTS link at the top of the page has more information.

Okay, thank you for letting me know.

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