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[1.14.4] Slider GUI Component.


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I am currently trying to make a multi-block structure for handling storage. Basically you connect things that have inventories with pipes to a controller block, and then through this block you can access all of those inventories at once. The problem that I have right now, is that I obviously need to accommodate a huge number of slots in this gui, so a slider is the obvious choice. However I am not entirely sure how would I implement this. I have an idea, but I don't like it because it doesn't seem very efficient. I was thinking of using the slider as some sort of "offsett" applier, and depending on this offset I reload the slot contents into the gui to the appropriate chests/inventories. Now that would mean that every time I change this slider value I am essentially removing and re-assigning slots to the container, and that doesn't seem like a good idea if there are a lot of inventories connected to this block. I also had another idea but I am not sure this one is possible. I was thinking about adding all the slots at the beginning and using the slider offset value as a "guide" on which part of the gui to render. Can you do that? The next choice, which is also the easiest one, is to create "pages" of slots and I can use two buttons to navigate through them, but I don't like the aesthetic of this solution. Could someone offer some help with the slider?

Edited by Cerandior
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Also, look at the creative inventory gui for doing scrolling stuff.

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