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[1.14.4] GUI is tiled


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My gui is a little big to fit in the standard 256x256 size, so I made a 512x512 texture for it. However now the gui is scaled down by minecraft and it's being tiled.

See here: https://prnt.sc/r2f61q

The xSize and ySize are set correctly. Does this have to do with the way drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer scales the gui depending on the window size?


Container: https://github.com/arjolpanci/VanillaExtended/blob/master/src/main/java/teabx/vanillaextended/container/CollectiveStorageContainer.java
Screen: https://github.com/arjolpanci/VanillaExtended/blob/master/src/main/java/teabx/vanillaextended/client/gui/CollectiveStorageScreen.java

Edited by Cerandior
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You didn't tell the parent class what your gui width and height are, so it assumes the default values, which are out of an assumed total of 256 when calculating UVs (which are what's actually used when drawing the gui).

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23 minutes ago, Draco18s said:

You didn't tell the parent class what your gui width and height are, so it assumes the default values, which are out of an assumed total of 256 when calculating UVs (which are what's actually used when drawing the gui).

I called setSize in the constructor and gave it 512 for both width and height but nothing changed. Also I remember that a couple of years ago you couldn't have large GUI's because they were hard-coded to only accept 256x256 images. You had to use a tessellator and draw it yourself. Does that limitation still exist nowadays?

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54 minutes ago, A-Game said:

For the Screen, have you tried to put in your constructor "this.width = super.width * 2" & "this.height = super.height * 2" to double the size instead of setSize method?

I don't really think that is any different from the setSize.


48 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Depends on how you draw your background texture.

If you just copied the vanilla code (using the blit method) then yes, that method by default assumes 256x256 textures. Look at it's code, it is pretty obvious how to change that.

Thank you, It's fixed now. 

Next time I'll look more carefully before asking for something here. I did open up the AbstractGui class to look into the blit method, but when I saw a bunch of meaningless variable names I stopped looking. 

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