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[1.15][Solved]BlockState JSON doesn't recognize model JSON


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When i try to start minecraft it keeps telling me that a model is missing for facing variants but the variants have an existing model.

This is the error in the log:



"cable" BlockState JSON:

  "forge_marker": 1,
  "defaults": {
    "textures": {
      "all": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_end"
    "model": "engineerstech:block/cable",
    "uvlock": true
  "variants": {
    "": [{
    	"textures": {
      		"all": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_end"
    	"model": "engineerstech:block/cable",
    	"uvlock": true
    "facing": {
    	"north": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend"
    	"east": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"y": 90
    	"south": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"y": 180
    	"west": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"y": 270
    	"up": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"x": 90
    	"down": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"x": 270


"cable_extend" model JSON:

    "textures": {
    	"particle": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_end",
        "end": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_end",
        "side": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_side"
    "elements": [
    		"from": [6,6,16],
    		"to": [10,10,10],
    		"faces": {
                "down":  { "uv": [6,6, 16,16], "texture": "#side" },
                "up":    { "uv": [6,6, 16,16], "texture": "#side" },
                "north": { "uv": [6,6, 10,10], "texture": "#end" },
                "south": { "uv": [6,6, 10,10], "texture": "#end" },
                "west":  { "uv": [6,6, 16,16], "texture": "#side" },
                "east":  { "uv": [6,6, 16,16], "texture": "#side" }


my project repository: https://github.com/FuturisticLux/engineerstech

Edited by FuturisticLux
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I think your blockstates json isn't right.

Look at mbe03 example in this example project



    "variants": {
           "facing=north": { "model": "minecraftbyexample:block/mbe03_block_variants_model_blue"},
            "facing=east": { "model": "minecraftbyexample:block/mbe03_block_variants_model_blue", "y": 90 },
           "facing=south": { "model": "minecraftbyexample:block/mbe03_block_variants_model_blue", "y": 180 },
            "facing=west": { "model": "minecraftbyexample:block/mbe03_block_variants_model_blue", "y": 270 }
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What version of Forge are you using?  Even vanilla blockstates look like this now


    "variants": {
        "axis=y":  { "model": "block/acacia_log" },
        "axis=z":   { "model": "block/acacia_log", "x": 90 },
        "axis=x":   { "model": "block/acacia_log", "x": 90, "y": 90 }


Your error log clearly shows that it is unable to parse your blockstates properly.  It doesn't find any of the "facing" variants and it thinks that your "north" value for facing is a boolean property.



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Ok, facing wasn't the property i needed to use, I now use each direction as a boolean property.


new cable blockstate JSON:

  "forge_marker": 1,
  "defaults": {
    "textures": {
      "all": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_end"
    "model": "engineerstech:block/cable",
    "uvlock": true
  "variants": {
   	"": [{
    	"textures": {
      		"all": "engineerstech:blocks/cable_low_end"
    	"model": "engineerstech:block/cable",
    	"uvlock": true
    "north": {
    	"true": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend"
    "east": {
    	"true": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"y": 90
    "south": {
    	"true": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"y": 180
    "west": {
    	"true": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"y": 270
    "up": {
    	"true": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"x": 90
    "down": {
    	"true": {
    		"model": "engineerstech:block/cable_extend",
    		"x": 270


It indicates that the blockstate should provide a model for each combination of booleans.


What I understand from the documentation the use of forge states should automate the combinations, example: if both up and down are true then both should be aplied.

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I think I read somewhere that Forge states have been removed, your documentation may be out of date (that happens a lot)

Ah yeah here's the link




New Forge model loader

  • Forge Blockstate jsons are now removed as having model logic being was always a massive hack
  • Instead, the vanilla model json format has been expanded. You can now specify a "loader" field in the json and register a custom loader to process the model in code.




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