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[1.15.2] How to check whether a player has a certain advancement?


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I want to play a sound when an item is picked up (EntityItemPickup), but only if a certain advancement has been already get.

It seems I can use ServerPlayerEntity and get the advancements from there, with the help of AdvancementManager:


PlayerEntity player = event.getPlayer();
World world = player.getEntityWorld();
AdvancementManager manager = new AdvancementManager();
	boolean flag = ((ServerPlayerEntity) player).getAdvancements().getProgress(manager.getAdvancement(new ResourceLocation("minecraft:story/mine_diamond"))).isDone();
		#play the sound

The flag doesn't seem to be working. How do I refer to the advancements of the client efficiently? Is this the correct way? Perhaps the resource location is not working- how do I get the correct resource?


Alternatively, is there any event for when the player gets a specific achievement?

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Not sure if you actually want to run this on the client, clients could lie about what advancements are completed, and/or won't be in sync with the server advancements. Of course playing a sound would definitely occur on the client, but logic checks should probably be done server-side.


Beyond that, I haven't tried doing this myself, so I am unsure how to go about it. If I have some time to tinker I might check it out and if I find out anything, I'll come back and post. :)

Edited by Ugdhar
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