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I'm looking to override the vanilla ore generation strategy. I've been digging through all of the forge/minecraft source code, and scoured github looking for a solution, but I'm unable to find one.

I saw there is an ORE feature that is used to add all of the ores to the different biomes

In Feature.java
public static final Feature<OreFeatureConfig> ORE = register("ore", new OreFeature(OreFeatureConfig::deserialize));
In DefaultBiomeFeatures.java
     public static void addStoneVariants(Biome biomeIn) {
      biomeIn.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Feature.ORE.func_225566_b_(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE, field_226786_au_, 33)).func_227228_a_(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.func_227446_a_(new CountRangeConfig(10, 0, 0, 256))));
... etc for other ore types


The default OreFeature.java that gets registered has a place method and a giant formula. I'm assuming this is how it ends up generating the ore.

At the end of the formula it ends up calling

 worldIn.setBlockState(blockpos$mutable, config.state, 2);


So I thought I would go ahead and create my own CustomOreFeature which extends OreFeature (I just copied the exact formula from the original OreFeature), then register it

 private static final DeferredRegister<Feature<?>> FEATURES = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.FEATURES, "minecraft");

    public ExampleMod() {
        IEventBus modEventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();

        FEATURES.register("ore", () -> new CustomOreFeature(OreFeatureConfig::deserialize));


When i start up the client it says that is overrided the original ORE feature, which is good.

[21:49:06] [Render thread/INFO] [ne.mi.re.GameData/]: Potentially Dangerous alternative prefix `minecraft` for name `ore`, expected `examplemod`. This could be a intended override, but in most cases indicates a broken mod.
[21:49:06] [Render thread/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Feature Override: minecraft:ore net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.OreFeature@57ac2910 -> com.example.examplemod.CustomOreFeature@67c1fc9b


However, no matter what i change in my CustomOreFeature class, it doesn't seems to affect the default ore generation (Altering the formula i copied, or just removing the formula entirely).


I'm brand new to modding minecraft, so any help or direction is greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!


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DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Thanks so much for the quick reply! This does indeed look like quite the amount of fun haha. Will post back if I can get my idea working.


Thanks again!

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