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[1.12] Getting existing chest gui/items


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Recently I started Minecraft modding, one of the things I wanted to do was opening chests remotely. For example by using a command. The goal is to get all the items from the chest without actually being at its location. 


Currently I have done the following, this gets a chest location from the world and opens a chest gui. While this does open a chest gui, it opens the client chest and not server side, meaning there are no items in it.


        RayTraceResult objectMouseOver = player.rayTrace(5, 1); 

       	TileEntityChest te = (TileEntityChest) player.world.getTileEntity(objectMouseOver.getBlockPos());

        IInventory inv = null;

        if(te instanceof TileEntityChest) {
          TileEntityChest teChest = (TileEntityChest) te;
          inv = (IInventory) teChest;
        IInventory finalInv = inv;

        Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new GuiChest(player.inventory, finalInv));


My question is, can I get the server side chest data or GUI within the code? And how to do this?





Edited by larsyuipo
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where do you call that?


sorry do not read 1.12 cannot help you and generally it is not longer supported at this forum

Edited by Niprow
don't know 1.12

 I will make fun of you if you are not able to look into the (vanilla-) code.

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