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[MCP] Decompiling errors with Forge


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When trying to use the Minecraft Coder Pack with Forge, I have this error:



== MCP 7.51 (data: 7.51, client: 1.5.2, server: 1.5.2) ==
"scalac" is not found on the PATH.  Scala files will not be recompiled
# found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, renumber csv, ast
yle, astyle config
> Creating Retroguard config files
!! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
== Decompiling client using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying Retroguard
> Applying MCInjector
> Unpacking jar
> Copying classes
> Decompiling
> Copying sources
> Applying fernflower fixes
> Applying patches
> Cleaning comments
- Done in 230.88 seconds
== Reformating client ==
> Cleaning sources
> Replacing OpenGL constants
> Reformating sources
- Done in 26.07 seconds
== Updating client ==
> Adding javadoc
> Renaming sources
- Done in 24.91 seconds
!! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
== Decompiling server using fernflower ==
> Creating SRGs
> Applying Retroguard
'"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin\java" -cp "runtime\bin\retroguard.jar;li
b;lib\*;jars\minecraf...' failed : 1


Unrecoverable error during obfuscation, see log file for details.
RetroGuard error: COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound qv
COM.rl.obf.classfile.ClassFileException: ClassNotFound qv
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl$ExtNameListUp.<init>(Cl.java:1540)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.getExtNameListUp(Cl.java:1511)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveThis(Cl.java:903)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:853)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:846)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:846)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:846)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:839)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:865)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveNameSpaceExcept(Cl.java:846)
        at COM.rl.obf.Cl.resolveOptimally(Cl.java:646)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree$6.classAction(ClassTree.java:687)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.walkTree(ClassTree.java:1488)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.walkTree(ClassTree.java:1480)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.walkTree(ClassTree.java:1471)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.walkTree(ClassTree.java:1471)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.walkTree(ClassTree.java:1471)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.walkTree(ClassTree.java:1452)
        at COM.rl.obf.ClassTree.resolveClasses(ClassTree.java:682)
        at COM.rl.obf.GuardDB.createMap(GuardDB.java:437)
        at COM.rl.obf.GuardDB.remapTo(GuardDB.java:464)
        at COM.rl.obf.RetroGuardImpl.run(RetroGuardImpl.java:182)
        at COM.rl.obf.RetroGuardImpl.obfuscate(RetroGuardImpl.java:131)
        at COM.rl.obf.RetroGuardImpl.obfuscate(RetroGuardImpl.java:113)
        at RetroGuard.main(RetroGuard.java:90)

Decompile failed
Press any key to continue . . .




I have searched Google, Forge fourms, and other places for help.  I have asked other friend's in modding for help, they have not been able to.  I have only had this problem after switching computers, and I am not able to use another now though.  I am not sure if this is the right form for this, since it relates to the programming, though not the code.


I am using mcp751 for 1.5.2 and minecraftforge-src-1.5.2-

Sorry for pasting the CMD log, there is no forge log. I have looked a lot for it, since this is a fairly unused computer there is not many files to search through.


Oh, and using Windows 7 Home 64-bit.


Any help would be great, thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

You're not using Forge's install script, wipe out your MCP folder and do so. It'll setup everything for you.


I've been getting the same problem ClassNotFound qv ive always used the forge installs cript saves me the time to download mcp, but for some reason after the install script has run I can even decompile the code again same error missing classfile qv


Used: MCP 1.5.2- and also same on MCP 1.5.2-7-8-0-725, used the install script no errors, but can't decompile afterwards so unless something has changed I really have no idea what or why



OK got this working the minecraft.jar was almost 1 MB smaller after running the script and finishing the installation. I simply replaced that .jar with the original jar downloaded from the minecraft site added forge to it and it decompiled without problems

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DO NOT run the DECOMPILE script.

The install.cmd will do everything for you.

ClassNotFound gv is caused by you trying to decompile the server, which you DONT NEED TO DO.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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