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[1.14.4] Loading asset/data files


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Is there a way to load files in the ./assets/ and ./data/ directory of any mod, including your own?

I'd imagine it to work with resource locations, but skimming over the usages of net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation and net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistryEntry#getRegistryName didn't help me much.


If you're wondering why I want to load files: I'm working on a Pokemon-style mod, except it uses mobs from Minecraft and other mods, and I want other mods to be able to add thier own mobs (or "Fighters" as I call them) to my mod that you can then capture and fight with. And since adding such a Fighter would also mean adding moves it can learn, i want other modders to be able to write it in a .json file where they just list the registry names of the moves and my mod picks out the correct moves, so the actual code of the mod stays rather short and isn't littered with chained methods of adding moves.


Edit: I want to load the asset data during mod setup.

Edited by Keheck
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Yes. That's what a ResourceLocation represents, a domain ("mod ID") and location. You ask for new ResourceLocation("NotMyMod","SomeAsset") and you'll get it.


Of course, if you're writing a json loading system for a type of asset, I recommend looking into the JsonReloadListener system. As an example,


Note that you need to register it with the MinecraftServer instance, which will require some reflection.

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36 minutes ago, Draco18s said:

Of course, if you're writing a json loading system for a type of asset, I recommend looking into the JsonReloadListener system. As an example,


Note that you need to register it with the MinecraftServer instance, which will require some reflection.

I'm afraid this won't work for me... I want the data for the Fighter during mod setup, specifically during the registraion of the Fighters.

Here's how I invisioned it (this will all happen inside a registry handler for the Fighter Registry with lowest event priority, so it is (likely) the last one to get called):


  • Get a list of all the registered fighters.
  • Loop the following for every entry (and account for errors):
    • Get the registry name of the entry
    • Is the domain empty or does it equal "minecraft"?
      • Yes: Look into "./data/mobfighters/"  ("mobfighters" is the modid of my mod)
      • No: Look into "./data/<domain>"/
    • Search in the data directory for "./fighter/<path>"
    • Read the .json
    • Pass the read data onto the entry.


Does the way I want to do it even make sense, or is it safe to do that?

If you want to look at my code, I have a repo here.

(The important classes are io.github.keheck.mobfighters.registry.entries.FighterEntry and io.github.keheck.mobfighters.registry.Registry)

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