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[1.15.2] [Solved] Sync energy level of a TileEntity's EnergyStorage to a GUI

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Posted (edited)



(This is just the my final comment with a link to the commit. For the actual infos, you'll have to look through everyone else's comments :))




Pretty common issue, but I can't seem to suss it out.

I have a TileEntity with a custom EnergyStorage implementation (enabling me to change its capacity more easily). I need to be able to display that energy level on a GUI (AltarScreen). Once that data is in the screen, I can display it, so the issue is in getting it there. I have passing the values down from the TileEntity, but when the AltarScreenManager creates the AltarScreen, the current- and maxAmethystFlux are always their default values of 0 and 50.


Pretty sure this isn't good practise -- reaching across sides, with the Screen being on the client and the Container on the server -- but either way it doesn't work.


I believe I need to be sending packets whenever the stored energy of the AltarTileEntity changes, but I can't work out how to do that. I've put some of the framework down, but how are the messages sent and received? How do I ensure that only the correct AltarScreen receives the data? It wouldn't do for all of the Altars in a world to display the same energy all the time! :) 


Here is a link to the altar package of my GitHub repo.

Edited by GenElectrovise
added version

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Synchronisation of GUI and TileEntity has some subtleties to be aware of.


You might find this example tutorial useful (look at the parts related to trackedInts, used for fuel burn time).



You can use custom packets instead, but it might be easier to use the vanilla synchronisation mechanism, even if your GUI doesn't need to use any item slots.



Posted (edited)

Hi @TheGreyGhost! Yes that's quite helpful, but I've tried implementing it and I'm still getting all defaults on the AltarContainerScreen (renamed from AltarScreen for greater accuracy). I noticed that you're not using capabilities, but that shouldn't affect data synchronisation, should it?


The AltarContainer is updating correctly, and also now saving to NBT properly, but, as I said, the AltarScreenContainer continues to default... Any ideas?




even if your GUI doesn't need to use any item slots

Btw it has 4 item slots in addition to energy

Edited by GenElectrovise

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I've fiddled with it a little bit and pushed up to GitHub... Do you know how I would go about receiving a packet in the AltarContainerScreen ? Unlike a Container, it does not appear to have an onPacket method...

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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Your screen doesn't receive the packet information, the container (on the client side) does.  The ContainerScreen asks the client container for the synchronised information. 

This all happens automatically if you use Slots and trackedInts; if you want to send other information then you need to register a packet-receiving method on the client side which writes the information into the client container.  See SWindowPropertyPacket for how vanilla does it.


In your case, it sounds like trackedInts should be fine for what you want to do.


>I noticed that you're not using capabilities, but that shouldn't affect data synchronisation, should it?

I haven't used those yet but no I don't think it should affect your screen synchronisation.









Hi @TheGreyGhost!

Sorry for the lengthy reply time! trackedInts haven't worked for me thus far -- an error in my implementation...

After the lack of success with that, I decided to try packets (figured I'd have to learn eventually), but as yet, they too are evading me, this time by showering me in compiler errors... As I register the packet, I get this error on the ::onMessageRecieved and ::encode , though as far as I can see I give the correct args.


The type AltarMessageHandlerOnClient does not define onMessageReceived(MSG, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context>) that is applicable here


The type AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient does not define encode(MSG, PacketBuffer) that is applicable here

I tried removing some of the arguments, as I thought they might be inferred from the method reference, but again to no avail.


I fiddled around with the ::decode method a bit more, and the error changed to this:


The type of decode(PacketBuffer) from the type AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient is AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient, this is incompatible with the descriptor's return type: MSG

... which is even more perplexing. As MSG is a generic type specified in the SimpleChannel#register method, I thought perhaps this could be caused by the other compiler errors making the compiler unable to tell if AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient is a valid/consistant type?


I have been using @Draco18s's reasonable realism repository  for good-practise reference, as well as the forge docs and your MinecraftByExample  section on network messages for reference...


Again sorry for the slow reply, but at least I haven't been idle! :) 

Many thanks.

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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Some of your method signatures weren't right and one of your imports (for Supplier) was wrong.


The fixed classes (compiles fine now):


package genelectrovise.magiksmostevile.common.network.altar;

import com.google.common.base.Optional;

import genelectrovise.magiksmostevile.common.main.MagiksMostEvile;
import net.minecraft.network.play.server.SWindowPropertyPacket;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.event.lifecycle.FMLCommonSetupEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.network.NetworkDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.network.NetworkRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.network.simple.SimpleChannel;

 * @author GenElectrovise 23 May 2020
public class AltarNetworkingManager {
	public static SimpleChannel channel;
	public static final ResourceLocation channelRL = new ResourceLocation(MagiksMostEvile.MODID, "altar_channel");
	public static final String MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "1.0";

	public static final int ALTAR_ENERGY_TO_SERVER = 35; // a unique ID for this message type. It helps detect errors if you don't use
														// zero!
	public static final int ALTAR_ENERGY_TO_CLIENT = 63;

	public static void onCommonSetupEvent(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
		channel = NetworkRegistry.newSimpleChannel(channelRL, () -> MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION, AltarMessageHandlerOnClient::isProtocolAccepted, AltarMessageHandlerOnServer::isProtocolAccepted);

		//channel.registerMessage(ALTAR_ENERGY_TO_SERVER, AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToServer.class, AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToServer::encode, AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToServer::decode, Optional.of(NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_SERVER));
		channel.registerMessage(ALTAR_ENERGY_TO_CLIENT, AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient.class, AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient::encode, AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient::decode, AltarMessageHandlerOnClient::onMessageReceived);


package genelectrovise.magiksmostevile.common.network.altar;

import genelectrovise.magiksmostevile.common.main.MagiksMostEvile;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.LogicalSide;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.network.NetworkEvent;

import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * @author GenElectrovise 24 May 2020
public class AltarMessageHandlerOnClient {

	 * Called when a message is received of the appropriate type. CALLED BY THE
	public static void onMessageReceived(final AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient message, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctxSupplier) {

		MagiksMostEvile.LOGGER.dev("Message recieved on client!");

		if (!message.isValid()) {
			MagiksMostEvile.LOGGER.warn("Invalid message received on client.");
		if (ctxSupplier.get().getDirection().getReceptionSide() != LogicalSide.CLIENT) {
			MagiksMostEvile.LOGGER.warn("Message recieved on incorrect side. (client) ");

		// Creates a new task for the client for next tick
		ctxSupplier.get().enqueueWork(() -> processMessage(message));

	// This message is called from the Client thread.
	private static void processMessage(AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient message) {


	public static boolean isProtocolAccepted(String protocolVersion) {
		return AltarNetworkingManager.MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION.equals(protocolVersion);


package genelectrovise.magiksmostevile.common.network.altar;

import genelectrovise.magiksmostevile.common.main.MagiksMostEvile;
import net.minecraft.network.PacketBuffer;

 * This Network Message is sent from the client to the server, to tell it to
 * spawn projectiles at a particular location. Typical usage: PREQUISITES: have
 * previously setup SimpleChannel, registered the message class and the
 * handler.<br>
 * <br>
 * 1) User creates an AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToServer(targetCoordinates) <br>
 * 2) simpleChannel.sendToServer(airstrikeMessageToServer); <br>
 * 3) Forge network code calls message.encode() to copy the message member
 * variables to a PacketBuffer, ready for sending ... bytes are sent over the
 * network and arrive at the server.... <br>
 * 4) Forge network code calls message.decode() to recreate the
 * airstrickeMessageToServer instance by reading from the PacketBuffer into the
 * member variables <br>
 * 5) the handler.onMessage(message) is called to process the message
 * @author GenElectrovise 24 May 2020
public class AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient {

	private static boolean messageIsValid;

	public AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient() {
		messageIsValid = true;

	public boolean isMessageValid() {
		return messageIsValid;

	 * Called by the network code. Used to write the contents of your message member
	 * variables into the ByteBuf, ready for transmission over the network.
	 * @param buf
	public void encode(PacketBuffer buf) {
		MagiksMostEvile.LOGGER.dev("Encoding message to client");
		if (!messageIsValid)

	 * Called by the network code once it has received the message bytes over the
	 * network. Used to read the ByteBuf contents into your member variables
	 * @param buf
	public static AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient decode(PacketBuffer buf) {
		MagiksMostEvile.LOGGER.dev("Decoding message to client");
		return new AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient();

	public String toString() {
		return "AltarEnergyUpdateMessageToClient{TODO toString}";

	public boolean isValid() {
		return messageIsValid;





Btw the only thing my packet system handles is a Prospecting effect to tell the client to draw some particles. You want to transfer TE info, getUpdatePacket and getUpdateTag exist.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Good news: Packet is now sent and recieved!


How do I now get this new data into the ContainerScreen? I suppose you would receive the packet in the ContainerScreen? I can think of how to do it with static methods, but not with the right instance.... Still, that doesn't seem like the solution... ?


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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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Ok, so can I clarify this is actually what I need to do:



I'm sending the packet in AltarContainer#detectAndSendChanges, which means that I have an instance of the player accessing it through inv#player.


I send the packet to that player, but when I receive that packet, I need an instance of either a World or a PlayerEntity to work with. If I have a World, I can get the PlayerEntity using their UUID; if I have a PlayerEntity I can use that directly.


I need to access the currently openContainer, because then, if the openContainer is an instanceof AltarContainer, I can cast it and access the AltarContainerScreen? Because if this is taking place on the client, openContainer will give a ContainerScreen, as the Player should not directly interact with the Container itself?


From there, I can update the values of the maxAmethystFlux and the currentAmethystFlux.



Does this make any sense whatsoever? Am I doing everything totally wrong?

If this is, in fact, the case, which simple method to get an instance of a World or the Player am I missing?

Pushing changes to GitHub now... Thanks!

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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Woohoo! It works! Although I've found that my packet code can be replaced by the (now working) trackedInts, I'm sure I'll need this packet knowledge soon!


Many thanks to you all!




For anyone from the future:

This link is to this commit. For reference to the rest of the Altar code, see the next link.


This is the full, latest, repo.




Ps. As the altar networking code is currently unused, I have deprecated it. It will be removed at a later date when I have a better networking example.

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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[main/INFO]: Found mod file bettercombat-forge-1.8.6+1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file biomemakeover-FORGE-1.20.1-1.11.4.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file BiomesOPlenty-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file blockui-1.20.1-1.0.156-RELEASE.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Bookshelf-Forge-1.20.1-20.2.13.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Bountiful-6.0.4+1.20.1-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file carryon-forge-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file citadel-2.6.1-1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file cloth-config-11.1.136-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Clumps-forge-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file comforts-forge-6.4.0+1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Controlling-forge-1.20.1-12.0.2.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Corgilib-Forge-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file CreativeCore_FORGE_v2.12.30_mc1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file cristellib-1.1.6-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file cupboard-1.20.1-2.7.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file curios-forge-5.11.1+1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file curiosbackslot-4.0.6-nc.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file decorative_blocks-forge-1.20.1-4.1.3.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file domum_ornamentum-1.20.1-1.0.186-RELEASE-universal.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file dragonseeker-1.2.0-1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file dungeons_enhanced-1.20.1-5.3.0.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file embeddium-0.3.31+mc1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file EnchantmentDescriptions-Forge-1.20.1-17.1.19.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file entityculling-forge-1.7.2-mc1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Explorify v1.6.2 f10-48.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Fallingleaves-1.20.1-2.1.0.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file FarmersDelight-1.20.1-1.2.6.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file ferritecore-6.0.1-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file framework-forge-1.20.1-0.7.12.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file geckolib-forge-1.20.1-4.7.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Geophilic v3.2 f15-61.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file GlitchCore-forge-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file goblintraders-forge-1.20.1-1.9.3.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file gravestone-forge-1.20.1-1.0.24.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file guardvillagers-1.20.1-1.6.10.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file handcrafted-forge-1.20.1-3.0.6.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file iceandfire-2.1.13-1.20.1-beta-5.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file immersive_weathering-1.20.1-2.0.3-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Jade-1.20.1-Forge-11.12.2.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file jei-1.20.1-forge- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file JustEnoughResources-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Kambrik-6.1.1+1.20.1-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Kobolds-2.12.0.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file kotlinforforge-4.11.0-all.jar of type LIBRARY with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file kubejs-forge-2001.6.5-build.16.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file LeavesBeGone-v8.0.0-1.20.1-Forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file leawind_third_person-v2.2.0-mc1.20-1.20.1-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letmedespawn-1.20.x-forge-1.4.4.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letsdo-API-forge-1.2.15-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letsdo-bakery-forge-1.1.15.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letsdo-brewery-forge-1.1.9.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letsdo-candlelight-forge-1.2.13.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letsdo-meadow-forge-1.3.19.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file letsdo-vinery-forge-1.4.37.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file libraryferret-forge-1.20.1-4.0.0.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file map_atlases-1.20-6.0.12.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-bridges-3.0.0-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-doors-1.1.1forge-mc1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-fences-1.1.2-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-furniture-3.3.0-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-lights-1.1.0-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-paintings-1.0.5-1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-paths-1.0.5-1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-roofs-2.3.1-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-trapdoors-1.1.4-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mcw-windows-2.3.0-mc1.20.1forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file medieval_boomsticks-1.01.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file modernfix-forge-5.20.0+mc1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file moonlight-1.20-2.13.51-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file MouseTweaks-forge-mc1.20.1-2.25.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mowziesmobs-1.6.5.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file NaturesCompass-1.20.1-1.11.2-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file oculus-mc1.20.1-1.8.0.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Oh-The-Trees-Youll-Grow-forge-1.20.1-1.3.4.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FORGE.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Placebo-1.20.1-8.6.2.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file player-animation-lib-forge-1.0.2-rc1+1.20.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file polymorph-forge-0.49.8+1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file PuzzlesLib-v8.1.25-1.20.1-Forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file realmrpg_seadwellers_2.9.9_forge_1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file realmrpg_skeletons-1.1.0-forge-1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file recruits-1.20.1-1.12.3.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file resourcefullib-forge-1.20.1-2.1.29.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file rhino-forge-2001.2.3-build.6.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file right-click-harvest-3.2.3+1.20.1-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file rubidium-extra- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Searchables-forge-1.20.1-1.0.3.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file SereneSeasons-forge-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file SimplyDesirePaths-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file smallships-forge-1.20.1-2.0.0-b1.4.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file snowundertrees-1.20.1-1.4.6.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file spark-1.10.53-forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file structure_gel-1.20.1-2.16.2.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file structurize-1.20.1-1.0.742-RELEASE.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file supplementaries-1.20-3.1.11.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file TerraBlender-forge-1.20.1- of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Terralith_1.20.x_v2.5.4.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file Towns-and-Towers-1.12-Fabric+Forge.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file weaponmaster_ydm-forge-1.20.1-4.2.3.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file zmedievalmusic-1.20.1-2.1.jar of type MOD with provider {mods folder locator at C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2\mods} [02:17:17] [main/WARN]: Mod file C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Install\libraries\net\minecraftforge\fmlcore\1.20.1-47.3.12\fmlcore-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar is missing mods.toml file [02:17:17] [main/WARN]: Mod file C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Install\libraries\net\minecraftforge\javafmllanguage\1.20.1-47.3.12\javafmllanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar is missing mods.toml file [02:17:17] [main/WARN]: Mod file C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Install\libraries\net\minecraftforge\lowcodelanguage\1.20.1-47.3.12\lowcodelanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar is missing mods.toml file [02:17:17] [main/WARN]: Mod file C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Install\libraries\net\minecraftforge\mclanguage\1.20.1-47.3.12\mclanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar is missing mods.toml file [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file fmlcore-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar of type LIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator@33cbfa57 [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file javafmllanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar of type LANGPROVIDER with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator@33cbfa57 [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file lowcodelanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar of type LANGPROVIDER with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator@33cbfa57 [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mclanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar of type LANGPROVIDER with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator@33cbfa57 [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file client-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar of type MOD with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator@33cbfa57 [02:17:17] [main/INFO]: Found mod file forge-1.20.1-47.3.12-universal.jar of type MOD with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator@33cbfa57 [02:17:18] [main/WARN]: Attempted to select two dependency jars from JarJar which have the same identification: Mod File:  and Mod File: . Using Mod File: [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found 16 dependencies adding them to mods collection [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mixinextras-forge-0.4.1.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mixinsquared-forge-0.1.2-beta.5.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file jankson-1.2.3.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file yabn-1.0.3.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file kfflang-4.11.0.jar of type LANGPROVIDER with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file spectrelib-forge-0.13.17+1.20.1.jar of type MOD with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file taniwha-forge-1.20.0-5.4.4.jar of type MOD with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file MixinSquared-0.1.2-beta.5.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file mclib-20.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file puzzlesaccessapi-forge-8.0.7.jar of type MOD with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file kfflib-4.11.0.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file kffmod-4.11.0.jar of type MOD with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file bytecodecs-1.0.2.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file NanoLiveConfig-1.2.1.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file MixinExtras-0.4.1.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:18] [main/INFO]: Found mod file jcpp-1.4.14.jar of type GAMELIBRARY with provider net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.JarInJarDependencyLocator@475646d4 [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Launching target 'forgeclient' with arguments [--version, forge-47.3.12, --gameDir, C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\bals 2, --assetsDir, C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Install\assets, --uuid, be779ab0d8dd4d16a1f1aa5b21c9f2f3, --username, Kaiserwaffe, --assetIndex, 5, --accessToken, ????????, --clientId, ODk4Y2EyYTAtMTA2OC00MmYwLThiOGItMGU1MzRlMDdjZjQ2, --xuid, 2535449048843979, --userType, msa, --versionType, release, --width, 854, --height, 480, --quickPlayPath, C:\Users\Sami\curseforge\minecraft\Install\quickPlay\java\1737271034449.json] [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for ModernFix 5.20.0+mc1.20.1: 86 options available, 0 override(s) found [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Applying Nashorn fix [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Applied Forge config corruption patch [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Embeddium: 167 options available, 3 override(s) found [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Searching for graphics cards... [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Found graphics card: GraphicsAdapterInfo[vendor=NVIDIA, name=NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER, version=DriverVersion=] [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: Embeddium has applied one or more workarounds to prevent crashes or other issues on your system: [NVIDIA_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS] [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: This is not necessarily an issue, but it may result in certain features or optimizations being disabled. You can sometimes fix these issues by upgrading your graphics driver. [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'handcrafted-forge-1.20.1-forge-refmap.json' for handcrafted.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'smallships-forge-refmap.json' for smallships.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'CuriosBackSlot.refmap.json' for curiosbackslot.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'mixins.epic_knights_ice_and_fire.refmap.json' for mixins.epic_knights_ice_and_fire.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium Extra: 35 options available, 0 override(s) found [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Loading 121 mods:     - alexsmobs 1.22.9     - almanac 1.0.2     - ambientsounds 6.1.4     - amendments 1.20-1.2.14     - antiquelegacy 1.8     - appleskin 2.5.1+mc1.20.1     - architectury 9.2.14     - astikorcarts 1.1.8     - bakery 1.1.15     - bettercombat 1.8.6+1.20.1     - biomemakeover 1.20.1-1.11.4         \-- taniwha 1.20.0-5.4.4     - biomesoplenty     - blockui 1.20.1-1.0.156-RELEASE     - bookshelf 20.2.13     - bountiful 6.0.4+1.20.1     - brewery 1.1.9     - candlelight 1.2.13     - carryon     - citadel 2.6.1     - cloth_config 11.1.136     - clumps     - comforts 6.4.0+1.20.1     - controlling 12.0.2     - corgilib     - creativecore 2.12.30     - cristellib 1.1.6     - cupboard 1.20.1-2.7     - curios 5.11.1+1.20.1     - curiosbackslot 4.0.6-nc     - decorative_blocks 4.1.3     - doapi 1.2.15         \-- terraform 7.0.1     - domum_ornamentum 1.20.1-1.0.186-RELEASE     - dragonseeker 1.2.0-1.20.1     - dungeons_enhanced 5.3.0     - embeddium 0.3.31+mc1.20.1         \-- rubidium 0.7.1     - embeddium_extra     - enchdesc 17.1.19     - entityculling 1.7.2     - epic_knights_ice_and_fire 1.0     - epic_knights_ores_and_alloys 1.1     - explorify 1.6.2     - fallingleaves 2.1.0     - farmersdelight 1.20.1-1.2.6     - ferritecore 6.0.1     - forge 47.3.12     - framework 0.7.12     - geckolib 4.7     - geophilic 3.2     - glitchcore     - goblintraders 1.9.3     - gravestone 1.20.1-1.0.24     - guardvillagers 1.20.1-1.6.10     - handcrafted 3.0.6     - iceandfire 2.1.13-1.20.1     - immersive_weathering 1.20.1-2.0.3     - jade 11.12.2+forge     - jei     - jeresources     - kambrik 6.1.1+1.20.1     - kobolds 2.12.0     - kotlinforforge 4.11.0     - kubejs 2001.6.5-build.16     - leavesbegone 8.0.0     - leawind_third_person 2.2.0     - letmedespawn 1.4.4     - libraryferret 4.0.0     - magistuarmory 9.21     - magistuarmoryaddon 1.22     - map_atlases 1.20-6.0.12         \-- mixinextras 0.4.1     - mcwbridges 3.0.0     - mcwdoors 1.1.1     - mcwfences 1.1.2     - mcwfurnitures 3.3.0     - mcwlights 1.1.0     - mcwpaintings 1.0.5     - mcwpaths 1.0.5     - mcwroofs 2.3.1     - mcwtrpdoors 1.1.4     - mcwwindows 2.3.0     - meadow 1.3.19         \-- mixinsquared 0.1.2-beta.5     - medieval_boomsticks 1.01     - medievalmusic 1.20.1-2.1     - minecraft 1.20.1     - modernfix 5.20.0+mc1.20.1     - moonlight 1.20-2.13.51     - mousetweaks 2.25.1     - mowziesmobs 1.6.4     - naturescompass 1.20.1-1.11.2-forge     - oculus 1.8.0     - ohthetreesyoullgrow 1.20.1-1.3.4     - patchouli 1.20.1-84-FORGE     - paths 1.0.0     - placebo 8.6.2     - playeranimator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20     - polymorph 0.49.8+1.20.1         \-- spectrelib 0.13.17+1.20.1     - puzzleslib 8.1.25         \-- puzzlesaccessapi 8.0.7     - realmrpg_skeletons 1.1.0     - recruits 1.12.3     - resourcefullib 2.1.29     - rhino 2001.2.3-build.6     - rightclickharvest 3.2.3+1.20.1-forge     - seadwellers 2.9.9     - searchables 1.0.3     - sereneseasons     - slavicarmory 1.5     - smallships 2.0.0-b1.4     - snowundertrees 1.4.6     - spark 1.10.53     - structure_gel 2.16.2     - structurize 1.20.1-1.0.742-RELEASE     - supplementaries 1.20-3.1.11     - t_and_t 0.0NONE     - terrablender     - terralith 2.5.4     - vinery 1.4.37     - weaponmaster_ydm 4.2.3 [02:17:20] [main/WARN]: Reference map 'cristellib-forge-refmap.json' for cristellib.mixins.json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Patching IForgeItemStack#getEnchantmentLevel [02:17:20] [main/INFO]: Patching IForgeItemStack#getEnchantmentLevel [02:17:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/raphimc/immediatelyfast/feature/map_atlas_generation/MapAtlasTexture (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.raphimc.immediatelyfast.feature.map_atlas_generation.MapAtlasTexture) [02:17:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: mekanism/client/render/entity/RenderFlame (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mekanism.client.render.entity.RenderFlame) [02:17:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: mekanism/client/render/armor/MekaSuitArmor (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mekanism.client.render.armor.MekaSuitArmor) [02:17:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: mezz/modnametooltip/TooltipEventHandler (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mezz.modnametooltip.TooltipEventHandler) [02:17:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: me/shedaniel/rei/impl/client/ClientHelperImpl (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me.shedaniel.rei.impl.client.ClientHelperImpl) [02:17:21] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: twilightforest/TFMagicMapData$TFMapDecoration (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: twilightforest.TFMagicMapData$TFMapDecoration) [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.world.sky.WorldRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.world.sky' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.world.sky.ClientWorldMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.world.sky' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.world.sky.BackgroundRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.world.sky' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.gui.font.GlyphRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.gui.font' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.gui.font.FontSetMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.gui.font' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.shadows.EntityRenderDispatcherMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.remove_streams.ModelPartMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.remove_streams.HierarchicalModelMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.fast_render.ModelPartMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.fast_render.CuboidMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.cull.EntityRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [oculus]) disables it and children [02:17:22] [main/INFO]: Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.4.1). [02:17:22] [main/INFO]: Patching IForgeItemStack#getEnchantmentLevel [02:17:22] [main/INFO]: Patching IForgeItemStack#getEnchantmentLevel [02:17:22] [main/WARN]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method m_216202_ in modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.tag_id_caching.TagOrElementLocationMixin cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded. [02:17:23] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO]: ModernFix reached bootstrap stage (9.268 s after launch) [02:17:23] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: @Final field delegatesByName:Ljava/util/Map; in modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.forge_registry_alloc.ForgeRegistryMixin should be final [02:17:23] [pool-4-thread-1/WARN]: @Final field delegatesByValue:Ljava/util/Map; in modernfix-forge.mixins.json:perf.forge_registry_alloc.ForgeRegistryMixin should be final [02:17:24] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO]: Vanilla bootstrap took 968 milliseconds [02:17:24] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO]: Patching IForgeItemStack#getEnchantmentLevel [02:17:24] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO]: Patching IForgeItemStack#getEnchantmentLevel
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