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[ForgeGradle] Option to use local mappings


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I would like an option that allows local mappings instead of downloading them from Forge Maven.

Some SRG names do not appear on MCPBot and some names are misleading.

I understand that those issues are supposed to be discussed at GitHub but I do not think that they are actually reviewed and resolved.

Thus, it would be nice if I could just modify mappings locally and use them.

So far, I have tried to put my mappings into zip file located in ForgeGradle's download destination.

But it seems like it gets overwritten every time.

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You could just submit names to the bot...

But either way, the mappings are downloaded from maven, any maven you have configured in your project.

But the problem with using custom mappings is that other people who use your setup don't have that data.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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11 hours ago, LexManos said:

You could just submit names to the bot...

My problem with the bot is that I cannot rename already mapped names and there are missing SRG names.

For example, net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType has func_230167_a_, func_230168_b_, func_230041_s_ and func_230169_u_ but typing um RenderType to the bot says no results found.

11 hours ago, LexManos said:

But either way, the mappings are downloaded from maven, any maven you have configured in your project.

Does this mean I can configure build.gradle in a way so that mappings are downloaded from somewhere else?

I currently have modified ForgeGradle and published it to local Maven and I am using mavenLocal() instead of maven { url = 'https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven' } in buildscript of build.gradle.


11 hours ago, LexManos said:

But the problem with using custom mappings is that other people who use your setup don't have that data.

How about providing the mappings with the setup that uses custom mappings?

Will that cause some legal issues?

Edited by lisilew
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People can change mappings, you're just using the wrong command. the bot should have plenty of help text to tell you what to do.


and no you dont need a custom FG version -.-

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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1 hour ago, LexManos said:

People can change mappings, you're just using the wrong command. the bot should have plenty of help text to tell you what to do.

I do not know if this is outdated or not, but when I use sm command on a method that I have mapped SRG to MCP, it says


WARNING: The MCP name has already been specified for this member.

Also, that page says to not rename anything that does not have the default SRG names.

1 hour ago, LexManos said:

and no you dont need a custom FG version -.-

Then, is it possible to configure build.gradle in a way that ForgeGradle does not re-download and overwrite the mappings when it has different MD5?

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Those commands are fine, and the problem with renaming things that already have names is that it fucks up other people's workspaces when they update and makes it a pain to find what was changed.

But that doesnt actually stop you from renaming things. Just don't be an ass about it and name things correctly.

And like I freaking said, the mappings are downloaded from maven.


Seriously, you've already hacked around things and made a 'custom FG' but can't understand the basics of setting up a maven repo in your buildscript...

Anyways, this has nothing to do with Forge.

You can already use custom mappings.

And it's a case where you're just willfully doing things the incorrect way.

So gunna close this.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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