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Effect doing nothing


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My effect does nothing in this code

package com.sonplaying.bufffood.effects;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.potion.Effect;
import net.minecraft.potion.EffectType;

public class SecondWindEffect extends Effect {

	public SecondWindEffect(EffectType typeIn, int liquidColorIn) {
		super(typeIn, liquidColorIn);
	public void performEffect(LivingEntity a, int amplifier) {
		if (a.getHealth() < a.getMaxHealth()) {
	public void affectEntity(@Nullable Entity source, @Nullable Entity indirectSource, 
			LivingEntity a, int amplifier, double health) {
		this.performEffect(a, amplifier);

What's wrong with this?

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3 minutes ago, poopoodice said:

How do you apply the effect? Have you register the effect type?

I registered the effect in my registryhandler. I put the type EffectType.BENEFICIAL...

wait, what do you mean effect type? Is it POTION_TYPE? Do i have to register that as well?

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1 hour ago, poopoodice said:

Sorry I mean "effect".

Can you show us how you register it? Also 


i only registered

public static final RegistryObject<SecondWindEffect> SECOND_WIND_EFFECT = EFFECTS.register("second_wind_effect", () -> new SecondWindEffect(EffectType.BENEFICIAL, 152512));


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On 8/31/2020 at 5:12 PM, diesieben07 said:

performEffect is only called if isReady returns true that tick (it returns false by default).

Yes, it works. I've put return this == REGISTRY.EFFECT_NAME.get(); and it works.

But it's different though. I've put heal, right? It's really fast for some reason. How do i slow it down? Do i just change the float value?

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