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Drawing top most block colour in a BIG range


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Hello, I want to draw block colours similar to how maps does it but in a gui.

Here's what I do in a tickable tileentity every 100 seconds:

public void updateMapColourData()
    if (world == null)
    mapColourData = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int x = getPos().getX() - RADIUS; x < getPos().getX() + RADIUS; x++)
        for (int z = getPos().getZ() - SCAN_RADIUS; z < getPos().getZ() + SCAN_RADIUS; z++)
            mapColourData.add(world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, world.getChunk(x, z).getTopBlockY(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE, x, z), z)).getMaterial().getColor().colorIndex);
    mapColourDataUpdated = true;

I originally set RADIUS to 100 (which makes up a 200 * 200 area) but the game freezes.

Then I set the radius to 10, (20 * 20 area) and it worked, but it took an average of 50 ticks per update just for (20 * 20 area).


My assumption is Chunk#getTopBlockY is expensive. If so is there any more efficient way to do this?


My alternative plan is instead of update all the areas in one step, update a small area every tick instead. Does it sounds more workable?

Any opinion/suggestion is appreciated.


20 * 20 area



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I tried to update 5 blocks per tick now, but it starts to crash everytime I open the screen (it sometimes crash before), and I've no idea why this happen because it just stop responding instead of crashing. The only line appeared:

Preparing crash report with UUID .................

After removing code one by one, I noticed that this method


seems like the problem, but it is weird that the issue only happens when I try to open the screen.

Repo: https://github.com/poopoodice/techrecon

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12 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

It's really not. Its some math (irrelevant), a map lookup and an array lookup.


Have you tried looking at what FilledMapItem does?

I noticed that there are two methods:





updateMapData is called every inventory tick, which I think it updates the blank map according to the player's position.

func_226642_a_ seems like it initialize and saves the colour to the map data? I'm not so sure about this one.

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Just one more question, at where the code stuck

mapColourData = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = getPos().getX() - 100; x < getPos().getX() + 100; x++)
    for (int z = getPos().getZ() - 100; z < getPos().getZ() + 100; z++)
        mapColourData.add(world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, world.getChunk(x, z).getTopBlockY(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE, x, z), z)).getMaterial().getColor().colorIndex);

As you said 

13 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

It's really not.

Maybe it's World#getChunk causing lags? If so should I not get chunk for every position instead only get it once and fills up all positions (16x16) in it?

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I've figure out the problem, I'm stupid that I was using the wrong World#getChunk all time. The one I was previously using:

getChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ)

is looking for chunk pos not block pos.

The correct one (using block pos) should be 

getChunk(BlockPos pos)


Thanks for helping :)

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Hello, so I have successfully created a simple map, but it does not have the effect the vanilla map has.

My map:


Vanilla map


I think in vanilla it is done by creating a set of nearby colours, then apply some maths.... (L119 ~ 210 in updateMapDate in FIlledMapItem).

But how come func_226642_a_ goes the other way? func_226642_a_ checks the biome depth of nearby blocks, then change the colour.

So I have a few questions here, if I understand them correctly:

1. Why are they plotting colour data in a different way?

2. In func_226642_a_ L245 it checks the graphicalX (mapX) and graphicalZ (mapZ) is greater than 0 and smaller than the map size - 1 (128 - 1 = 127), to prevent when calling func_195954_a_, it is out of bound (since it checks 8 adjacent blocks).

Thank you.


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Apparently by using the code in FIlledMapItem#updateMapData it worked.

This is how I render it:

                int rgb = MaterialColor.COLORS[index / 4].getMapColor(index & 3);
                Color colour = new Color(rgb);
                int red = colour.getBlue();
                int green = colour.getGreen();
                int blue = colour.getRed();
                fill(stack, minX, minY, minX + 1, minY + 1, ColorHelper.PackedColor.packColor(255, red, green, blue));

I have to swap red and blue in order to get the correct colour to display.

Thanks for the help.

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