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Loas mods in versions/forge<version>/mods instead of .minecraft/mods

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It would be a lot more convenient if forge loaded mods in its own folder, like modloader, so that we can have different forge profiles with different mods.


I agree, that would be really convenient and useful, having .minecraft/versions/forge<version>/mods-coremods-etc would make it easier to mantain several versions or profiles without any hassle.


There should eventually be a 'profile' folder that mods will be loaded from, loading mods from the versions folder is a bad idea.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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There should eventually be a 'profile' folder that mods will be loaded from, loading mods from the versions folder is a bad idea.


Does that mean something like having the launcher profile named.. for example, the same name the forge release I have now, "Forge8.9.0.771" and then mods will load from .minecraft/profiles/forge8.9.0.771/mods or  something similar?


Doing it from "versions/forgeversion/mods" sounds easier to mantain for users but I don't mind as long as each selected release has its separate folder for mods without needing custom launchers.

Also, do you plan to "backport" that to 1.5.2 or older versions?


And another question unrelated to this topic, is the installer .jar a temporary workaround while you figure out how 1.6+ and the new launcher work, or until Mojang (finally  ¬¬) release their modding API and an official way of loading mods, or will the installer be the official way for Forge from now on?


(sorry if there are too many questions and for my bad english :P)


The installer is the official install method from now on for the client.

Those who wish to install manualyl still can, they just need the proper libraries and to launch with the correct command information. {Which is described in the version.json}


As for Profiles vs Version.

You need to remember that they are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.





The Launcher is still in development on Mojang's end so we'll see where things go.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


The problem with the versions folder vs profile folder is that there is no profile folder system set up, only a version folder. So if you want a 1.6.1 forge while keeping the 1.6.1 vanilla, you have to create a new folder in the .minecraft\versions folder to accommodate both flavors. When you create your profile, you select which *version* of minecraft you want to use, either the 1.6.1 vanilla or the 1.6.1 forge.


The current way with .minecraft\mods, you're screwing over all versions of minecraft added to the new launcher since all versions of minecraft with forge will look in .minecraft\mods (and .minecraft\coremods). ALL VERSIONS will look there. Which means all copies of minecraft with forge are now going to crash and not work because the mods that have to be installed will be the wrong version for forge and even possibly overwrite the correct version needed for a given version of forge.


Currently, I play forge using the ftb launcher or with the old launcher. I will not use forge for 1.6.x because it will bork every other version of minecraft forge I want in the new launcher.


There may be one way: Set the installation directory for the profile. I have not gotten that feature to work. I would suggest that the versions folder is the smartest thing to do since that is where the base game's .jar file is located. If you run a version of minecraft with forge installed, it should put all the forge-related items for that version of forge in the same exact location as the modified game .jar file.


But that's my opinion...I'm not on the dev team of either program, just a programmer. And the above seems to be the most logical to me.


Either that or create a forge launcher that lets you add/remove mods (including forge) to any jar file you want, in much the same way as the ftb launcher does.


But one simple question. What if you want to change the version of Forge you're using in a particular modpack profile.

Hence why I suggest /profiles/{name}/mods. But this up to cpw, From my last glance ModLoader still only supported ./minecraft/mods.

FML supports ./mincraft/mods/{version} in addition to ./minecraft/mods


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


OK, I'm guessing that we set up the .minecraft/mods/{version} during the install process of Forge? There's a severe lack of instructions on how to use the new versioning/profiling system with the new launcher and different versions. Sure there are a few videos out there by xisuma and direwolf (among others) but no clear-cut instructions that I could see. I even missed the installer link on the files page. Though, admittedly, I'm a dumbass ;)


But one simple question. What if you want to change the version of Forge you're using in a particular modpack profile.

Hence why I suggest /profiles/{name}/mods. But this up to cpw, From my last glance ModLoader still only supported ./minecraft/mods.

FML supports ./mincraft/mods/{version} in addition to ./minecraft/mods

So it can also route like this?((Address bar))



To separate your mods for each version of Minecraft do the following:


1) Install Forge

2) Before running the Forge version in question, Edit the Profile

3) Change the game directory to point to %AppData%\.minecraft\versions\{Version of Forge in question}

4) Save the profile

5) Run the game.


You'll see that the mods, config, etc. folders for that particular version of forge are all created in the above folder and you will not have conflicts with older versions.


Xue, Minecraft version, not Forge version.

And yes you should be able to set a profile's GameDir and it'll make a profile specific mods folder.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


From my last glance ModLoader still only supported ./minecraft/mods.


Risugami changed that with the 1.6.1 update.  ModLoader is now putting the mods into the {{version}}/mods folder


I don't know if Forge wants to maintain any compatibility with ModLoader, but it will start to get confusing if different API libraries start putting things into different places.  For myself, I find this easier to configure and switch between different versions of Minecraft... or even separate mod sets.


Feel free to file a issue on the FML GitHub.

We do not use ModLoader, and rely on users feedback for compatibility issues.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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