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I'm trying to extend a LockableLootTileEntity to make a simple custom chest, similar to a vanilla barrel or chest, but looking at the code for some mods seems to require the use of packets and capabilities. , I don't understand this well. When and what should I do when using capabilities?

1 hour ago, Zemelua said:

I don't understand this well. When and what should I do when using capabilities?

if you want to create a chest / barrel that the item drops when it is destroyed you don't need a capability.

if you want to create a block like the enderchest that has its own inventory for each player, you need a capability

12 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Do not use LockableLootTileEntity, use the ItemStackHandler to add an inventory to your tile entity.

What is the reason for doing so? Why use ItemStackHandler?

  • 2 weeks later...

Try This:

public class TestChestTile extends LockableLootTileEntity
    protected int Size = 36;
    private NonNullList<ItemStack> chest_items = NonNullList.withSize(Size,ItemStack.EMPTY);
    protected int numPlayerUsing;
    private IItemHandlerModifiable items = createHandler();
    private LazyOptional<IItemHandlerModifiable> itemHandler = LazyOptional.of(()-> items);
    public TestChestTile(TileEntityType<?> p_i48284_1_) {
    public TestChestTile() {

    public int getSizeInventory() {
        return Size;

    public NonNullList<ItemStack> getItems() {
        return chest_items;

    public void setItems(NonNullList<ItemStack> items) {
        this.chest_items = items;

    protected ITextComponent getDefaultName() {
        return new TranslationTextComponent("container.test_chest");

    protected Container createMenu(int id, PlayerInventory player) {
        return new TestChestContainer(id,player,this);

    public CompoundNBT write(CompoundNBT compound) {
        if (!this.checkLootAndWrite(compound)) {
            ItemStackHelper.saveAllItems(compound, this.chest_items);
        return compound;

    public void read(BlockState state,CompoundNBT compound) {
        this.chest_items = NonNullList.withSize(this.getSizeInventory(), ItemStack.EMPTY);
        if (!this.checkLootAndRead(compound)) {
            ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems(compound, this.chest_items);

    public boolean receiveClientEvent(int id, int type) {
        if(id == 1){
            this.numPlayerUsing = type;
            return true;
        } else {
            return super.receiveClientEvent(id, type);

    public void openInventory(PlayerEntity playerEntity) {
            if(this.numPlayerUsing < 0){
                this.numPlayerUsing = 0;

    public void closeInventory(PlayerEntity playerEntity) {

    protected void openOrClose(){
        Block block = this.getBlockState().getBlock();
        if (block instanceof TestChestBlock) {
            this.world.addBlockEvent(this.pos, block, 1, this.numPlayerUsing);
            this.world.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(this.pos, block);
    public static int getPlayersUsing(IBlockReader reader, BlockPos pos) {
        BlockState blockstate = reader.getBlockState(pos);
        if (blockstate.hasTileEntity()) {
            TileEntity tileentity = reader.getTileEntity(pos);
            if (tileentity instanceof TestChestTile) {
                return ((TestChestTile) tileentity).numPlayerUsing;
        return 0;

    public static void swapContents(TestChestTile te, TestChestTile otherTe) {
        NonNullList<ItemStack> list = te.getItems();

    public void updateContainingBlockInfo() {
        if (this.itemHandler != null) {
            this.itemHandler = null;

    public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> cap, @Nonnull Direction side) {
        if (cap == CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY) {
            return itemHandler.cast();
        return super.getCapability(cap, side);

    private IItemHandlerModifiable createHandler() {
        return new InvWrapper(this);

    public void remove() {
        if(itemHandler != null) {

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